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<h1 style="color: white; font-size: 4em">Publication</h1>
<h2 style="color: white; font-size: 2em">"Rheem: Enabling Multi-Platform Task Execution"</h2>
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<p class="italic">By <span class="bold">Divy Agrawal, Lamine Ba, Laure Berti-Equille, Sanjay Chawla, Ahmed Elmagarmid, Hossam Hammady, Yasser Idris, Zoi Kaoudi, Zuhair Khayyat, Sebastian Kruse, Mourad Ouzzani, Paolo Papotti, Jorge-Arnulfo Quiané-Ruiz, Nan Tang and Mohammed J. Zaki</span> on <span class="bold">2016</span></p>
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Many emerging applications, from domains such as healthcare and oil &amp; gas, require several data processing systems for complex analytics. This demo paper showcases Rheem, a framework that provides multi-platform task execution for such applications. It features a three-layer data processing abstraction and a new query optimization approach for multi-platform settings. We will demonstrate the strengths of Rheem by using real-world scenarios from three different applications, namely, machine learning, data cleaning, and data fusion.
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Apache Wayang is an effort undergoing Incubation at The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), sponsored by the Incubator. Incubation is required of all newly accepted projects until a further review indicates that the infrastructure, communications, and decision making process have stabilized in a manner consistent with other successful ASF projects. While incubation status is not necessarily a reflection of the completeness or stability of the code, it does indicate that the project has yet to be fully endorsed by the ASF.
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