blob: c3d68b171993674f114a5b04c22927b7237d9c63 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE
* file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on
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* specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
package org.apache.tuweni.ssz;
import static;
import static java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN;
import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
import org.apache.tuweni.bytes.Bytes;
import org.apache.tuweni.units.bigints.UInt256;
import org.apache.tuweni.units.bigints.UInt384;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.LongFunction;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
final class BytesSSZReader implements SSZReader {
private final Bytes content;
private int index = 0;
BytesSSZReader(Bytes content) {
this.content = content;
public Bytes readBytes(int limit) {
int byteLength = 4;
ensureBytes(byteLength, () -> "SSZ encoded data is not a byte array");
int size;
try {
size = content.getInt(index, LITTLE_ENDIAN);
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
throw new EndOfSSZException();
if (size < 0 || size > limit) {
throw new InvalidSSZTypeException("length of bytes would exceed limit");
index += 4;
if (content.size() - index - size < 0) {
throw new InvalidSSZTypeException("SSZ encoded data has insufficient bytes for decoded byte array length");
return consumeBytes(size);
public Bytes readFixedBytes(int byteLength, int limit) {
ensureBytes(byteLength, () -> "SSZ encoded data is not a fixed-length byte array");
return consumeBytes(byteLength);
public int readInt(int bitLength) {
checkArgument(bitLength % 8 == 0, "bitLength must be a multiple of 8");
int byteLength = bitLength / 8;
ensureBytes(byteLength, () -> "SSZ encoded data has insufficient length to read a " + bitLength + "-bit integer");
Bytes bytes = content.slice(index, byteLength);
int zeroBytes = bytes.numberOfTrailingZeroBytes();
if ((byteLength - zeroBytes) > 4) {
throw new InvalidSSZTypeException("decoded integer is too large for an int");
index += byteLength;
return bytes.slice(0, bytes.size() - zeroBytes).toInt(LITTLE_ENDIAN);
public long readLong(int bitLength) {
checkArgument(bitLength % 8 == 0, "bitLength must be a multiple of 8");
int byteLength = bitLength / 8;
ensureBytes(byteLength, () -> "SSZ encoded data has insufficient length to read a " + bitLength + "-bit integer");
Bytes bytes = content.slice(index, byteLength);
int zeroBytes = bytes.numberOfTrailingZeroBytes();
if ((byteLength - zeroBytes) > 8) {
throw new InvalidSSZTypeException("decoded integer is too large for a long");
index += byteLength;
return bytes.slice(0, bytes.size() - zeroBytes).toLong(LITTLE_ENDIAN);
public BigInteger readBigInteger(int bitLength) {
checkArgument(bitLength % 8 == 0, "bitLength must be a multiple of 8");
int byteLength = bitLength / 8;
ensureBytes(byteLength, () -> "SSZ encoded data has insufficient length to read a " + bitLength + "-bit integer");
return consumeBytes(byteLength).toBigInteger(LITTLE_ENDIAN);
public BigInteger readUnsignedBigInteger(int bitLength) {
checkArgument(bitLength % 8 == 0, "bitLength must be a multiple of 8");
int byteLength = bitLength / 8;
ensureBytes(byteLength, () -> "SSZ encoded data has insufficient length to read a " + bitLength + "-bit integer");
return consumeBytes(byteLength).toUnsignedBigInteger(LITTLE_ENDIAN);
public UInt256 readUInt256() {
ensureBytes(256 / 8, () -> "SSZ encoded data has insufficient length to read a 256-bit integer");
return UInt256.fromBytes(consumeBytes(256 / 8).reverse());
public UInt384 readUInt384() {
ensureBytes(384 / 8, () -> "SSZ encoded data has insufficient length to read a 384-bit integer");
return UInt384.fromBytes(consumeBytes(384 / 8).reverse());
public Bytes readAddress() {
ensureBytes(20, () -> "SSZ encoded data has insufficient length to read a 20-byte address");
return consumeBytes(20);
public Bytes readHash(int hashLength) {
ensureBytes(hashLength, () -> "SSZ encoded data has insufficient length to read a " + hashLength + "-byte hash");
return consumeBytes(hashLength);
public List<Bytes> readBytesList(int limit) {
return readList(remaining -> readBytes(limit));
public List<Bytes> readVector(long listSize, int limit) {
return readList(listSize, remaining -> readByteArray(limit), Bytes::wrap);
public List<Bytes> readFixedBytesVector(int listSize, int byteLength, int limit) {
return readFixedList(listSize, remaining -> readFixedByteArray(byteLength, limit), Bytes::wrap);
public List<Bytes> readFixedBytesList(int byteLength, int limit) {
return readList(remaining -> readFixedBytes(byteLength, limit));
public List<String> readStringList(int limit) {
return readList(remaining -> readBytes(limit), bytes -> new String(bytes.toArrayUnsafe(), UTF_8));
public List<Integer> readIntList(int bitLength) {
checkArgument(bitLength % 8 == 0, "bitLength must be a multiple of 8");
return readList(bitLength / 8, () -> readInt(bitLength));
public List<Long> readLongIntList(int bitLength) {
checkArgument(bitLength % 8 == 0, "bitLength must be a multiple of 8");
return readList(bitLength / 8, () -> readLong(bitLength));
public List<BigInteger> readBigIntegerList(int bitLength) {
checkArgument(bitLength % 8 == 0, "bitLength must be a multiple of 8");
return readList(bitLength / 8, () -> readBigInteger(bitLength));
public List<BigInteger> readUnsignedBigIntegerList(int bitLength) {
checkArgument(bitLength % 8 == 0, "bitLength must be a multiple of 8");
return readList(bitLength / 8, () -> readUnsignedBigInteger(bitLength));
public List<UInt256> readUInt256List() {
return readList(256 / 8, this::readUInt256);
public List<UInt384> readUInt384List() {
return readList(384 / 8, this::readUInt384);
public List<Bytes> readAddressList() {
return readList(20, this::readAddress);
public List<Bytes> readHashList(int hashLength) {
return readList(hashLength, () -> readHash(hashLength));
public List<Boolean> readBooleanList() {
return readList(1, this::readBoolean);
public boolean isComplete() {
return index >= content.size();
private void ensureBytes(int byteLength, Supplier<String> message) {
if (index == content.size()) {
throw new EndOfSSZException();
if (content.size() - index - byteLength < 0) {
throw new InvalidSSZTypeException(message.get());
private Bytes consumeBytes(int size) {
Bytes bytes = content.slice(index, size);
index += size;
return bytes;
private List<Bytes> readList(LongFunction<Bytes> bytesSupplier) {
ensureBytes(4, () -> "SSZ encoded data is not a list");
int originalIndex = this.index;
List<Bytes> elements;
try {
// use a long to simulate reading unsigned
long listSize = consumeBytes(4).toLong(LITTLE_ENDIAN);
elements = new ArrayList<>();
while (listSize > 0) {
Bytes bytes = bytesSupplier.apply(listSize);
listSize -= bytes.size();
listSize -= 4;
if (listSize < 0) {
throw new InvalidSSZTypeException("SSZ encoded list length does not align with lengths of its elements");
} catch (Exception e) {
this.index = originalIndex;
throw e;
return elements;
private <T> List<T> readList(LongFunction<Bytes> bytesSupplier, Function<Bytes, T> converter) {
ensureBytes(4, () -> "SSZ encoded data is not a list");
int originalIndex = this.index;
List<T> elements;
try {
// use a long to simulate reading unsigned
long listSize = consumeBytes(4).toLong(LITTLE_ENDIAN);
elements = new ArrayList<>();
while (listSize > 0) {
Bytes bytes = bytesSupplier.apply(listSize);
listSize -= bytes.size();
listSize -= 4;
if (listSize < 0) {
throw new InvalidSSZTypeException("SSZ encoded list length does not align with lengths of its elements");
} catch (Exception e) {
this.index = originalIndex;
throw e;
return elements;
private <T> List<T> readList(long listSize, LongFunction<byte[]> bytesSupplier, Function<byte[], T> converter) {
int originalIndex = this.index;
List<T> elements;
try {
elements = new ArrayList<>();
while (listSize > 0) {
byte[] bytes = bytesSupplier.apply(listSize);
// When lists have lengths passed in, the listSize argument is the number of
// elements in the list, instead of the number of bytes in the list, so
// we only subtract one each time an element is processed in this case.
listSize -= 1;
if (listSize < 0) {
throw new InvalidSSZTypeException("SSZ encoded list length does not align with lengths of its elements");
} catch (Exception e) {
this.index = originalIndex;
throw e;
return elements;
private <T> List<T> readFixedList(LongFunction<byte[]> bytesSupplier, Function<byte[], T> converter) {
int originalIndex = this.index;
List<T> elements;
try {
// use a long to simulate reading unsigned
long listSize = consumeBytes(4).toLong(LITTLE_ENDIAN);
elements = new ArrayList<>();
while (listSize > 0) {
byte[] bytes = bytesSupplier.apply(listSize);
listSize -= bytes.length;
if (listSize < 0) {
throw new InvalidSSZTypeException("SSZ encoded list length does not align with lengths of its elements");
} catch (Exception e) {
this.index = originalIndex;
throw e;
return elements;
private <T> List<T> readFixedList(int listSize, LongFunction<byte[]> bytesSupplier, Function<byte[], T> converter) {
int originalIndex = this.index;
List<T> elements;
try {
elements = new ArrayList<>();
while (listSize > 0) {
byte[] bytes = bytesSupplier.apply(listSize);
// When lists have lengths passed in, the listSize argument is the number of
// elements in the list, instead of the number of bytes in the list, so
// we only subtract one each time an element is processed in this case.
listSize -= 1;
if (listSize < 0) {
throw new InvalidSSZTypeException("SSZ encoded list length does not align with lengths of its elements");
} catch (Exception e) {
this.index = originalIndex;
throw e;
return elements;
private <T> List<T> readList(int elementSize, Supplier<T> elementSupplier) {
ensureBytes(4, () -> "SSZ encoded data is not a list");
int originalIndex = this.index;
List<T> bytesList;
try {
int listSize = consumeBytes(4).toInt(LITTLE_ENDIAN);
if ((listSize % elementSize) != 0) {
throw new InvalidSSZTypeException("SSZ encoded list length does not align with lengths of its elements");
int nElements = listSize / elementSize;
bytesList = new ArrayList<>(nElements);
for (int i = 0; i < nElements; ++i) {
} catch (Exception e) {
this.index = originalIndex;
throw e;
return bytesList;