blob: 93067d604277a8d15fcb90abf5fe8a0e4abb0ac0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.tuweni.eth.repository
import org.apache.tuweni.bytes.Bytes
import org.apache.tuweni.bytes.Bytes32
import org.apache.tuweni.eth.Address
import org.apache.tuweni.eth.BlockHeader
import org.apache.tuweni.eth.Hash
import org.apache.tuweni.eth.TransactionReceipt
import org.apache.tuweni.eth.repository.BlockHeaderFields.COINBASE
import org.apache.tuweni.eth.repository.BlockHeaderFields.DIFFICULTY
import org.apache.tuweni.eth.repository.BlockHeaderFields.EXTRA_DATA
import org.apache.tuweni.eth.repository.BlockHeaderFields.GAS_LIMIT
import org.apache.tuweni.eth.repository.BlockHeaderFields.GAS_USED
import org.apache.tuweni.eth.repository.BlockHeaderFields.NUMBER
import org.apache.tuweni.eth.repository.BlockHeaderFields.OMMERS_HASH
import org.apache.tuweni.eth.repository.BlockHeaderFields.PARENT_HASH
import org.apache.tuweni.eth.repository.BlockHeaderFields.STATE_ROOT
import org.apache.tuweni.eth.repository.BlockHeaderFields.TIMESTAMP
import org.apache.tuweni.eth.repository.BlockHeaderFields.TOTAL_DIFFICULTY
import org.apache.tuweni.units.bigints.UInt256
import org.apache.tuweni.units.ethereum.Gas
import org.apache.lucene.document.Document
import org.apache.lucene.document.Field
import org.apache.lucene.document.NumericDocValuesField
import org.apache.lucene.document.SortedDocValuesField
import org.apache.lucene.document.StringField
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexableField
import org.apache.lucene.index.Term
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef
* Reader of a blockchain index.
* Allows to query for fields for exact or range matches.
interface BlockchainIndexReader {
* Find a value in a range.
* @param field the name of the field
* @param minValue the minimum value, inclusive
* @param maxValue the maximum value, inclusive
* @return the matching block header hashes.
fun findInRange(field: BlockHeaderFields, minValue: UInt256, maxValue: UInt256): List<Hash>
* Find exact matches for a field.
* @param field the name of the field
* @param value the value of the field.
* @return the matching block header hashes.
fun findBy(field: BlockHeaderFields, value: Bytes): List<Hash>
* Find exact matches for a field.
* @param field the name of the field
* @param value the value of the field.
* @return the matching block header hashes.
fun findBy(field: BlockHeaderFields, value: Long): List<Hash>
* Find exact matches for a field.
* @param field the name of the field
* @param value the value of the field.
* @return the matching block header hashes.
fun findBy(field: BlockHeaderFields, value: Gas): List<Hash>
* Find exact matches for a field.
* @param field the name of the field
* @param value the value of the field.
* @return the matching block header hashes.
fun findBy(field: BlockHeaderFields, value: UInt256): List<Hash>
* Find exact matches for a field.
* @param field the name of the field
* @param value the value of the field.
* @return the matching block header hashes.
fun findBy(field: BlockHeaderFields, value: Address): List<Hash>
* Find exact matches for a field.
* @param field the name of the field
* @param value the value of the field.
* @return the matching block header hashes.
fun findBy(field: BlockHeaderFields, value: Hash): List<Hash>
* Find the hash of the block header with the largest value of a specific block header field
* @param field the field to query on
* @return the matching hash with the largest field value.
fun findByLargest(field: BlockHeaderFields): Hash?
* Finds hashes of blocks by hash or number.
* @param hashOrNumber the hash of a block header, or its number as a 32-byte word
* @return the matching block header hashes.
fun findByHashOrNumber(hashOrNumber: Bytes32): List<Hash>
* Find a value in a range.
* @param field the name of the field
* @param minValue the minimum value, inclusive
* @param maxValue the maximum value, inclusive
* @return the matching block header hashes.
fun findInRange(field: TransactionReceiptFields, minValue: UInt256, maxValue: UInt256): List<Hash>
* Find exact matches for a field.
* @param field the name of the field
* @param value the value of the field.
* @return the matching block header hashes.
fun findBy(field: TransactionReceiptFields, value: Bytes): List<Hash>
* Find exact matches for a field.
* @param field the name of the field
* @param value the value of the field.
* @return the matching block header hashes.
fun findBy(field: TransactionReceiptFields, value: Int): List<Hash>
* Find exact matches for a field.
* @param field the name of the field
* @param value the value of the field.
* @return the matching block header hashes.
fun findBy(field: TransactionReceiptFields, value: Long): List<Hash>
* Find exact matches for a field.
* @param field the name of the field
* @param value the value of the field.
* @return the matching block header hashes.
fun findBy(field: TransactionReceiptFields, value: Gas): List<Hash>
* Find exact matches for a field.
* @param field the name of the field
* @param value the value of the field.
* @return the matching block header hashes.
fun findBy(field: TransactionReceiptFields, value: UInt256): List<Hash>
* Find exact matches for a field.
* @param field the name of the field
* @param value the value of the field.
* @return the matching block header hashes.
fun findBy(field: TransactionReceiptFields, value: Address): List<Hash>
* Find exact matches for a field.
* @param field the name of the field
* @param value the value of the field.
* @return the matching block header hashes.
fun findBy(field: TransactionReceiptFields, value: Hash): List<Hash>
* Find the hash of the block header with the largest value of a specific block header field
* @param field the field to query on
* @return the matching hash with the largest field value.
fun findByLargest(field: TransactionReceiptFields): Hash?
* Find a transaction request by block hash and index.
* @param blockHash the block hash
* @param index the index of the transaction in the block
* @return the matching hash of the transaction if found
fun findByBlockHashAndIndex(blockHash: Hash, index: Int): Hash?
* Retrieves the total difficulty of the block header, if it has been computed.
* @param hash the hash of the header
* @return the total difficulty of the header if it could be computed.
fun totalDifficulty(hash: Hash): UInt256?
* Indexer for blockchain elements.
interface BlockchainIndexWriter {
* Indexes a block header.
* @param blockHeader the block header to index
fun indexBlockHeader(blockHeader: BlockHeader)
* Indexes a transaction receipt.
* @param txReceipt the transaction receipt to index
* @param txIndex the index of the transaction in the block
* @param txHash the hash of the transaction
* @param blockHash the hash of the block
fun indexTransactionReceipt(txReceipt: TransactionReceipt, txIndex: Int, txHash: Hash, blockHash: Hash)
* Exception thrown when an issue arises when reading the index.
internal class IndexReadException(e: Exception) : RuntimeException(e)
* Exception thrown when an issue arises while writing to the index.
internal class IndexWriteException(e: Exception) : RuntimeException(e)
* A Lucene-backed indexer capable of indexing blocks and block headers.
class BlockchainIndex(private val indexWriter: IndexWriter) : BlockchainIndexWriter, BlockchainIndexReader {
private val searcherManager: SearcherManager
init {
if (!indexWriter.isOpen) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Index writer should be opened")
try {
searcherManager = SearcherManager(indexWriter, SearcherFactory())
} catch (e: IOException) {
throw UncheckedIOException(e)
* Provides a function to index elements and committing them. If an exception is thrown in the function, the write is
* rolled back.
* @param indexer function indexing data to be committed
fun index(indexer: (BlockchainIndexWriter) -> Unit) {
try {
try {
} catch (e: IOException) {
throw IndexWriteException(e)
} catch (t: Throwable) {
try {
} catch (e: IOException) {
throw IndexWriteException(e)
throw t
override fun indexBlockHeader(blockHeader: BlockHeader) {
val document = mutableListOf<IndexableField>()
val id = toBytesRef(blockHeader.hash())
document.add(StringField("_id", id, Field.Store.YES))
document.add(StringField("_type", "block", Field.Store.NO))
blockHeader.parentHash()?.let { hash ->
val hashRef = toBytesRef(hash)
document += StringField(
queryBlockDocs(TermQuery(Term("_id", hashRef)), listOf(TOTAL_DIFFICULTY)).firstOrNull()?.let {
it.getField(TOTAL_DIFFICULTY.fieldName)?.let {
val totalDifficulty = blockHeader.difficulty().add(UInt256.fromBytes(Bytes.wrap(it.binaryValue().bytes)))
val diffBytes = toBytesRef(totalDifficulty.toBytes())
document += StringField(TOTAL_DIFFICULTY.fieldName, diffBytes, Field.Store.YES)
document += SortedDocValuesField(TOTAL_DIFFICULTY.fieldName, diffBytes)
} ?: run {
val diffBytes = toBytesRef(blockHeader.difficulty().toBytes())
document += StringField(TOTAL_DIFFICULTY.fieldName, diffBytes, Field.Store.YES)
document += SortedDocValuesField(TOTAL_DIFFICULTY.fieldName, diffBytes)
document += StringField(OMMERS_HASH.fieldName, toBytesRef(blockHeader.ommersHash()), Field.Store.NO)
document += StringField(COINBASE.fieldName, toBytesRef(blockHeader.coinbase()), Field.Store.NO)
document += StringField(STATE_ROOT.fieldName, toBytesRef(blockHeader.stateRoot()), Field.Store.NO)
document += StringField(DIFFICULTY.fieldName, toBytesRef(blockHeader.difficulty()), Field.Store.NO)
document += StringField(NUMBER.fieldName, toBytesRef(blockHeader.number()), Field.Store.NO)
document += StringField(GAS_LIMIT.fieldName, toBytesRef(blockHeader.gasLimit()), Field.Store.NO)
document += StringField(GAS_USED.fieldName, toBytesRef(blockHeader.gasUsed()), Field.Store.NO)
document += StringField(EXTRA_DATA.fieldName, toBytesRef(blockHeader.extraData()), Field.Store.NO)
document += NumericDocValuesField(TIMESTAMP.fieldName, blockHeader.timestamp().toEpochMilli())
try {
indexWriter.updateDocument(Term("_id", id), document)
} catch (e: IOException) {
throw IndexWriteException(e)
override fun indexTransactionReceipt(txReceipt: TransactionReceipt, txIndex: Int, txHash: Hash, blockHash: Hash) {
val document = mutableListOf<IndexableField>()
val id = toBytesRef(txHash)
document += StringField("_id", id, Field.Store.YES)
document += StringField("_type", "txReceipt", Field.Store.NO)
document += NumericDocValuesField(TransactionReceiptFields.INDEX.fieldName, txIndex.toLong())
document += StringField(TransactionReceiptFields.TRANSACTION_HASH.fieldName, id, Field.Store.NO)
document += StringField(TransactionReceiptFields.BLOCK_HASH.fieldName, toBytesRef(blockHash.toBytes()),
for (log in txReceipt.logs()) {
document += StringField(TransactionReceiptFields.LOGGER.fieldName, toBytesRef(log.logger()), Field.Store.NO)
for (logTopic in log.topics()) {
document += StringField(TransactionReceiptFields.LOG_TOPIC.fieldName, toBytesRef(logTopic), Field.Store.NO)
txReceipt.stateRoot()?.let {
document += StringField(TransactionReceiptFields.STATE_ROOT.fieldName, toBytesRef(it), Field.Store.NO)
document += StringField(TransactionReceiptFields.BLOOM_FILTER.fieldName,
toBytesRef(txReceipt.bloomFilter().toBytes()), Field.Store.NO)
document += NumericDocValuesField(TransactionReceiptFields.CUMULATIVE_GAS_USED.fieldName,
txReceipt.status()?.let {
document += NumericDocValuesField(TransactionReceiptFields.STATUS.fieldName, it.toLong())
try {
indexWriter.updateDocument(Term("_id", id), document)
} catch (e: IOException) {
throw IndexWriteException(e)
private fun queryBlockDocs(query: Query): List<Document> = queryBlockDocs(query, emptyList())
private fun queryTxReceiptDocs(query: Query): List<Document> = queryTxReceiptDocs(query, emptyList())
private fun queryTxReceiptDocs(query: Query, fields: List<BlockHeaderFields>): List<Document> {
val txQuery = BooleanQuery.Builder().add(
query, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST)
.add(TermQuery(Term("_type", "txReceipt")), BooleanClause.Occur.MUST).build()
return search(txQuery, { it.fieldName })
private fun search(query: Query, fields: List<String>): List<Document> {
var searcher: IndexSearcher? = null
try {
searcher = searcherManager.acquire()
val topDocs = searcher!!.search(query, HITS)
val docs = mutableListOf<Document>()
for (hit in topDocs.scoreDocs) {
val doc = searcher.doc(hit.doc, setOf("_id") + fields)
docs += doc
return docs
} catch (e: IOException) {
throw IndexReadException(e)
} finally {
try {
} catch (e: IOException) {
private fun queryBlockDocs(query: Query, fields: List<BlockHeaderFields>): List<Document> {
val blockQuery = BooleanQuery.Builder().add(
query, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST)
.add(TermQuery(Term("_type", "block")), BooleanClause.Occur.MUST).build()
return search(blockQuery, { it.fieldName })
private fun queryBlocks(query: Query): List<Hash> {
val hashes = mutableListOf<Hash>()
for (doc in queryBlockDocs(query)) {
val bytes = doc.getBinaryValue("_id")
return hashes
private fun queryTxReceipts(query: Query): List<Hash> {
val hashes = mutableListOf<Hash>()
for (doc in queryTxReceiptDocs(query)) {
val bytes = doc.getBinaryValue("_id")
return hashes
override fun findInRange(field: BlockHeaderFields, minValue: UInt256, maxValue: UInt256): List<Hash> {
return queryBlocks(TermRangeQuery(field.fieldName, toBytesRef(minValue), toBytesRef(maxValue), true, true))
override fun findBy(field: BlockHeaderFields, value: Bytes): List<Hash> {
return findByOneTerm(field, toBytesRef(value))
override fun findBy(field: BlockHeaderFields, value: Long): List<Hash> {
return queryBlocks(NumericDocValuesField.newSlowExactQuery(field.fieldName, value))
override fun findByLargest(field: BlockHeaderFields): Hash? {
var searcher: IndexSearcher? = null
try {
searcher = searcherManager.acquire()
val topDocs = searcher!!.search(
TermQuery(Term("_type", "block")),
Sort(SortField.FIELD_SCORE, SortField(field.fieldName, SortField.Type.DOC, true))
for (hit in topDocs.scoreDocs) {
val doc = searcher.doc(hit.doc, setOf("_id"))
val bytes = doc.getBinaryValue("_id")
return Hash.fromBytes(Bytes32.wrap(bytes.bytes))
return null
} catch (e: IOException) {
throw IndexReadException(e)
} finally {
try {
} catch (e: IOException) {
override fun findBy(field: BlockHeaderFields, value: Gas): List<Hash> {
return findByOneTerm(field, toBytesRef(value))
override fun findBy(field: BlockHeaderFields, value: UInt256): List<Hash> {
return findByOneTerm(field, toBytesRef(value))
override fun findBy(field: BlockHeaderFields, value: Address): List<Hash> {
return findByOneTerm(field, toBytesRef(value))
override fun findBy(field: BlockHeaderFields, value: Hash): List<Hash> {
return findByOneTerm(field, toBytesRef(value))
override fun findInRange(field: TransactionReceiptFields, minValue: UInt256, maxValue: UInt256): List<Hash> {
return queryBlocks(TermRangeQuery(field.fieldName, toBytesRef(minValue), toBytesRef(maxValue), true, true))
override fun findBy(field: TransactionReceiptFields, value: Bytes): List<Hash> {
return findByOneTerm(field, toBytesRef(value))
override fun findBy(field: TransactionReceiptFields, value: Int): List<Hash> {
return findBy(field, value.toLong())
override fun findBy(field: TransactionReceiptFields, value: Long): List<Hash> {
return queryTxReceipts(NumericDocValuesField.newSlowExactQuery(field.fieldName, value))
override fun findByLargest(field: TransactionReceiptFields): Hash? {
var searcher: IndexSearcher? = null
try {
searcher = searcherManager.acquire()
val topDocs = searcher!!.search(
TermQuery(Term("_type", "txReceipt")),
Sort(SortField.FIELD_SCORE, SortField(field.fieldName, SortField.Type.DOC, true))
for (hit in topDocs.scoreDocs) {
val doc = searcher.doc(hit.doc, setOf("_id"))
val bytes = doc.getBinaryValue("_id")
return Hash.fromBytes(Bytes32.wrap(bytes.bytes))
return null
} catch (e: IOException) {
throw IndexReadException(e)
} finally {
try {
} catch (e: IOException) {
override fun findBy(field: TransactionReceiptFields, value: Gas): List<Hash> {
return findByOneTerm(field, toBytesRef(value))
override fun findBy(field: TransactionReceiptFields, value: UInt256): List<Hash> {
return findByOneTerm(field, toBytesRef(value))
override fun findBy(field: TransactionReceiptFields, value: Address): List<Hash> {
return findByOneTerm(field, toBytesRef(value))
override fun findBy(field: TransactionReceiptFields, value: Hash): List<Hash> {
return findByOneTerm(field, toBytesRef(value))
override fun findByBlockHashAndIndex(blockHash: Hash, index: Int): Hash? {
return queryTxReceipts(
TermQuery(Term(TransactionReceiptFields.BLOCK_HASH.fieldName, toBytesRef(blockHash))),
NumericDocValuesField.newSlowExactQuery(TransactionReceiptFields.INDEX.fieldName, index.toLong()),
override fun findByHashOrNumber(hashOrNumber: Bytes32): List<Hash> {
val query = BooleanQuery.Builder()
.add(BooleanClause(TermQuery(Term("_id", toBytesRef(hashOrNumber))), BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD))
TermQuery(Term(NUMBER.fieldName, toBytesRef(hashOrNumber))),
return queryBlocks(query)
override fun totalDifficulty(hash: Hash): UInt256? =
queryBlockDocs(TermQuery(Term("_id", toBytesRef(hash))), listOf(TOTAL_DIFFICULTY)).firstOrNull()?.let {
it.getField(TOTAL_DIFFICULTY.fieldName)?.binaryValue()?.bytes?.let { bytes ->
private fun findByOneTerm(field: BlockHeaderFields, value: BytesRef): List<Hash> {
return queryBlocks(TermQuery(Term(field.fieldName, value)))
private fun findByOneTerm(field: TransactionReceiptFields, value: BytesRef): List<Hash> {
return queryTxReceipts(TermQuery(Term(field.fieldName, value)))
private fun toBytesRef(gas: Gas): BytesRef {
return BytesRef(gas.toBytes().toArrayUnsafe())
private fun toBytesRef(bytes: Bytes): BytesRef {
return BytesRef(bytes.toArrayUnsafe())
private fun toBytesRef(uint: UInt256): BytesRef {
return toBytesRef(uint.toBytes())
private fun toBytesRef(address: Address): BytesRef {
return toBytesRef(address.toBytes())
private fun toBytesRef(hash: Hash): BytesRef {
return toBytesRef(hash.toBytes())
companion object {
private val HITS = 10