blob: 3cc12ec595c637c7207cb58049074d6373d2f567 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.tuweni.evmdsl
import kotlin.Byte
import org.apache.tuweni.bytes.Bytes
* An EVM instruction. It is made of an opcode, optionally followed by bytes to be consumed by the opcode execution.
interface Instruction {
fun toBytes(): Bytes
fun stackItemsNeeded() = stackItemsConsumed()
fun stackItemsConsumed(): Int
fun stackItemsProduced(): Int
fun end(): Boolean = false
data class InstructionModel(val opcode: Byte, val additionalBytesToRead: Int = 0, val creator: (code: Bytes, index: Int) -> Instruction)
* A registry of instructions that can be used to read code back into the DSL.
object InstructionRegistry {
val opcodes: Map<Byte, InstructionModel> = buildMap {
this[0x00] = InstructionModel(0x00, 0) { _, _ -> Stop }
this[0x01] = InstructionModel(0x01, 0) { _, _ -> Add }
this[0x02] = InstructionModel(0x02, 0) { _, _ -> Mul }
this[0x03] = InstructionModel(0x03, 0) { _, _ -> Sub }
this[0x04] = InstructionModel(0x04, 0) { _, _ -> Div }
this[0x05] = InstructionModel(0x05, 0) { _, _ -> SDiv }
this[0x06] = InstructionModel(0x06, 0) { _, _ -> Mod }
this[0x07] = InstructionModel(0x07, 0) { _, _ -> SMod }
this[0x08] = InstructionModel(0x08, 0) { _, _ -> AddMod }
this[0x09] = InstructionModel(0x09, 0) { _, _ -> MulMod }
this[0x10] = InstructionModel(0x10, 0) { _, _ -> Lt }
this[0x11] = InstructionModel(0x11, 0) { _, _ -> Gt }
this[0x12] = InstructionModel(0x12, 0) { _, _ -> Slt }
this[0x13] = InstructionModel(0x13, 0) { _, _ -> Sgt }
this[0x0a] = InstructionModel(0x0a, 0) { _, _ -> Exp }
this[0x0b] = InstructionModel(0x0b, 0) { _, _ -> SignExtend }
this[0x14] = InstructionModel(0x14, 0) { _, _ -> Eq }
this[0x15] = InstructionModel(0x15, 0) { _, _ -> IsZero }
this[0x16] = InstructionModel(0x16, 0) { _, _ -> And }
this[0x17] = InstructionModel(0x17, 0) { _, _ -> Or }
this[0x18] = InstructionModel(0x18, 0) { _, _ -> Xor }
this[0x19] = InstructionModel(0x19, 0) { _, _ -> Not }
this[0x1a] = InstructionModel(0x1a, 0) { _, _ -> org.apache.tuweni.evmdsl.Byte }
this[0x1b] = InstructionModel(0x1b, 0, { _, _ -> Shl })
this[0x1c] = InstructionModel(0x1c, 0, { _, _ -> Shr })
this[0x1d] = InstructionModel(0x1d, 0, { _, _ -> Sar })
this[0x20] = InstructionModel(0x20, 0) { _, _ -> Sha3 }
this[0x30] = InstructionModel(0x30, 0, { _, _ -> Address })
this[0x31] = InstructionModel(0x31, 0) { _, _ -> Balance }
this[0x32] = InstructionModel(0x32, 0) { _, _ -> Origin }
this[0x33] = InstructionModel(0x33, 0) { _, _ -> Caller }
this[0x34] = InstructionModel(0x34, 0) { _, _ -> CallValue }
this[0x35] = InstructionModel(0x35, 0) { _, _ -> CallDataLoad }
this[0x36] = InstructionModel(0x36, 0) { _, _ -> CallDataSize }
this[0x37] = InstructionModel(0x37, 0, { _, _ -> CallDataCopy })
this[0x38] = InstructionModel(0x38, 0, { _, _ -> CodeSize })
this[0x39] = InstructionModel(0x39, 0, { _, _ -> CodeCopy })
this[0x3a] = InstructionModel(0x3a, 0) { _, _ -> GasPrice }
this[0x3b] = InstructionModel(0x3b, 0) { _, _ -> ExtCodeSize }
this[0x3c] = InstructionModel(0x3c, 0) { _, _ -> ExtCodeCopy }
this[0x3d] = InstructionModel(0x3d, 0) { _, _ -> ReturnDataSize }
this[0x3e] = InstructionModel(0x3e, 0) { _, _ -> ReturnDataCopy }
this[0x3f] = InstructionModel(0x3f, 0) { _, _ -> ExtCodeHash }
this[0x40] = InstructionModel(0x40, 0) { _, _ -> BlockHash }
this[0x41] = InstructionModel(0x41, 0) { _, _ -> Coinbase }
this[0x42] = InstructionModel(0x42, 0) { _, _ -> Timestamp }
this[0x43] = InstructionModel(0x43, 0) { _, _ -> Number }
this[0x44] = InstructionModel(0x44, 0) { _, _ -> Difficulty }
this[0x45] = InstructionModel(0x45, 0) { _, _ -> GasLimit }
this[0x46] = InstructionModel(0x46, 0) { _, _ -> ChainId }
this[0x47] = InstructionModel(0x47, 0) { _, _ -> SelfBalance }
this[0x50] = InstructionModel(0x50, 0) { _, _ -> Pop }
this[0x51] = InstructionModel(0x51, 0) { _, _ -> Mload }
this[0x52] = InstructionModel(0x52, 0) { _, _ -> Mstore }
this[0x53] = InstructionModel(0x53, 0) { _, _ -> Mstore8 }
this[0x54] = InstructionModel(0x54, 0) { _, _ -> Sload }
this[0x55] = InstructionModel(0x55, 0) { _, _ -> Sstore }
this[0x56] = InstructionModel(0x56, 0) { _, _ -> Jump }
this[0x57] = InstructionModel(0x57, 0) { _, _ -> Jumpi }
this[0x58] = InstructionModel(0x58, 0) { _, _ -> Pc }
this[0x59] = InstructionModel(0x59, 0) { _, _ -> Msize }
this[0x5a] = InstructionModel(0x5a, 0) { _, _ -> Gas }
this[0x5b] = InstructionModel(0x5b, 0) { _, _ -> JumpDest }
this[0xf0.toByte()] = InstructionModel(0xf0.toByte(), 0) { _, _ -> Create }
this[0xf1.toByte()] = InstructionModel(0xf1.toByte(), 0) { _, _ -> Call }
this[0xf2.toByte()] = InstructionModel(0xf2.toByte(), 0) { _, _ -> CallCode }
this[0xf3.toByte()] = InstructionModel(0xf3.toByte(), 0) { _, _ -> Return }
this[0xf4.toByte()] = InstructionModel(0xf4.toByte(), 0) { _, _ -> DelegateCall }
this[0xf5.toByte()] = InstructionModel(0xf5.toByte(), 0) { _, _ -> Create2 }
this[0xfa.toByte()] = InstructionModel(0xfa.toByte(), 0) { _, _ -> StaticCall }
this[0xfd.toByte()] = InstructionModel(0xfd.toByte(), 0) { _, _ -> Revert }
this[0xfe.toByte()] = InstructionModel(0xfe.toByte(), 0) { _, _ -> Invalid(0xfe.toByte()) }
this[0xff.toByte()] = InstructionModel(0xff.toByte(), 0) { _, _ -> SelfDestruct }
for (i in 1..32) {
val b = (0x60 + i - 1).toByte()
this.put(b, InstructionModel(b, i) { code, index -> Push(code.slice(index, i)) })
for (i in 1..16) {
val b = (0x80 + i - 1).toByte()
this.put(b, InstructionModel(b, 0) { _, _ -> Dup(i) })
for (i in 1..16) {
val b = (0x90 + i - 1).toByte()
this.put(b, InstructionModel(b, 0) { _, _ -> Swap(i) })
for (i in 0..4) {
val b = (0xa0 + i).toByte()
this.put(b, InstructionModel(b, 0) { _, _ -> Log(i) })
for (i in 0x0c..0x0f) {
val b = i.toByte()
this.put(b, InstructionModel(b, 0) { _, _ -> Invalid(b) })
for (i in 0x21..0x2f) {
val b = i.toByte()
this.put(b, InstructionModel(b, 0) { _, _ -> Invalid(b) })
for (i in 0x49..0x4f) {
val b = i.toByte()
this.put(b, InstructionModel(b, 0) { _, _ -> Invalid(b) })
for (i in 0x5c..0x5f) {
val b = i.toByte()
this.put(b, InstructionModel(b, 0) { _, _ -> Invalid(b) })
for (i in 0xa5..0xaf) {
val b = i.toByte()
this.put(b, InstructionModel(b, 0) { _, _ -> Invalid(b) })
for (i in 0xb0..0xef) {
val b = i.toByte()
this.put(b, InstructionModel(b, 0) { _, _ -> Invalid(b) })
for (i in 0xf6..0xf9) {
val b = i.toByte()
this.put(b, InstructionModel(b, 0) { _, _ -> Invalid(b) })
for (i in 0xfb..0xfc) {
val b = i.toByte()
this.put(b, InstructionModel(b, 0) { _, _ -> Invalid(b) })
class Push(val bytesToPush: Bytes) : Instruction {
init {
if (bytesToPush.size() > 32) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Push can push at most 32 bytes, ${bytesToPush.size()} provided")
if (bytesToPush.isEmpty) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Push requires at least one byte")
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.wrap(Bytes.of((0x60 + bytesToPush.size() - 1).toByte()), bytesToPush)
override fun toString(): String = "PUSH ${bytesToPush.toHexString()}"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 0
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
data class Invalid(val invalidByte: Byte) : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(invalidByte)
override fun toString(): String = "INVALID ${Bytes.of(invalidByte)}"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 0
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 0
object Stop : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x00)
override fun toString(): String = "STOP"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 0
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 0
object Add : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x01)
override fun toString(): String = "ADD"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 2
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object Mul : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x02)
override fun toString(): String = "MUL"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 2
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object Sub : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x03)
override fun toString(): String = "SUB"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 2
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object Div : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x04)
override fun toString(): String = "DIV"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 2
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object SDiv : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x05)
override fun toString(): String = "SDIV"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 2
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object Mod : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x06)
override fun toString(): String = "MOD"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 2
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object SMod : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x07)
override fun toString(): String = "SMOD"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 2
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object AddMod : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x08)
override fun toString(): String = "ADDMOD"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 2
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object MulMod : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x09)
override fun toString(): String = "MULMOD"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 2
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object Lt : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x10)
override fun toString(): String = "LT"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 2
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object Gt : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x11)
override fun toString(): String = "GT"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 2
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object Slt : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x12)
override fun toString(): String = "SLT"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 2
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object Sgt : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x13)
override fun toString(): String = "SGT"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 2
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object Exp : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x0a)
override fun toString(): String = "EXP"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 2
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object SignExtend : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x0b)
override fun toString(): String = "SIGNEXTEND"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 2
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object Eq : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x14)
override fun toString(): String = "EQ"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 2
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object IsZero : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x15)
override fun toString(): String = "ISZERO"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 1
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object And : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x16)
override fun toString(): String = "AND"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 2
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object Or : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x17)
override fun toString(): String = "OR"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 2
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object Xor : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x18)
override fun toString(): String = "XOR"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 2
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object Not : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x19)
override fun toString(): String = "NOT"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 1
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object Byte : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x1a)
override fun toString(): String = "BYTE"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 2
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object Shl : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x1b)
override fun toString(): String = "SHL"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 2
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object Shr : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x1c)
override fun toString(): String = "SHR"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 2
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object Sar : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x1d)
override fun toString(): String = "SAR"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 2
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object Sha3 : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x20)
override fun toString(): String = "SHA3"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 2
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object Address : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x30)
override fun toString(): String = "ADDRESS"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 0
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object Balance : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x31)
override fun toString(): String = "BALANCE"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 0
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object Origin : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x32)
override fun toString(): String = "ORIGIN"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 0
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object Caller : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x33)
override fun toString(): String = "CALLER"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 0
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object CallValue : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x34)
override fun toString(): String = "CALLVALUE"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 0
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object CallDataLoad : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x35)
override fun toString(): String = "CALLDATALOAD"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 1
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object CallDataSize : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x36)
override fun toString(): String = "CALLDATASIZE"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 0
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object CallDataCopy : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x37)
override fun toString(): String = "CALLDATACOPY"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 3
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 0
object CodeSize : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x38)
override fun toString(): String = "CODESIZE"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 0
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object CodeCopy : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x39)
override fun toString(): String = "CODECOPY"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 3
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 0
object GasPrice : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x3a)
override fun toString(): String = "GASPRICE"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 0
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object ExtCodeSize : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x3b)
override fun toString(): String = "EXTCODESIZE"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 1
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object ExtCodeCopy : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x3c)
override fun toString(): String = "EXTCODECOPY"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 4
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 0
object ReturnDataSize : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x3d)
override fun toString(): String = "RETURNDATASIZE"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 0
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object ReturnDataCopy : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x3e)
override fun toString(): String = "RETURNDATACOPY"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 3
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 0
object ExtCodeHash : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x3f)
override fun toString(): String = "EXTCODEHASH"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 1
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object BlockHash : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x40)
override fun toString(): String = "BLOCKHASH"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 1
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object Coinbase : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x41)
override fun toString(): String = "COINBASE"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 0
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object Timestamp : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x42)
override fun toString(): String = "TIMESTAMP"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 0
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object Number : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x43)
override fun toString(): String = "NUMBER"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 0
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object Difficulty : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x44)
override fun toString(): String = "DIFFICULTY"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 0
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object GasLimit : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x45)
override fun toString(): String = "GASLIMIT"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 0
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object ChainId : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x46)
override fun toString(): String = "CHAINID"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 0
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object SelfBalance : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x47)
override fun toString(): String = "SELFBALANCE"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 0
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object Pop : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x50)
override fun toString(): String = "POP"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 1
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 0
object Mload : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x51)
override fun toString(): String = "MLOAD"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 1
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object Mstore : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x52)
override fun toString(): String = "MSTORE"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 2
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 0
object Mstore8 : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x53)
override fun toString(): String = "MSTORE8"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 2
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object Sload : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x54)
override fun toString(): String = "SLOAD"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 1
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object Sstore : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x55)
override fun toString(): String = "SSTORE"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 2
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 0
object Jump : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x56)
override fun toString(): String = "JUMP"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 2
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 0
object Jumpi : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x57)
override fun toString(): String = "JUMPI"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 2
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object Pc : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x58)
override fun toString(): String = "PC"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 0
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object Msize : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x59)
override fun toString(): String = "MSIZE"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 0
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object Gas : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x5a)
override fun toString(): String = "GAS"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 0
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object JumpDest : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x5b)
override fun toString(): String = "JUMPDEST"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 0
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 0
object Create : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0xf0)
override fun toString(): String = "CREATE"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 3
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object Call : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0xf1)
override fun toString(): String = "CALL"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 7
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object CallCode : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0xf2)
override fun toString(): String = "CALLCODE"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 7
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object Return : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0xf3)
override fun toString(): String = "RETURN"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 2
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 0
override fun end() = true
object DelegateCall : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0xf4)
override fun toString(): String = "DELEGATECALL"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 7
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object Create2 : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0xf5)
override fun toString(): String = "CREATE2"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 4
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object StaticCall : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0xfa)
override fun toString(): String = "STATICCALL"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 7
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 1
object Revert : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0xfd)
override fun toString(): String = "REVERT"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 2
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 0
override fun end() = true
object SelfDestruct : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0xff)
override fun toString(): String = "SELFDESTRUCT"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 1
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 0
class Dup(val dupIndex: Int) : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x80 + dupIndex - 1)
override fun toString(): String = "DUP$dupIndex"
override fun stackItemsNeeded() = dupIndex
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 0
override fun stackItemsProduced() = dupIndex
class Swap(val swapIndex: Int) : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0x90 + swapIndex - 1)
override fun toString(): String = "SWAP$swapIndex"
override fun stackItemsNeeded() = swapIndex
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = 0
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 0
class Log(val logIndex: Int) : Instruction {
override fun toBytes(): Bytes = Bytes.of(0xa0 + logIndex)
override fun toString(): String = "LOG$logIndex"
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = logIndex + 2
override fun stackItemsProduced() = 0
data class Custom(val bytes: Bytes, val str: String, val consumed: Int, val produced: Int) : Instruction {
override fun toBytes() = bytes
override fun toString() = str
override fun stackItemsConsumed() = consumed
override fun stackItemsProduced() = produced