blob: 6359a2071d3a6145e6f0f987080df2811581ee0e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.wayang.core.platform.lineage;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.wayang.core.platform.ChannelInstance;
import org.apache.wayang.core.util.Tuple;
* A node wraps a {@link ChannelInstance} and keeps track of predecessor nodes.
public abstract class LazyExecutionLineageNode {
* Instances that need to be executed before this instance.
private final Collection<LazyExecutionLineageNode> predecessors = new LinkedList<>();
* Pinned down {@link ChannelInstance}s that must not be disposed before this instance has been marked as
* executed.
private final Collection<ChannelInstance> pinnedDownChannelInstances = new LinkedList<>();
private boolean isExecuted = false;
* Adds a predecessor.
* @param predecessor the predecessor
public void addPredecessor(LazyExecutionLineageNode predecessor) {
assert !this.predecessors.contains(predecessor) :
String.format("Lineage predecessor %s is already present.", predecessor);
// TODO: Pinning the input ChannelInstances down like this is not very elegant.
// A better solution would be to incorporate all LazyExecutionLineageNodes into the
// reference counting scheme. However, this would imply considerable effort to get it right.
if (!this.isExecuted && predecessor instanceof ChannelLineageNode) {
ChannelInstance channelInstance = ((ChannelLineageNode) predecessor).getChannelInstance();
* Traverse this instance and all its predecessors unless they are marked as executed.
* @param accumulator state that is maintained over the traversal
* @param aggregator visits the traversed instances
* @param isMark whether traversed instances should be marked
* @param <T>
* @return the {@code accumulator} in its final state
public <T> T traverse(T accumulator, Aggregator<T> aggregator, boolean isMark) {
if (!this.isExecuted) {
for (Iterator<LazyExecutionLineageNode> i = this.predecessors.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
LazyExecutionLineageNode predecessor =;
accumulator = predecessor.traverse(accumulator, aggregator, isMark);
if (predecessor.isExecuted) {
accumulator = this.accept(accumulator, aggregator);
if (isMark) this.markAsExecuted();
return accumulator;
protected abstract <T> T accept(T accumulator, Aggregator<T> aggregator);
* Mark that this instance should not be traversed any more.
protected void markAsExecuted() {
LogManager.getLogger(this.getClass()).debug("Marking {} as executed.", this);
this.isExecuted = true;
// Free pinned down ChannelInstances.
for (ChannelInstance channelInstance : this.pinnedDownChannelInstances) {
public <T> T traverseAndMark(T accumulator, Aggregator<T> aggregator) {
return this.traverse(accumulator, aggregator, true);
public <T> T traverse(T accumulator, Aggregator<T> aggregator) {
return this.traverse(accumulator, aggregator, false);
* Set all of the {@code inputs} as predecessors of the {@code operatorContext} each of the {@code outputs}.
* @param inputs input {@link ChannelInstance}s
* @param executionLineageNode in-between {@link ExecutionLineageNode}
* @param outputs output {@link ChannelInstance}s
* @see #addPredecessor(LazyExecutionLineageNode)
public static void connectAll(ChannelInstance[] inputs,
ExecutionLineageNode executionLineageNode,
ChannelInstance[] outputs) {
for (ChannelInstance input : inputs) {
if (input != null) executionLineageNode.addPredecessor(input.getLineage());
for (ChannelInstance output : outputs) {
if (output != null) output.getLineage().addPredecessor(executionLineageNode);
* Collect and mark all unmarked {@link ExecutionLineageNode}s in this instance.
* @return the collected {@link ExecutionLineageNode}s and produced {@link ChannelInstance}s
public Tuple<Collection<ExecutionLineageNode>, Collection<ChannelInstance>> collectAndMark() {
return this.collectAndMark(new LinkedList<>(), new LinkedList<>());
* Collect and mark all unmarked {@link LazyExecutionLineageNode}s in this instance.
* @param executionLineageCollector collects the unmarked {@link ExecutionLineageNode}
* @param channelInstanceCollector collects the {@link ChannelInstance} in the unmarked {@link LazyExecutionLineageNode}s
* @return the two collectors
public Tuple<Collection<ExecutionLineageNode>, Collection<ChannelInstance>> collectAndMark(
Collection<ExecutionLineageNode> executionLineageCollector,
Collection<ChannelInstance> channelInstanceCollector
) {
return this.traverseAndMark(
new Tuple<>(executionLineageCollector, channelInstanceCollector),
new CollectingAggregator()
* Callback interface for traversals of {@link LazyExecutionLineageNode}s, thereby accumulating the callback return values.
* @param <T> type of the accumulator
public interface Aggregator<T> {
* Visit an {@link ChannelLineageNode}.
* @param accumulator current accumulator value
* @param node the visited {@link ChannelLineageNode}
* @return the new accumulator value
T aggregate(T accumulator, ChannelLineageNode node);
* Visit an {@link ExecutionLineageNode}.
* @param accumulator current accumulator value
* @param node the visited {@link ExecutionLineageNode}
* @return the new accumulator value
T aggregate(T accumulator, ExecutionLineageNode node);
* {@link Aggregator} implementation that collects all visited {@link LazyExecutionLineageNode} contents.
public static class CollectingAggregator
implements Aggregator<Tuple<Collection<ExecutionLineageNode>, Collection<ChannelInstance>>> {
public Tuple<Collection<ExecutionLineageNode>, Collection<ChannelInstance>> aggregate(
Tuple<Collection<ExecutionLineageNode>, Collection<ChannelInstance>> accumulator,
ChannelLineageNode node) {
return accumulator;
public Tuple<Collection<ExecutionLineageNode>, Collection<ChannelInstance>> aggregate(
Tuple<Collection<ExecutionLineageNode>, Collection<ChannelInstance>> accumulator,
ExecutionLineageNode node) {
return accumulator;