blob: 9cd892eb347d00424d1af70efc83a084058b56ed [file] [log] [blame]
from pywayang.types import (GenericTco, Predicate, Function, FlatmapFunction, IterableO)
from pywayang.operator.base import (WyOperator)
from pywayang.operator.unary import (FilterOperator, MapOperator, FlatmapOperator)
from pywayang.operator.sink import TextFileSink
class DataQuanta(GenericTco):
Represents an intermediate result/data flow edge in a [[WayangPlan]].
previous : WyOperator = None
def __init__(self, operator: WyOperator):
self.operator = operator
def filter(self: "DataQuanta[T]", p: Predicate) -> "DataQuanta[T]" :
return DataQuanta(FilterOperator(p))
def map(self: "DataQuanta[I]", f: Function) -> "DataQuanta[O]" :
return DataQuanta(MapOperator(f))
def flatmap(self: "DataQuanta[I]", f: FlatmapFunction) -> "DataQuanta[IterableO]" :
return DataQuanta(FlatmapOperator(f))
def storeTextFile(self: "DataQuanta[I]", path: str) :
last = DataQuanta(TextFileSink(path))
# TODO add the logic to execute the plan
def getOperator(self):
return self.operator
def __str__(self):
return str(self.operator)
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()