blob: 923dd9621e3dcda857905edb874afea86658d57c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE
* file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
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* specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
package org.apache.tuweni.scuttlebutt.handshake;
import org.apache.tuweni.bytes.Bytes;
import org.apache.tuweni.bytes.MutableBytes;
import org.apache.tuweni.crypto.sodium.SHA256Hash;
import org.apache.tuweni.crypto.sodium.SecretBox;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
final class SecureScuttlebuttStream implements SecureScuttlebuttStreamClient, SecureScuttlebuttStreamServer {
private final SecretBox.Key clientToServerKey;
private final MutableBytes clientToServerNonce;
private final SecretBox.Key serverToClientKey;
private final MutableBytes serverToClientNonce;
SHA256Hash.Hash clientToServerKey,
Bytes clientToServerNonce,
SHA256Hash.Hash serverToClientKey,
Bytes serverToClientNonce) {
this.clientToServerKey = SecretBox.Key.fromHash(clientToServerKey);
this.serverToClientKey = SecretBox.Key.fromHash(serverToClientKey);
this.clientToServerNonce = clientToServerNonce.mutableCopy();
this.serverToClientNonce = serverToClientNonce.mutableCopy();
public synchronized Bytes sendToServer(Bytes message) {
return encrypt(message, clientToServerKey, clientToServerNonce);
public synchronized Bytes sendGoodbyeToServer() {
return sendToServer(Bytes.wrap(new byte[18]));
public synchronized Bytes readFromServer(Bytes message) {
return decrypt(message, serverToClientKey, serverToClientNonce, false);
public synchronized Bytes sendToClient(Bytes message) {
return encrypt(message, serverToClientKey, serverToClientNonce);
public synchronized Bytes sendGoodbyeToClient() {
return sendToClient(Bytes.wrap(new byte[18]));
public synchronized Bytes readFromClient(Bytes message) {
return decrypt(message, clientToServerKey, clientToServerNonce, true);
private Bytes clientToServerBuffer = Bytes.EMPTY;
private Bytes serverToClientBuffer = Bytes.EMPTY;
private Bytes decrypt(Bytes message, SecretBox.Key key, MutableBytes nonce, boolean isClientToServer) {
int index = 0;
List<Bytes> decryptedMessages = new ArrayList<>();
Bytes messageWithBuffer;
if (isClientToServer) {
messageWithBuffer = Bytes.concatenate(clientToServerBuffer, message);
} else {
messageWithBuffer = Bytes.concatenate(serverToClientBuffer, message);
while (index < messageWithBuffer.size()) {
Bytes decryptedMessage = decryptMessage(messageWithBuffer.slice(index), key, nonce);
if (decryptedMessage == null) {
index += decryptedMessage.size() + 34;
if (isClientToServer) {
clientToServerBuffer = messageWithBuffer.slice(index);
} else {
serverToClientBuffer = messageWithBuffer.slice(index);
return Bytes.concatenate(decryptedMessages.toArray(new Bytes[0]));
private Bytes decryptMessage(Bytes message, SecretBox.Key key, MutableBytes nonce) {
if (message.size() < 34) {
return null;
SecretBox.Nonce headerNonce = null;
SecretBox.Nonce bodyNonce = null;
try {
MutableBytes snapshotNonce = nonce.mutableCopy();
headerNonce = SecretBox.Nonce.fromBytes(snapshotNonce);
bodyNonce = SecretBox.Nonce.fromBytes(snapshotNonce.increment());
Bytes decryptedHeader = SecretBox.decrypt(message.slice(0, 34), key, headerNonce);
if (decryptedHeader == null) {
throw new StreamException("Failed to decrypt message header");
int bodySize = ((decryptedHeader.get(0) & 0xFF) << 8) + (decryptedHeader.get(1) & 0xFF);
if (message.size() < bodySize + 34) {
return null;
Bytes body = message.slice(34, bodySize);
Bytes decryptedBody = SecretBox.decrypt(Bytes.concatenate(decryptedHeader.slice(2), body), key, bodyNonce);
if (decryptedBody == null) {
throw new StreamException("Failed to decrypt message");
return decryptedBody;
} finally {
private Bytes encrypt(Bytes message, SecretBox.Key clientToServerKey, MutableBytes clientToServerNonce) {
int messages = (int) Math.ceil((double) message.size() / 4096d);
ArrayList<Bytes> bytes = breakIntoParts(message);
List<Bytes> segments = -> encryptMessage(slice, clientToServerKey, clientToServerNonce)).collect(
return Bytes.concatenate(segments.toArray(new Bytes[] {}));
private ArrayList<Bytes> breakIntoParts(Bytes message) {
byte[] original = message.toArray();
int chunk = 4096;
ArrayList<Bytes> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < original.length; i += chunk) {
byte[] bytes = Arrays.copyOfRange(original, i, Math.min(original.length, i + chunk));
Bytes wrap = Bytes.wrap(bytes);
return result;
private Bytes encryptMessage(Bytes message, SecretBox.Key key, MutableBytes nonce) {
SecretBox.Nonce headerNonce = null;
SecretBox.Nonce bodyNonce = null;
try {
headerNonce = SecretBox.Nonce.fromBytes(nonce);
bodyNonce = SecretBox.Nonce.fromBytes(nonce.increment());
Bytes encryptedBody = SecretBox.encrypt(message, key, bodyNonce);
int bodySize = encryptedBody.size() - 16;
Bytes encodedBodySize = Bytes.ofUnsignedInt(bodySize).slice(2);
Bytes header =
SecretBox.encrypt(Bytes.concatenate(encodedBodySize, encryptedBody.slice(0, 16)), key, headerNonce);
return Bytes.concatenate(header, encryptedBody.slice(16));
} finally {
private void destroyIfNonNull(SecretBox.Nonce nonce) {
if (nonce != null) {