blob: 539d26940026c4ef657915f80f938d09386ac8c6 [file] [log] [blame]
# Master UI account setup
driver: sqlite
path: accounts.db
userid: text primary key # user ID
password: text # password digest
superuser: boolean # admin or not?
# UI sessions
driver: sqlite
path: sessions.db
cookie: text # HTTP cookie
userid: text # corresponding user account
timestamp: integer # cookie use timestamp (for timing out sessions)
# Node registry database setup
driver: sqlite
path: nodes.db
id: integer primary key # ID of node
hostname: text # hostname of node
apikey: text # API key for requests
pubkey: text # public key for encryption/certification
verified: boolean # Whether we have verified (accepted) this node via UI
enabled: boolean # enabled/disabled
description: text # Optional description of node
location: text # Physical location of node (addr or DC)
ip: text # Known public IP of node
lastping: integer # Last time node was alive