blob: 2adf37c60216ba9c18e60e573b9e9fd7448579bd [file] [log] [blame]
1. Title: [#<issue>] <type>(<scope>): <subject>
- "[#123] feat(operator): support xxx"
- "[#233] fix: check null before access result in xxx"
- "[MINOR] refactor: fix typo in variable name"
- "[MINOR] docs: fix typo in README"
- "[#255] test: fix flaky test NameOfTheTest"
2. Contributor guidelines:
3. If the PR is unfinished, please mark this PR as draft.
### What changes were proposed in this pull request?
(Please outline the changes and how this PR fixes the issue.)
### Why are the changes needed?
(Please clarify why the changes are needed. For instance,
1. If you propose a new API, clarify the use case for a new API.
2. If you fix a bug, describe the bug.)
Fix: # (issue)
### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?
(Please list the user-facing changes introduced by your change, including
1. Change in user-facing APIs.
2. Addition or removal of property keys.)
### How was this patch tested?
(Please test your changes, and provide instructions on how to test it:
1. If you add a feature or fix a bug, add a test to cover your changes.
2. If you fix a flaky test, repeat it for many times to prove it works.)