blob: 10122566164d59ba37b91a3502c152efc90bf729 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.tuweni.eth.repository
import org.apache.tuweni.bytes.Bytes
import org.apache.tuweni.bytes.Bytes32
import org.apache.tuweni.eth.Block
import org.apache.tuweni.eth.BlockBody
import org.apache.tuweni.eth.BlockHeader
import org.apache.tuweni.eth.Hash
import org.apache.tuweni.eth.TransactionReceipt
import org.apache.tuweni.kv.KeyValueStore
* Repository housing blockchain information.
* This repository allows storing blocks, block headers and metadata about the blockchain, such as forks and head
* information.
class BlockchainRepository
* Default constructor.
* @param chainMetadata the key-value store to store chain metadata
* @param blockBodyStore the key-value store to store block bodies
* @param blockHeaderStore the key-value store to store block headers
* @param blockchainIndex the blockchain index to index values
private val chainMetadata: KeyValueStore,
private val blockBodyStore: KeyValueStore,
private val blockHeaderStore: KeyValueStore,
private val transactionReceiptsStore: KeyValueStore,
private val blockchainIndex: BlockchainIndex
) {
companion object {
val GENESIS_BLOCK = Bytes.wrap("genesisBlock".toByteArray())
* Initializes a blockchain repository with metadata, placing it in key-value stores.
* @return a new blockchain repository made from the metadata passed in parameter.
suspend fun init(
blockBodyStore: KeyValueStore,
blockHeaderStore: KeyValueStore,
chainMetadata: KeyValueStore,
transactionReceiptsStore: KeyValueStore,
blockchainIndex: BlockchainIndex,
genesisBlock: Block
): BlockchainRepository {
val repo = BlockchainRepository(chainMetadata,
return repo
* Stores a block body into the repository.
* @param blockBody the block body to store
* @return a handle to the storage operation completion
suspend fun storeBlockBody(blockHash: Hash, blockBody: BlockBody) {
blockBodyStore.put(blockHash.toBytes(), blockBody.toBytes())
* Stores a block into the repository.
* @param block the block to store
* @return a handle to the storage operation completion
suspend fun storeBlock(block: Block) {
storeBlockBody(block.header().hash(), block.body())
blockHeaderStore.put(block.header().hash().toBytes(), block.header().toBytes())
* Store all the transaction receipts of a block in the repository.
* Transaction receipts should be ordered by the transactions order of the block.
* @param transactionReceipts the transaction receipts to store
* @param txHash the hash of the transaction
* @param blockHash the hash of the block that this transaction belongs to
suspend fun storeTransactionReceipts(vararg transactionReceipts: TransactionReceipt, txHash: Hash, blockHash: Hash) {
for (i in 0 until transactionReceipts.size) {
storeTransactionReceipt(transactionReceipts[i], i, txHash, blockHash)
* Stores a transaction receipt in the repository.
* @param transactionReceipt the transaction receipt to store
* @param txIndex the index of the transaction in the block
* @param txHash the hash of the transaction
* @param blockHash the hash of the block that this transaction belongs to
suspend fun storeTransactionReceipt(
transactionReceipt: TransactionReceipt,
txIndex: Int,
txHash: Hash,
blockHash: Hash
) {
transactionReceiptsStore.put(txHash.toBytes(), transactionReceipt.toBytes())
indexTransactionReceipt(transactionReceipt, txIndex, txHash, blockHash)
* Stores a block header in the repository.
* @param header the block header to store
* @return handle to the storage operation completion
suspend fun storeBlockHeader(header: BlockHeader) {
blockHeaderStore.put(header.hash().toBytes(), header.toBytes())
private suspend fun indexBlockHeader(header: BlockHeader) {
blockchainIndex.index { writer -> writer.indexBlockHeader(header) }
for (hash in findBlocksByParentHash(header.hash())) {
blockHeaderStore.get(hash.toBytes())?.let { bytes ->
private suspend fun indexTransactionReceipt(
txReceipt: TransactionReceipt,
txIndex: Int,
txHash: Hash,
blockHash: Hash
) {
blockchainIndex.index {
it.indexTransactionReceipt(txReceipt, txIndex, txHash, blockHash)
* Retrieves a block into the repository as its serialized RLP bytes representation.
* @param blockHash the hash of the block stored
* @return a future with the bytes if found
suspend fun retrieveBlockBodyBytes(blockHash: Hash): Bytes? {
return retrieveBlockBodyBytes(blockHash.toBytes())
* Retrieves a block body into the repository as its serialized RLP bytes representation.
* @param blockHash the hash of the block stored
* @return a future with the bytes if found
suspend fun retrieveBlockBodyBytes(blockHash: Bytes): Bytes? {
return blockBodyStore.get(blockHash)
* Retrieves a block body into the repository.
* @param blockHash the hash of the block stored
* @return a future with the block if found
suspend fun retrieveBlockBody(blockHash: Hash): BlockBody? {
return retrieveBlockBody(blockHash.toBytes())
* Retrieves a block body into the repository.
* @param blockHash the hash of the block stored
* @return a future with the block if found
suspend fun retrieveBlockBody(blockHash: Bytes): BlockBody? {
return retrieveBlockBodyBytes(blockHash)?.let { BlockBody.fromBytes(it) }
* Retrieves a block into the repository.
* @param blockHash the hash of the block stored
* @return a future with the block if found
suspend fun retrieveBlock(blockHash: Hash): Block? {
return retrieveBlock(blockHash.toBytes())
* Retrieves a block into the repository.
* @param blockHash the hash of the block stored
* @return a future with the block if found
suspend fun retrieveBlock(blockHash: Bytes): Block? {
return retrieveBlockBody(blockHash)?.let {
body -> this.retrieveBlockHeader(blockHash)?.let { Block(it, body) }
} ?: return null
* Retrieves a block header into the repository as its serialized RLP bytes representation.
* @param blockHash the hash of the block stored
* @return a future with the block header bytes if found
suspend fun retrieveBlockHeaderBytes(blockHash: Hash): Bytes? {
return retrieveBlockBodyBytes(blockHash.toBytes())
* Retrieves a block header into the repository as its serialized RLP bytes representation.
* @param blockHash the hash of the block stored
* @return a future with the block header bytes if found
suspend fun retrieveBlockHeaderBytes(blockHash: Bytes): Bytes? {
return blockHeaderStore.get(blockHash)
* Retrieves a block header into the repository.
* @param blockHash the hash of the block stored
* @return a future with the block header if found
suspend fun retrieveBlockHeader(blockHash: Hash): BlockHeader? {
return retrieveBlockHeaderBytes(blockHash.toBytes())?.let { BlockHeader.fromBytes(it) } ?: return null
* Retrieves a block header into the repository.
* @param blockHash the hash of the block stored
* @return a future with the block header if found
suspend fun retrieveBlockHeader(blockHash: Bytes): BlockHeader? {
val bytes = retrieveBlockHeaderBytes(blockHash) ?: return null
return BlockHeader.fromBytes(bytes)
* Retrieves the block identified as the chain head
* @return the current chain head, or the genesis block if no chain head is present.
suspend fun retrieveChainHead(): Block? {
return blockchainIndex.findByLargest(BlockHeaderFields.TOTAL_DIFFICULTY)
?.let { retrieveBlock(it) } ?: retrieveGenesisBlock()
* Retrieves the block header identified as the chain head
* @return the current chain head header, or the genesis block if no chain head is present.
suspend fun retrieveChainHeadHeader(): BlockHeader? {
return blockchainIndex.findByLargest(BlockHeaderFields.TOTAL_DIFFICULTY)
?.let { retrieveBlockHeader(it) } ?: retrieveGenesisBlock()?.header()
* Retrieves the block identified as the genesis block
* @return the genesis block
suspend fun retrieveGenesisBlock(): Block? {
return chainMetadata.get(GENESIS_BLOCK)?.let { retrieveBlock(it) }
* Retrieves all transaction receipts associated with a block.
* @param blockHash the hash of the block
* @return all transaction receipts associated with a block, in the correct order
suspend fun retrieveTransactionReceipts(blockHash: Hash): List<TransactionReceipt?> {
return blockchainIndex.findBy(TransactionReceiptFields.BLOCK_HASH, blockHash).map {
transactionReceiptsStore.get(it.toBytes())?.let { TransactionReceipt.fromBytes(it) }
* Retrieves a transaction receipt associated with a block and an index
* @param blockHash the hash of the block
* @param index the index of the transaction in the block
suspend fun retrieveTransactionReceipt(blockHash: Hash, index: Int): TransactionReceipt? {
return blockchainIndex.findByBlockHashAndIndex(blockHash, index)?.let {
transactionReceiptsStore.get(it.toBytes())?.let { TransactionReceipt.fromBytes(it) }
* Retrieves a transaction receipt associated with a block and an index
* @param txHash the hash of the transaction
suspend fun retrieveTransactionReceipt(txHash: Hash): TransactionReceipt? {
return transactionReceiptsStore.get(txHash.toBytes())?.let { TransactionReceipt.fromBytes(it) }
* Finds a block according to the bytes, which can be a block number or block hash.
* @param blockNumberOrBlockHash the number or hash of the block
* @return the matching blocks
fun findBlockByHashOrNumber(blockNumberOrBlockHash: Bytes32): List<Hash> {
return blockchainIndex.findByHashOrNumber(blockNumberOrBlockHash)
* Finds hashes of blocks which have a matching parent hash.
* @param parentHash the parent hash
* @return the matching blocks
fun findBlocksByParentHash(parentHash: Hash): List<Hash> {
return blockchainIndex.findBy(BlockHeaderFields.PARENT_HASH, parentHash)
private suspend fun setGenesisBlock(block: Block) {
return chainMetadata
.put(GENESIS_BLOCK, block.header().hash().toBytes())