blob: dd54a9fc53b2a2a7d856d816b56783f75079281f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.tuweni.devp2p
import kotlinx.coroutines.CancellationException
import kotlinx.coroutines.CompletableDeferred
import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineExceptionHandler
import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.Deferred
import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
import kotlinx.coroutines.ExperimentalCoroutinesApi
import kotlinx.coroutines.Job
import kotlinx.coroutines.ObsoleteCoroutinesApi
import kotlinx.coroutines.TimeoutCancellationException
import kotlinx.coroutines.async
import kotlinx.coroutines.awaitAll
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.Channel
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.ClosedReceiveChannelException
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.ClosedSendChannelException
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.SendChannel
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.consumeEach
import kotlinx.coroutines.delay
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import kotlinx.coroutines.withTimeout
import kotlinx.coroutines.withTimeoutOrNull
import kotlinx.coroutines.yield
import org.apache.tuweni.bytes.Bytes
import org.apache.tuweni.bytes.Bytes32
import org.apache.tuweni.concurrent.AsyncCompletion
import org.apache.tuweni.concurrent.AsyncResult
import org.apache.tuweni.concurrent.coroutines.CoroutineLatch
import org.apache.tuweni.concurrent.coroutines.asyncCompletion
import org.apache.tuweni.concurrent.coroutines.asyncResult
import org.apache.tuweni.crypto.SECP256K1
import org.apache.tuweni.kademlia.orderedInsert
import org.apache.tuweni.kademlia.xorDistCmp
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException
import java.time.Instant
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong
import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext
internal const val PACKET_EXPIRATION_PERIOD_MS: Long = (20 * 1000) // 20 seconds
internal const val PACKET_EXPIRATION_CHECK_GRACE_MS: Long = (5 * 1000) // 5 seconds
internal const val PEER_VERIFICATION_TIMEOUT_MS: Long = (22 * 1000) // 22 seconds (packet expiration + a little)
internal const val ENR_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS: Long = (22 * 1000) // 22 seconds (packet expiration + a little)
internal const val PEER_VERIFICATION_RETRY_DELAY_MS: Long = (5 * 60 * 1000) // 5 minutes
internal const val ENR_REQUEST_RETRY_DELAY_MS: Long = (5 * 60 * 1000) // 5 minutes
internal const val BOOTSTRAP_PEER_VERIFICATION_TIMEOUT_MS: Long = (2 * 60 * 1000) // 2 minutes
internal const val REFRESH_INTERVAL_MS: Long = (60 * 1000) // 1 minute
internal const val PING_RETRIES: Int = 20
internal const val RESEND_DELAY_MS: Long = 1000 // 1 second
internal const val RESEND_DELAY_INCREASE_MS: Long = 500 // 500 milliseconds
internal const val RESEND_MAX_DELAY_MS: Long = (30 * 1000) // 30 seconds
internal const val ENDPOINT_PROOF_LONGEVITY_MS: Long = (12 * 60 * 60 * 1000) // 12 hours
internal const val FIND_NODES_CACHE_EXPIRY: Long = (3 * 60 * 1000) // 3 minutes
internal const val FIND_NODES_QUERY_GAP_MS: Long = (30 * 1000) // 30 seconds
internal const val LOOKUP_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_MS: Long = 500 // 500 milliseconds
* An Ethereum ÐΞVp2p discovery service.
* This service supports devp2p discovery v4, alongside support for EIP-868.
interface DiscoveryService {
companion object {
internal val CURRENT_TIME_SUPPLIER: () -> Long = { System.currentTimeMillis() }
internal val DEFAULT_BUFFER_ALLOCATOR = { ByteBuffer.allocate(Packet.MAX_SIZE) }
* Start the discovery service.
* @param keyPair the local node's keypair
* @param port the port to listen on (defaults to `0`, which will cause a random free port to be chosen)
* @param host the host name or IP address of the interface to bind to (defaults to `null`, which will cause the
* service to listen on all interfaces
* @param seq the sequence number of the Ethereum Node Record
* @param enrData the additional key/value pair entries to broadcast as an Ethereum Node Record (ENR).
* @param bootstrapURIs the URIs for bootstrap nodes
* @param peerRepository a [PeerRepository] for obtaining [Peer] instances
* @param advertiseAddress the IP address to advertise to peers, or `null` if the address of the first bound
* interface should be used.
* @param advertiseUdpPort the UDP port to advertise to peers, or `null` if the bound port should to be used.
* @param advertiseTcpPort the TCP port to advertise to peers, or `null` if it should be the same as the UDP port.
* @param routingTable a [PeerRoutingTable] which handles the ÐΞVp2p routing table
* @param packetFilter a filter for incoming packets
* @param channelGroup the [CoroutineChannelGroup] for network channels created by this service
* @param bufferAllocator a [ByteBuffer] allocator, which must return buffers of size 1280 bytes or larger
* @param timeSupplier a function supplying the current time, in milliseconds since the epoch
fun open(
keyPair: SECP256K1.KeyPair,
port: Int = 0,
host: String? = null,
seq: Long =,
enrData: Map<String, Bytes> = emptyMap(),
bootstrapURIs: List<URI> = emptyList(),
peerRepository: PeerRepository = EphemeralPeerRepository(),
advertiseAddress: InetAddress? = null,
advertiseUdpPort: Int? = null,
advertiseTcpPort: Int? = null,
routingTable: PeerRoutingTable = DevP2PPeerRoutingTable(keyPair.publicKey()),
packetFilter: ((SECP256K1.PublicKey, InetSocketAddress) -> Boolean)? = null,
channelGroup: CoroutineChannelGroup = CommonCoroutineGroup,
bufferAllocator: () -> ByteBuffer = DEFAULT_BUFFER_ALLOCATOR,
timeSupplier: () -> Long = CURRENT_TIME_SUPPLIER
): DiscoveryService {
val bindAddress = if (host == null) InetSocketAddress(port) else InetSocketAddress(host, port)
return open(
* Start the discovery service.
* @param keyPair the local node's keypair
* @param bindAddress the address to listen on
* @param seq the sequence number of the Ethereum Node Record
* @param enrData the additional key/value pair entries to broadcast as an Ethereum Node Record (ENR).
* @param bootstrapURIs the URIs for bootstrap nodes
* @param peerRepository a [PeerRepository] for obtaining [Peer] instances
* @param advertiseAddress the IP address to advertise for incoming packets
* @param advertiseUdpPort the UDP port to advertise to peers, or `null` if the bound port should to be used.
* @param advertiseTcpPort the TCP port to advertise to peers, or `null` if it should be the same as the UDP port.
* @param routingTable a [PeerRoutingTable] which handles the ÐΞVp2p routing table
* @param packetFilter a filter for incoming packets
* @param channelGroup the [CoroutineChannelGroup] for network channels created by this service
* @param bufferAllocator a [ByteBuffer] allocator, which must return buffers of size 1280 bytes or larger
* @param timeSupplier a function supplying the current time, in milliseconds since the epoch
fun open(
keyPair: SECP256K1.KeyPair,
bindAddress: InetSocketAddress,
seq: Long =,
enrData: Map<String, Bytes> = emptyMap(),
bootstrapURIs: List<URI> = emptyList(),
peerRepository: PeerRepository = EphemeralPeerRepository(),
advertiseAddress: InetAddress? = null,
advertiseUdpPort: Int? = null,
advertiseTcpPort: Int? = null,
routingTable: PeerRoutingTable = DevP2PPeerRoutingTable(keyPair.publicKey()),
packetFilter: ((SECP256K1.PublicKey, InetSocketAddress) -> Boolean)? = null,
channelGroup: CoroutineChannelGroup = CommonCoroutineGroup,
bufferAllocator: () -> ByteBuffer = DEFAULT_BUFFER_ALLOCATOR,
timeSupplier: () -> Long = CURRENT_TIME_SUPPLIER
): DiscoveryService {
return CoroutineDiscoveryService(
keyPair, seq, enrData, bindAddress, bootstrapURIs, advertiseAddress, advertiseUdpPort, advertiseTcpPort,
peerRepository, routingTable, packetFilter, channelGroup, bufferAllocator, timeSupplier
* `true` if the service has been shutdown
val isShutdown: Boolean
* `true` if the service has terminated
val isTerminated: Boolean
* the UDP port that the service is listening on
val localPort: Int
* the node id for this node (i.e. it's public key)
val nodeId: SECP256K1.PublicKey
* Suspend until the bootstrap peers have been reached, or failed.
* @return the number of bootstrap peers successfully added
suspend fun awaitBootstrap(): Int
* Attempt to find a specific peer, or peers close to it.
* @param target the node-id to search for
* @return a list of 16 peers, ordered by their distance to the target node-id.
suspend fun lookup(target: SECP256K1.PublicKey): List<Peer>
* Attempt to find a specific peer, or peers close to it asynchronously.
* @param target the node-id to search for
* @return a future of a list of 16 peers, ordered by their distance to the target node-id.
fun lookupAsync(target: SECP256K1.PublicKey): AsyncResult<List<Peer>>
* Request shutdown of this service. The service will terminate at a later time (see [DiscoveryService.awaitTermination]).
fun shutdown()
* Suspend until this service has terminated.
suspend fun awaitTermination()
* Provide a completion that will complete when the service has terminated.
* @return A completion that will complete when the service has terminated.
fun awaitTerminationAsync(): AsyncCompletion
* Shutdown this service immediately.
fun shutdownNow()
val invalidPackets: Long
val selfPackets: Long
val expiredPackets: Long
val filteredPackets: Long
val unvalidatedPeerPackets: Long
val unexpectedPongs: Long
val unexpectedNeighbors: Long
val unexpectedENRResponses: Long
internal class CoroutineDiscoveryService(
private val keyPair: SECP256K1.KeyPair,
private val seq: Long =,
private val enrData: Map<String, Bytes>,
bindAddress: InetSocketAddress,
bootstrapURIs: List<URI> = emptyList(),
advertiseAddress: InetAddress? = null,
advertiseUdpPort: Int? = null,
advertiseTcpPort: Int? = null,
private val peerRepository: PeerRepository = EphemeralPeerRepository(),
private val routingTable: PeerRoutingTable = DevP2PPeerRoutingTable(keyPair.publicKey()),
private val packetFilter: ((SECP256K1.PublicKey, InetSocketAddress) -> Boolean)? = null,
channelGroup: CoroutineChannelGroup = CommonCoroutineGroup,
private val bufferAllocator: () -> ByteBuffer = DiscoveryService.DEFAULT_BUFFER_ALLOCATOR,
private val timeSupplier: () -> Long = DiscoveryService.CURRENT_TIME_SUPPLIER,
private val channel: CoroutineDatagramChannel =
) : DiscoveryService, CoroutineScope {
companion object {
internal val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(
private val serviceDescriptor = "ÐΞVp2p discovery " + System.identityHashCode(this)
private val selfEndpoint: Endpoint
private val enr: Bytes
private val job = Job()
// override the default exception handler, which dumps to stderr
override val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext
get() = job + Dispatchers.Default + CoroutineExceptionHandler { _, _ -> }
private val activityLatch = CoroutineLatch(1)
private val bootstrapperCount: Deferred<Int>
private val refreshLoop: Job
override val isShutdown: Boolean
get() = !channel.isOpen
override val isTerminated: Boolean
get() = activityLatch.isOpen
override val localPort: Int
get() = channel.localPort
override val nodeId: SECP256K1.PublicKey
get() = keyPair.publicKey()
private val verifyingEndpoints: Cache<InetSocketAddress, EndpointVerification> =
CacheBuilder.newBuilder().expireAfterAccess(PEER_VERIFICATION_RETRY_DELAY_MS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS).build()
private val requestingENRs: Cache<InetSocketAddress, ENRRequest> =
CacheBuilder.newBuilder().expireAfterAccess(ENR_REQUEST_RETRY_DELAY_MS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS).build()
private val awaitingPongs = ConcurrentHashMap<Bytes32, EndpointVerification>()
private val awaitingENRs = ConcurrentHashMap<Bytes32, ENRRequest>()
private val findNodeStates: Cache<SECP256K1.PublicKey, FindNodeState> =
CacheBuilder.newBuilder().expireAfterAccess(FIND_NODES_CACHE_EXPIRY, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
.removalListener<SECP256K1.PublicKey, FindNodeState> { it.value.close() }
override var invalidPackets: Long by AtomicLong(0)
override var selfPackets: Long by AtomicLong(0)
override var expiredPackets: Long by AtomicLong(0)
override var filteredPackets: Long by AtomicLong(0)
override var unvalidatedPeerPackets: Long by AtomicLong(0)
override var unexpectedPongs: Long by AtomicLong(0)
override var unexpectedENRResponses: Long by AtomicLong(0)
override var unexpectedNeighbors: Long by AtomicLong(0)
init {
selfEndpoint = Endpoint(
advertiseAddress ?: channel.getAdvertisableAddress()!!,
advertiseUdpPort ?: channel.localPort,
enr = EthereumNodeRecord.toRLP(
keyPair, seq, enrData, selfEndpoint.address, selfEndpoint.tcpPort,
val bootstrapping = { uri ->
async {
try {
} finally {
bootstrapperCount = async {
bootstrapping.awaitAll().sumBy { success -> if (success) 1 else 0 }
refreshLoop = launch {
try {
while (true) {
} finally {
}"{}: started, listening on {}", serviceDescriptor, channel.localAddress)
launch {
try {
} finally {
for (pending in awaitingPongs.values) {
}"{}: terminated", serviceDescriptor)
private suspend fun bootstrapFrom(uri: URI): Boolean {
val (bootstrapNodeId, endpoint) = parseEnodeUri(uri)
val peer = peerRepository.get(bootstrapNodeId)
val now = timeSupplier()
peer.updateEndpoint(endpoint, now)
try {
endpointVerification(endpoint, peer).verifyWithRetries()
} ?: return false
if (result.peer != peer) {
"{}: ignoring bootstrap peer {} - responding node used a different node-id",
serviceDescriptor, uri
return false
}"{}: verified bootstrap peer {}", serviceDescriptor, uri)
findNodes(peer, nodeId)"{}: completed bootstrapping from {}", serviceDescriptor, uri)
return true
} catch (_: TimeoutCancellationException) {
logger.warn("{}: timeout verifying bootstrap node {}", serviceDescriptor, uri)
return false
private suspend fun receivePackets() {
while (channel.isOpen) {
val datagram = bufferAllocator()
val address = try {
} catch (e: ClosedChannelException) {
// do quick sanity checks and discard bad packets before launching a co-routine
if (datagram.limit() < Packet.MIN_SIZE) {
logger.debug("{}: ignoring under-sized packet with source {}", serviceDescriptor, address)
if (datagram.limit() > Packet.MAX_SIZE) {
logger.debug("{}: ignoring over-sized packet with source {}", serviceDescriptor, address)
val arrivalTime = timeSupplier()
val job = launch {
try {
receivePacket(datagram, address, arrivalTime)
} catch (e: Throwable) {
logger.error(serviceDescriptor + ": unexpected error during packet handling", e)
job.invokeOnCompletion { activityLatch.countDown() }
override suspend fun awaitBootstrap(): Int = bootstrapperCount.await()
override fun shutdown() {
if (channel.isOpen) {"{}: shutdown", serviceDescriptor)
override suspend fun awaitTermination() {
override fun awaitTerminationAsync(): AsyncCompletion = asyncCompletion { awaitTermination() }
override fun shutdownNow() {
override suspend fun lookup(target: SECP256K1.PublicKey): List<Peer> {
val targetId = target.bytesArray()
val results = neighbors(target).toMutableList()
// maybe add ourselves to the set
val selfPeer = peerRepository.get(nodeId)
results.orderedInsert(selfPeer) { a, _ -> targetId.xorDistCmp(a.nodeId.bytesArray(), nodeId.bytesArray()) }
val queried = mutableSetOf(selfPeer)
while (true) {
val toQuery = results.filterNot { p -> queried.contains(p) }.take(3).toList()
if (toQuery.isEmpty()) {
return results
val nodes = Channel<Node>(capacity = Channel.UNLIMITED)
toQuery.forEach { p -> findNodes(p, target, nodes) }
while (true) {
// stop if no more responses are received after the given time
val node = withTimeoutOrNull(LOOKUP_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_MS) { nodes.receiveOrNull() } ?: break
val peer = peerRepository.get(node.nodeId)
if (!results.contains(peer)) {
results.orderedInsert(peer) { a, _ -> targetId.xorDistCmp(a.nodeId.bytesArray(), node.nodeId.bytesArray()) }
override fun lookupAsync(target: SECP256K1.PublicKey) = asyncResult { lookup(target) }
private suspend fun refresh() {
logger.debug("{}: table refresh triggered", serviceDescriptor)
// TODO: instead of a random target, choose a target to optimally fill the peer table
private suspend fun receivePacket(datagram: ByteBuffer, address: SocketAddress, arrivalTime: Long) {
if (address !is InetSocketAddress) {
throw IOException("Datagram received from non-inet socket address: " + address.javaClass)
val packet: Packet
try {
packet = Packet.decodeFrom(datagram)
} catch (e: DecodingException) {
logger.debug("{}: ignoring invalid packet from {}", serviceDescriptor, address)
if (packet.nodeId == nodeId) {
logger.debug("{}: ignoring packet from self", serviceDescriptor)
if (packet.isExpired(arrivalTime - PACKET_EXPIRATION_CHECK_GRACE_MS)) {
logger.debug("{}: ignoring expired packet", serviceDescriptor)
if (packetFilter?.invoke(packet.nodeId, address) == false) {
logger.debug("{}: packet rejected by filter", serviceDescriptor)
when (packet) {
is PingPacket -> handlePing(packet, address, arrivalTime)
is PongPacket -> handlePong(packet, address, arrivalTime)
is FindNodePacket -> handleFindNode(packet, address, arrivalTime)
is NeighborsPacket -> handleNeighbors(packet, address)
is ENRRequestPacket -> handleENRRequest(packet, address, arrivalTime)
is ENRResponsePacket -> handleENRResponse(packet, address, arrivalTime)
}.let {} // guarantees "when" matching is exhaustive
private suspend fun handlePing(packet: PingPacket, from: InetSocketAddress, arrivalTime: Long) {
// COMPATIBILITY: The ping packet should contain the canonical endpoint for the peer, yet it is often observed to
// be incorrect (using private-subnet addresses, wildcard addresses, etc). So instead, respond to the source
// address of the packet itself.
val fromEndpoint = Endpoint(from, packet.from.tcpPort)
val peer = peerRepository.get(packet.nodeId)
// update the endpoint if the peer does not have one that's been proven
var currentEndpoint = peer.updateEndpoint(fromEndpoint, arrivalTime, arrivalTime - ENDPOINT_PROOF_LONGEVITY_MS)
if (currentEndpoint.tcpPort != packet.from.tcpPort) {
currentEndpoint = peer.updateEndpoint(
Endpoint(currentEndpoint.address, currentEndpoint.udpPort, packet.from.tcpPort),
val pong = PongPacket.create(keyPair, timeSupplier(), currentEndpoint, packet.hash, seq)
sendPacket(from, pong)
// also suggests sending a ping
// packet if the peer is unknown, however sending two packets in response to a single incoming would allow a
// traffic amplification attack
private suspend fun handlePong(packet: PongPacket, from: InetSocketAddress, arrivalTime: Long) {
val pending = awaitingPongs.remove(packet.pingHash) ?: run {
logger.debug("{}: received unexpected or late pong from {}", serviceDescriptor, from)
val sender = pending.peer
// COMPATIBILITY: If the node-id's don't match, the pong should probably be rejected. However, if a different
// peer is listening at the same address, it will respond to the ping with its node-id. Instead of rejecting,
// accept the pong and update the new peer record with the proven endpoint, preferring to keep its current
// tcpPort and otherwise keeping the tcpPort of the original peer.
val peer = if (sender.nodeId == packet.nodeId) sender else peerRepository.get(packet.nodeId)
val endpoint = if (peer.verifyEndpoint(pending.endpoint, arrivalTime)) {
} else {
val endpoint = peer.endpoint?.tcpPort?.let { port ->
Endpoint(pending.endpoint.address, pending.endpoint.udpPort, port)
} ?: pending.endpoint
peer.updateEndpoint(endpoint, arrivalTime)
peer.verifyEndpoint(endpoint, arrivalTime)
if (sender.nodeId == packet.nodeId) {
logger.debug("{}: verified peer endpoint {} (node-id: {})", serviceDescriptor, endpoint.address, peer.nodeId)
} else {
"{}: verified peer endpoint {} (node-id: {} - changed from {})", serviceDescriptor,
endpoint.address, peer.nodeId, sender.nodeId
pending.complete(VerificationResult(peer, endpoint))
if (packet.enrSeq != null) {
if (peer.enr == null || peer.enr!!.seq < packet.enrSeq) {
val now = timeSupplier()
withTimeoutOrNull(ENR_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS) { enrRequest(endpoint, peer).verify(now) }
private suspend fun handleFindNode(packet: FindNodePacket, from: InetSocketAddress, arrivalTime: Long) {
// if the peer has not been validated, delay sending neighbors until it is
val peer = peerRepository.get(packet.nodeId)
val (_, endpoint) = ensurePeerIsValid(peer, from, arrivalTime) ?: run {
logger.debug("{}: received findNode from {} which cannot be validated", serviceDescriptor, from)
logger.debug("{}: received findNode from {} for target-id {}", serviceDescriptor, from,
val nodes = neighbors( { p -> p.toNode() }
val address = endpoint.udpSocketAddress
NeighborsPacket.createRequired(keyPair, timeSupplier(), nodes).forEach { p ->
logger.debug("{}: sending {} neighbors to {}", serviceDescriptor, p.nodes.size, address)
sendPacket(address, p)
private fun handleNeighbors(packet: NeighborsPacket, from: InetSocketAddress) {
findNodeStates.getIfPresent(packet.nodeId)?.let { state ->
for (node in packet.nodes) {
launch {
logger.debug("{}: received neighbour {} from {}", serviceDescriptor, node.endpoint.address, from)
val neighbor = peerRepository.get(node.nodeId)
val now = timeSupplier()
neighbor.updateEndpoint(node.endpoint, now, now - ENDPOINT_PROOF_LONGEVITY_MS)
endpointVerification(node.endpoint, neighbor).verify(now)
}?.let { result ->
"{}: adding {} to the routing table (node-id: {})", serviceDescriptor,
result.endpoint.address, result.peer.nodeId
} ?: run {
logger.debug("{}: received unexpected or late neighbors packet from {}", serviceDescriptor, from)
private suspend fun handleENRRequest(packet: ENRRequestPacket, from: InetSocketAddress, arrivalTime: Long) {
val peer = peerRepository.get(packet.nodeId)
val (_, endpoint) = ensurePeerIsValid(peer, from, arrivalTime) ?: run {
logger.debug("{}: received enrRequest from {} which cannot be validated", serviceDescriptor, from)
logger.debug("{}: received enrRequest from {}", serviceDescriptor, from)
val address = endpoint.udpSocketAddress
sendPacket(address, ENRResponsePacket.create(keyPair, timeSupplier(), packet.hash, enr))
private suspend fun handleENRResponse(packet: ENRResponsePacket, from: InetSocketAddress, arrivalTime: Long) {
val pending = awaitingENRs.remove(packet.requestHash) ?: run {
logger.debug("{}: received unexpected or late enr response from {}", serviceDescriptor, from)
val sender = pending.peer
// COMPATIBILITY: If the node-id's don't match, the pong should probably be rejected. However, if a different
// peer is listening at the same address, it will respond to the ping with its node-id. Instead of rejecting,
// accept the pong and update the new peer record with the proven endpoint, preferring to keep its current
// tcpPort and otherwise keeping the tcpPort of the original peer.
val peer = if (sender.nodeId == packet.nodeId) sender else peerRepository.get(packet.nodeId)
val enr = EthereumNodeRecord.fromRLP(packet.enr)
try {
} catch (e: InvalidNodeRecordException) {
logger.debug("Invalid ENR", e)
peer.updateENR(enr, arrivalTime)
pending.complete(ENRResult(peer, enr))
private fun addToRoutingTable(peer: Peer) {
routingTable.add(peer)?.let { contested ->
launch {
contested.endpoint?.let { endpoint ->
withTimeoutOrNull(PEER_VERIFICATION_TIMEOUT_MS) { endpointVerification(endpoint, contested).verify() }
} ?: routingTable.evict(contested)
private suspend fun ensurePeerIsValid(
peer: Peer,
address: InetSocketAddress,
arrivalTime: Long
): VerificationResult? {
val now = timeSupplier()
peer.getEndpoint(now - ENDPOINT_PROOF_LONGEVITY_MS)?.let { endpoint ->
// already valid
return VerificationResult(peer, endpoint)
val endpoint = peer.updateEndpoint(
Endpoint(address, peer.endpoint?.tcpPort),
return withTimeoutOrNull(PEER_VERIFICATION_TIMEOUT_MS) { endpointVerification(endpoint, peer).verify(now) }
private fun endpointVerification(endpoint: Endpoint, peer: Peer) =
verifyingEndpoints.get(endpoint.udpSocketAddress) { EndpointVerification(endpoint, peer) }
// a representation of the state and current action for verifying an endpoint,
// to avoid concurrent attempts to verify the same endpoint
private inner class EndpointVerification(val endpoint: Endpoint, val peer: Peer) {
private val deferred = CompletableDeferred<VerificationResult?>()
private var active: Job? = null
private var nextPingMs: Long = 0
private var retryDelay: Long = 0
suspend fun verify(now: Long = timeSupplier()): VerificationResult? {
if (!deferred.isCompleted) {
// if not already actively pinging and enough time has passed since the last ping, send a single ping
synchronized(this) {
if (active?.isCompleted != false && now >= nextPingMs) {
nextPingMs = now + RESEND_DELAY_MS
launch { sendPing(now) }
return deferred.await()
suspend fun verifyWithRetries(): VerificationResult? {
if (!deferred.isCompleted) {
// if not already actively pinging, start pinging with retries
synchronized(this) {
if (active?.isCompleted != false) {
active = launch {
repeat(PING_RETRIES) {
delay(nextPingMs - timeSupplier())
nextPingMs = timeSupplier() + RESEND_DELAY_MS
if (retryDelay > RESEND_MAX_DELAY_MS) {
return deferred.await()
private suspend fun sendPing(now: Long = timeSupplier()) {
val pingPacket = PingPacket.create(keyPair, now, selfEndpoint, endpoint, seq)
// create local references to be captured in the closure, rather than the whole packet instance
val hash = pingPacket.hash
val timeout = pingPacket.expiration - now
// very unlikely that there is another ping packet created with the same hash yet a different EndpointVerification
// instance, but if there is then the first will be waiting on a deferred that never completes and will
// eventually time out
if (awaitingPongs.put(hash, this) != this) {
launch {
sendPacket(endpoint.udpSocketAddress, pingPacket)
fun complete(result: VerificationResult?): Boolean {
return deferred.complete(result)
private data class VerificationResult(
/** The peer that responded to the verification request. */
val peer: Peer,
* The endpoint that was verified.
* This will typically be the same as peer.endpoint, but may not be due to concurrent updates.
val endpoint: Endpoint
private fun enrRequest(endpoint: Endpoint, peer: Peer) =
requestingENRs.get(endpoint.udpSocketAddress) { ENRRequest(endpoint, peer) }
// a representation of the state and current action for querying an ENR from a peer,
// to avoid concurrent attempts to request the same information.
private inner class ENRRequest(val endpoint: Endpoint, val peer: Peer) {
private val deferred = CompletableDeferred<ENRResult?>()
private var active: Job? = null
private var nextENRRequest: Long = 0
private var retryDelay: Long = 0
suspend fun verify(now: Long = timeSupplier()): ENRResult? {
if (!deferred.isCompleted) {
// if not already actively requesting and enough time has passed since the last request, send a single request
synchronized(this) {
if (active?.isCompleted != false && now >= nextENRRequest) {
nextENRRequest = now + RESEND_DELAY_MS
launch { sendENRRequest(now) }
return deferred.await()
private suspend fun sendENRRequest(now: Long = timeSupplier()) {
val enrRequestPacket = ENRRequestPacket.create(keyPair, now)
// create local references to be captured in the closure, rather than the whole packet instance
val hash = enrRequestPacket.hash
val timeout = enrRequestPacket.expiration - now
// very unlikely that there is another ping packet created with the same hash yet a different ENRRequest
// instance, but if there is then the first will be waiting on a deferred that never completes and will
// eventually time out
if (awaitingENRs.put(hash, this) != this) {
launch {
sendPacket(endpoint.udpSocketAddress, enrRequestPacket)
fun complete(result: ENRResult?): Boolean {
return deferred.complete(result)
private data class ENRResult(
val peer: Peer,
val enr: EthereumNodeRecord
private suspend fun findNodes(peer: Peer, target: SECP256K1.PublicKey) {
// consume all received nodes (and discard), thus suspending until completed
Channel<Node>(capacity = Channel.CONFLATED).also { findNodes(peer, target, it) }.consumeEach { }
private suspend fun findNodes(peer: Peer, target: SECP256K1.PublicKey, channel: SendChannel<Node>) {
if (peer.nodeId == nodeId) {
// for queries to self, respond directly
neighbors(target).map { p -> channel.send(p.toNode()) }
findNodeStates.get(peer.nodeId) { FindNodeState(peer) }.findNodes(target, channel)
private fun neighbors(target: SECP256K1.PublicKey) = routingTable.nearest(target, DEVP2P_BUCKET_SIZE)
private data class FindNodeRequest(val target: SECP256K1.PublicKey, val results: SendChannel<Node>)
private inner class FindNodeState(val peer: Peer) {
// the protocol doesn't have a correlation mechanism between findNode requests and the associated responses,
// so requests have to be queued and a delay between them used to try and determine when no more responses
// will be sent
private val targets = Channel<FindNodeRequest>(capacity = Channel.UNLIMITED)
private val job: Job
private var results: SendChannel<Node>? = null
private var lastReceive: Long = 0
init {
job = launch { sendLoop() }
private suspend fun sendLoop() {
try {
while (true) {
val request = targets.receive()
if (request.results.isClosedForSend) {
val endpoint = peer.endpoint
if (endpoint == null) {
var now = timeSupplier()
results = request.results
lastReceive = now
val findNodePacket = FindNodePacket.create(keyPair, now,
sendPacket(endpoint.udpSocketAddress, findNodePacket)
logger.debug("{}: sent findNode to {} for {}", serviceDescriptor, endpoint.udpSocketAddress,
// wait for results, only moving onto the next when packets stop arriving for a reasonable period
do {
delay(lastReceive - now + FIND_NODES_QUERY_GAP_MS)
now = timeSupplier()
} while (now - lastReceive < FIND_NODES_QUERY_GAP_MS)
results = null
// issue a "get" on the state cache, to indicate that this state is still in use
val state = findNodeStates.getIfPresent(peer.nodeId)
if (state != this) {
logger.warn("{}: findNode state for {} has been replaced")
} catch (_: ClosedReceiveChannelException) {
// ignore
} catch (_: CancellationException) {
// ignore
} catch (_: ClosedChannelException) {
// ignore
} catch (e: Exception) {
"$serviceDescriptor: Error while sending FindNode requests for peer ${peer.nodeId}",
suspend fun findNodes(target: SECP256K1.PublicKey, channel: SendChannel<Node>) {
targets.send(FindNodeRequest(target, channel))
fun receive(nodes: List<Node>) {
results?.let { channel ->
lastReceive = timeSupplier()
try {
nodes.forEach { node -> channel.offer(node) }
} catch (_: ClosedSendChannelException) {
results = null
fun close() {
while (true) {
val request = targets.poll() ?: break
private suspend fun sendPacket(address: InetSocketAddress, packet: Packet) {
val buffer = bufferAllocator()
channel.send(buffer, address)