allow editing the node location field in the UI
diff --git a/ui/js/coffee/ b/ui/js/coffee/
index 2b0ecee..4119d0c 100644
--- a/ui/js/coffee/
+++ b/ui/js/coffee/
@@ -49,6 +49,27 @@
 deleteNode = (id, stats) ->
     xdelete('node/modify', {id: id}, {}, location.reload())
+nodeLocation = (id, obj) ->
+    if not document.getElementById("tnodeloc_#{id}")
+        loc = obj.innerText
+        obj.innerHTML = ""
+        ip = mk('input', {data: loc, id: "tnodeloc_#{id}", type: 'text', onkeydown: "saveNodeLocation(#{id}, this, event);"})
+        app(obj, ip)
+        ip.focus()
+saveNodeLocation = (id, obj, e) ->
+    if e.key == 'Enter'
+        nloc = obj.value
+        post('node/modify', { id: id, location: nloc}, {id: id, location: nloc}, savedNodeLocation)
+    else if e.key == 'Escape'
+        savedNodeLocation({}, {id: id, location: obj.getAttribute('data')})
+savedNodeLocation = (json, state) ->
+    obj = document.getElementById("nodeloc_#{}")
+    obj.innerHTML = ""
+    app(obj, txt(state.location))
 clientlist = (json, state) ->
     slist = mk('div')
@@ -98,10 +119,13 @@
             app(d, t)
             # node location
-            t = mk('td')
+            t = mk('td', {id: "nodeloc_#{}", onclick: "nodeLocation(#{}, this, event);"})
             app(t, txt(source.location||"(unknown)"))
             app(d, t)
             # node verified?
             t = mk('td')
    = if source.verified then "#393" else '#942'