blob: 7f195d259bd80d0073f308d7c6f4b0a1b2f54fe7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.tuweni.eth.precompiles
import com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference
import org.apache.tuweni.bytes.Bytes
import org.apache.tuweni.bytes.Bytes32
import org.apache.tuweni.bytes.MutableBytes
import org.apache.tuweni.crypto.Hash
import org.apache.tuweni.crypto.SECP256K1
import org.hyperledger.besu.nativelib.bls12_381.LibEthPairings
import java.math.BigInteger
import kotlin.experimental.and
* Contract returning a copy of the input.
class IDPrecompiledContract : PrecompileContract {
override fun run(input: Bytes): Result = Result(gas = input.size().toLong() / 32 * 3 + 15, output = input.copy())
* Contract recovering a hash from a signature.
class ECRECPrecompiledContract : PrecompileContract {
override fun run(input: Bytes): Result {
val padded = if (input.size() < 128) {
Bytes.wrap(Bytes.repeat(0, 128 - input.size()), input)
} else {
val h = Bytes32.wrap(padded.slice(0, 32))
val v = padded.slice(32, 32)
val r = padded.slice(64, 32)
val s = padded.slice(96, 32)
if (v.numberOfLeadingZeroBytes() != 31) {
return Result(3000, Bytes.EMPTY)
try {
val signature = SECP256K1.Signature.create(v.get(31), r.toUnsignedBigInteger(), s.toUnsignedBigInteger())
val pkey = SECP256K1.PublicKey.recoverFromHashAndSignature(h, signature) ?: return Result(3000, Bytes.EMPTY)
val hashed: Bytes32 = Hash.keccak256(pkey.bytes())
return Result(3000, Bytes32.leftPad(hashed.slice(12)))
} catch (e: IllegalArgumentException) {
return Result(3000, Bytes.EMPTY)
* SHA-2-256 Hash precompile contract.
class Sha256PrecompiledContract : PrecompileContract {
override fun run(input: Bytes): Result {
return Result(12 * input.size().toLong() / 32 + 60, Hash.sha2_256(input))
* RIPEMD160 precompile contract.
class RIPEMD160PrecompiledContract : PrecompileContract {
override fun run(input: Bytes): Result {
return Result(120 * input.size().toLong() / 32 + 600, Hash.digestUsingAlgorithm(input, "RIPEMD160"))
class ModExpPrecompileContract : PrecompileContract {
companion object {
val BASE_OFFSET = BigInteger.valueOf(96)
fun extractParameter(input: Bytes, offset: BigInteger, length: Int): BigInteger {
return if (BigInteger.valueOf(input.size().toLong()).compareTo(offset) <= 0) {
} else {
val min = Math.max(0, Math.min(length, input.size() - offset.toInt() - length))
var sliced = input.slice(offset.toInt(), min)
if (sliced.size() > 32) {
sliced = sliced.slice(sliced.size() - 32)
override fun run(input: Bytes): Result {
val padded = if (input.size() < 96) {
Bytes.wrap(Bytes.repeat(0, 96 - input.size()), input)
} else {
val baseLength = padded.slice(0, 32).toUnsignedBigInteger()
val exponentLength = padded.slice(32, 32).toUnsignedBigInteger()
val modulusLength = padded.slice(64, 32).toUnsignedBigInteger()
if (baseLength == BigInteger.ZERO && modulusLength == BigInteger.ZERO) {
return Result(0, Bytes.EMPTY)
val exponentOffset = BASE_OFFSET.add(baseLength)
val modulusOffset = exponentOffset.add(exponentLength)
val base = extractParameter(input, BASE_OFFSET, baseLength.toInt())
val exp = extractParameter(input, exponentOffset, exponentLength.toInt())
val mod = extractParameter(input, modulusOffset, modulusLength.toInt())
val modExp = if (mod.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) == 0) {
} else {
Bytes.wrap(base.modPow(exp, mod).toByteArray()).trimLeadingZeros()
var buffer = modulusLength.toInt() - modExp.size()
if (buffer < 0) {
buffer = 0
return Result(0, Bytes.wrap(Bytes.repeat(0, buffer), modExp))
class AltBN128PrecompiledContract(
private val operation: Byte,
val inputLen: Int,
val baseCost: Long,
val pairingGasCost: Long
) : PrecompileContract {
override fun run(input: Bytes): Result {
val parameters = input.size() / 192
val gasCost = pairingGasCost * parameters + baseCost
val result = ByteArray(LibEthPairings.EIP196_PREALLOCATE_FOR_RESULT_BYTES)
val error = ByteArray(LibEthPairings.EIP2537_PREALLOCATE_FOR_ERROR_BYTES)
val o_len = IntByReference(LibEthPairings.EIP196_PREALLOCATE_FOR_RESULT_BYTES)
val err_len = IntByReference(LibEthPairings.EIP2537_PREALLOCATE_FOR_ERROR_BYTES)
val inputSize = Math.min(inputLen, input.size())
val errorNo: Int = LibEthPairings.eip196_perform_operation(
input.slice(0, inputSize).toArrayUnsafe(),
return if (errorNo == 0) {
Result(gasCost, Bytes.wrap(result, 0, o_len.getValue()))
} else {
Result(gasCost, Bytes.EMPTY)
class Blake2BFPrecompileContract : PrecompileContract {
override fun run(input: Bytes): Result {
if (input.size() != 213) {
// Input is malformed, we can't read the number of rounds.
// Precompile can't be executed so we set its price to 0.
return Result(0, Bytes.EMPTY)
if (input.get(212).and(0xFE.toByte()) != 0x00.toByte()) {
// Input is malformed, F value can be only 0 or 1
return Result(0, Bytes.EMPTY)
val rounds = Bytes.wrap(Bytes.repeat(0, 4), input.slice(0, 4))
return Result(rounds.toLong(), Hash.digestUsingAlgorithm(input, "BLAKE2BF"))