blob: 26cd8b5121b1def4fa432d3b883b944cca6ab0df [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto";
option java_package = "org.apache.uniffle.proto";
option java_outer_classname = "RssProtos";
option java_generate_equals_and_hash = true;
package rss.common;
service ShuffleServer {
rpc registerShuffle (ShuffleRegisterRequest) returns (ShuffleRegisterResponse);
rpc sendShuffleData (SendShuffleDataRequest) returns (SendShuffleDataResponse);
rpc getLocalShuffleIndex (GetLocalShuffleIndexRequest) returns (GetLocalShuffleIndexResponse);
rpc getLocalShuffleData (GetLocalShuffleDataRequest) returns (GetLocalShuffleDataResponse);
rpc getMemoryShuffleData (GetMemoryShuffleDataRequest) returns (GetMemoryShuffleDataResponse);
rpc commitShuffleTask (ShuffleCommitRequest) returns (ShuffleCommitResponse);
rpc reportShuffleResult (ReportShuffleResultRequest) returns (ReportShuffleResultResponse);
rpc getShuffleResult (GetShuffleResultRequest) returns (GetShuffleResultResponse);
rpc getShuffleResultForMultiPart (GetShuffleResultForMultiPartRequest) returns (GetShuffleResultForMultiPartResponse);
rpc finishShuffle (FinishShuffleRequest) returns (FinishShuffleResponse);
rpc requireBuffer (RequireBufferRequest) returns (RequireBufferResponse);
rpc appHeartbeat(AppHeartBeatRequest) returns (AppHeartBeatResponse);
message FinishShuffleRequest {
string appId = 1;
int32 shuffleId = 2;
message FinishShuffleResponse {
StatusCode status = 1;
string retMsg = 2;
message RequireBufferRequest {
int32 requireSize = 1;
message RequireBufferResponse {
int64 requireBufferId = 1;
StatusCode status = 2;
string retMsg = 3;
message ShuffleDataBlockSegment {
int64 blockId = 1;
int64 offset = 2;
int32 length = 3;
int32 uncompressLength = 4;
int64 crc = 5;
int64 taskAttemptId = 6;
message GetLocalShuffleDataRequest {
string appId = 1;
int32 shuffleId = 2;
int32 partitionId = 3;
int32 partitionNumPerRange = 4;
int32 partitionNum = 5;
int64 offset = 6;
int32 length = 7;
message GetLocalShuffleDataResponse {
bytes data = 1;
StatusCode status = 2;
string retMsg = 3;
message GetMemoryShuffleDataRequest {
string appId = 1;
int32 shuffleId = 2;
int32 partitionId = 3;
int64 lastBlockId = 4;
int32 readBufferSize = 5;
message GetMemoryShuffleDataResponse {
repeated ShuffleDataBlockSegment shuffleDataBlockSegments = 1;
bytes data = 2;
StatusCode status = 3;
string retMsg = 4;
message GetLocalShuffleIndexRequest {
string appId = 1;
int32 shuffleId = 2;
int32 partitionId = 3;
int32 partitionNumPerRange = 4;
int32 partitionNum = 5;
message GetLocalShuffleIndexResponse {
bytes indexData = 1;
StatusCode status = 2;
string retMsg = 3;
message ReportShuffleResultRequest {
string appId = 1;
int32 shuffleId = 2;
int64 taskAttemptId = 3;
int32 bitmapNum = 4;
repeated PartitionToBlockIds partitionToBlockIds = 5;
message PartitionToBlockIds {
int32 partitionId = 1;
repeated int64 blockIds = 2;
message ReportShuffleResultResponse {
StatusCode status = 1;
string retMsg = 2;
message GetShuffleResultRequest {
string appId = 1;
int32 shuffleId = 2;
int32 partitionId = 3;
message GetShuffleResultResponse {
StatusCode status = 1;
string retMsg = 2;
bytes serializedBitmap = 3;
message GetShuffleResultForMultiPartRequest {
string appId = 1;
int32 shuffleId = 2;
repeated int32 partitions = 3;
message GetShuffleResultForMultiPartResponse {
StatusCode status = 1;
string retMsg = 2;
bytes serializedBitmap = 3;
message ShufflePartitionRange {
int32 start = 1;
int32 end = 2;
message ShuffleRegisterRequest {
string appId = 1;
int32 shuffleId = 2;
repeated ShufflePartitionRange partitionRanges = 3;
RemoteStorage remoteStorage = 4;
string user = 5;
message ShuffleRegisterResponse {
StatusCode status = 1;
string retMsg = 2;
message SendShuffleDataRequest {
string appId = 1;
int32 shuffleId = 2;
int64 requireBufferId = 3;
repeated ShuffleData shuffleData = 4;
message SendShuffleDataResponse {
StatusCode status = 1;
string retMsg = 2;
message ShuffleData {
int32 partitionId = 1;
repeated ShuffleBlock block = 2;
message ShuffleBlock {
int64 blockId = 1;
int32 length = 2;
int32 uncompressLength = 3;
int64 crc = 4;
bytes data = 5;
int64 taskAttemptId = 6;
message ShuffleCommitRequest {
string appId = 1;
int32 shuffleId = 2;
message ShuffleCommitResponse {
int32 commitCount = 1;
StatusCode status = 2;
string retMsg = 3;
message ShuffleServerHeartBeatRequest {
ShuffleServerId serverId = 1;
int64 usedMemory = 2;
int64 preAllocatedMemory = 3;
int64 availableMemory = 4;
int32 eventNumInFlush = 5;
repeated string tags = 6;
google.protobuf.BoolValue isHealthy = 7;
message ShuffleServerHeartBeatResponse {
StatusCode status = 1;
string retMsg = 2;
message ShuffleServerId {
string id = 1;
string ip = 2;
int32 port = 3;
message ShuffleServerResult {
StatusCode status = 1;
string retMsg = 2;
/** Status code to identify the status of response */
enum StatusCode {
// add more status
service CoordinatorServer {
// Get Shuffle Server list
rpc getShuffleServerList(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (GetShuffleServerListResponse);
// Count Shuffle Server number
rpc getShuffleServerNum(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (GetShuffleServerNumResponse);
// Ask for suitable Shuffle Servers with partitions
rpc getShuffleAssignments(GetShuffleServerRequest) returns (GetShuffleAssignmentsResponse);
// Heartbeat between Shuffle Server and Coordinator Server
rpc heartbeat(ShuffleServerHeartBeatRequest) returns (ShuffleServerHeartBeatResponse);
// Get the global configuration of this Rss-cluster, i.e., data storage info
rpc getShuffleDataStorageInfo(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (GetShuffleDataStorageInfoResponse);
rpc checkServiceAvailable(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (CheckServiceAvailableResponse);
// Report a client operation's result to coordinator server
rpc reportClientOperation(ReportShuffleClientOpRequest) returns (ReportShuffleClientOpResponse);
// Heartbeat between Shuffle Application and Coordinator Server
rpc appHeartbeat(AppHeartBeatRequest) returns (AppHeartBeatResponse);
// Access to the remote shuffle service cluster
rpc accessCluster(AccessClusterRequest) returns (AccessClusterResponse);
// Get basic client conf from coordinator
rpc fetchClientConf(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (FetchClientConfResponse);
// Get remote storage from coordinator
rpc fetchRemoteStorage(FetchRemoteStorageRequest) returns (FetchRemoteStorageResponse);
message AppHeartBeatRequest {
string appId = 1;
message AppHeartBeatResponse {
StatusCode status = 1;
string retMsg = 2;
message GetShuffleServerListResponse {
repeated ShuffleServerId servers = 1;
message GetShuffleServerNumResponse {
int32 num = 1;
message GetShuffleServerRequest {
string clientHost = 1;
string clientPort = 2;
string clientProperty = 3;
string applicationId = 4;
int32 shuffleId = 5;
int32 partitionNum = 6;
int32 partitionNumPerRange = 7;
int32 dataReplica = 8;
repeated string requireTags = 9;
int32 assignmentShuffleServerNumber = 10;
message PartitionRangeAssignment {
int32 startPartition = 1;
int32 endPartition = 2;
// replica
repeated ShuffleServerId server = 3;
message GetShuffleAssignmentsResponse {
StatusCode status = 1;
repeated PartitionRangeAssignment assignments = 2;
string retMsg = 3;
message ReportShuffleClientOpRequest {
string clientHost = 1;
int32 clientPort = 2;
ShuffleServerId server = 3;
string operation = 4;
message ReportShuffleClientOpResponse {
StatusCode status = 1;
string retMsg = 2;
message GetShuffleDataStorageInfoResponse {
string storage = 1;
string storagePath = 2;
string storagePattern = 3;
message CheckServiceAvailableResponse {
StatusCode status = 1;
bool available = 2;
message AccessClusterRequest {
string accessId = 1;
repeated string tags = 2;
map<string, string> extraProperties = 3;
message AccessClusterResponse {
StatusCode status = 1;
string retMsg = 2;
message FetchClientConfResponse {
StatusCode status = 1;
string retMsg = 2;
repeated ClientConfItem clientConf = 3;
message ClientConfItem {
string key = 1;
string value = 2;
message FetchRemoteStorageRequest {
string appId = 1;
message RemoteStorageConfItem {
string key = 1;
string value = 2;
message RemoteStorage {
string path = 1;
repeated RemoteStorageConfItem remoteStorageConf = 2;
message FetchRemoteStorageResponse {
StatusCode status = 1;
RemoteStorage remoteStorage = 2;