blob: eb0a83b8b3a20d105a7dd6899705da018787b937 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.qcri.rheem.apps.sgd
import org.qcri.rheem.apps.util.{ExperimentDescriptor, Parameters, ProfileDBHelper}
import org.qcri.rheem.core.api.Configuration
* Companion for the [[SGDImpl]] class.
object SGD extends ExperimentDescriptor {
override def version = "1.0"
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
// Parse args.
if (args.isEmpty) {
println(s"Usage: scala <main class> ${Parameters.experimentHelp} <plugin(,plugin)*> " +
s"<aggregation (regular|preaggregation)> <dataset URL> <dataset size> <#features> <max iterations> <accuracy> <sample size>")
implicit val experiment = Parameters.createExperiment(args(0), this)
implicit val configuration = new Configuration
val plugins = Parameters.loadPlugins(args(1))
experiment.getSubject.addConfiguration("plugins", args(1))
val aggregationType = args(2)
experiment.getSubject.addConfiguration("aggregationType", aggregationType)
val datasetUrl = args(3)
experiment.getSubject.addConfiguration("input", datasetUrl)
val datasetSize = args(4).toInt
experiment.getSubject.addConfiguration("inputSize", datasetSize)
val numFeatures = args(5).toInt
experiment.getSubject.addConfiguration("features", numFeatures)
val maxIterations = args(6).toInt
experiment.getSubject.addConfiguration("maxIterations", maxIterations)
val accuracy = args(7).toDouble
experiment.getSubject.addConfiguration("accuracy", accuracy)
val sampleSize = args(8).toInt
experiment.getSubject.addConfiguration("sampleSize", sampleSize)
var weights: Array[Double] = null
aggregationType match {
case "regular" =>
// Initialize the SGD algorithm.
val sgd = new SGDImpl(configuration, plugins.toArray)
// Run the SGD.
weights = sgd(datasetUrl, datasetSize, numFeatures, maxIterations, accuracy, sampleSize, experiment)
case "preaggregation" =>
// Initialize the SGD algorithm.
val sgd = new SGDImprovedImpl(configuration, plugins.toArray)
// Run the SGD.
weights = sgd(datasetUrl, datasetSize, numFeatures, maxIterations, accuracy, sampleSize, experiment)
case other => sys.error("Unknown aggregation type: " + other)
// Store experiment data., configuration)
// Print the result.
if (weights != null) println(s"Determined weights: ${ => f"$w%,.5f").mkString(", ")}")