blob: 4e9d6a5d56e46f3f84529d4ae4b9b6b78e87507b [file] [log] [blame]
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
:presenter_name: Some Cool Person
:presenter_company: Apache Software Foundation
== Example Presentation
Doc Writer <>
:revnumber: {project-version}
== Introduction
* This is a presentation for an example project.
* This project does something.
* We just haven't decided what that is yet.
== Speaker Notes
Press the `*s*` key to access speaker notes.
You've unlocked the super secret notes area.
Neat huh?
== Blank screen
You can press `*b*` or `*.*` to blank your current screen.
Hit it again to bring it back.
== Overview
Press the `*esc*` key to get an overview of your slides.
== Attributes
Press the down arrow key to see the next sub-slide.
=== Attributes Part 1
asciidoctor-version:: {asciidoctor-version}
safe-mode-name:: {safe-mode-name}
docdir:: {docdir}
docfile:: {docfile}
imagesdir:: {imagesdir}
=== Attributes Part 2
project-version:: {project-version}
sourcedir:: {sourcedir}
== Including documents from subdir
== Images
== Videos
Play videos from Youtube, or locally
video::BKorP55Aqvg[youtube, width=640, height=480]
== Lists
Asciidoctor allows a wide variety of list option.
For details see the documentation starting at:
Press the down arrow key to see the some examples.
=== Unordered List
* Protons
* Electrons
* Neutrons
=== Ordered List
. Protons
. Electrons
. Neutrons
=== Nested List
Nest lists, by duplicating the list-char
* Protons
** Electrons
* Neutrons
== Tables
[cols="2*", options="header"]
| Header A | Header B
| Cell A1 | Cell B1
| Cell A2 | Cell B2
| Cell A3 | Cell B3
== Source Code
.Java code from project
== Two columns
* Blah
* Blah
* Blah
* Blah
* Blah
* Blah
* Blah
* Blah
* Blah
* Blah
== Fontawesome Icons
* icon:check[role=green]
* icon:wrench[]
* icon:beer[role=orange]
* Find icons here:
* Color icons by defining css styles in apache.css and referencing them with "role"
== Diagrams
Press the down arrow key to see the different types of diagrams
=== Ditaa Diagram
| Asciidoctor |-------+
| diagram | |
+-------------+ | PNG out
^ |
| ditaa in |
| v
+--------+ +--------+----+ /---------------\
| |---+ Asciidoctor +--->| |
| Text | +-------------+ | Beautiful |
|Document| | !magic! | | Output |
| {d}| | | | |
+---+----+ +-------------+ \---------------/
: ^
| Lots of work |
=== PlantUML Diagram
Alice -> Bob: Authentication Request
Bob --> Alice: Authentication Response
Alice -> Bob: Another authentication Request
Alice <-- Bob: another authentication Response
=== GraphVIZ Diagram
[graphviz, dot-example, svg]
digraph g {
a -> b
b -> c
c -> d
d -> a
=== Seqdag Diagram
A -> B -> C;
B -> D;
=== Blockdiag Diagram
A -> B -> C -> D;
A -> E -> F -> G;
=== Actdiag Diagram
write -> convert -> image
lane user {
label = "User"
write [label = "Writing reST"];
image [label = "Get diagram IMAGE"];
lane actdiag {
convert [label = "Convert reST to Image"];
=== Nwdiag Diagram
network dmz {
address = "210.x.x.x/24"
web01 [address = "210.x.x.1"];
web02 [address = "210.x.x.2"];
network internal {
address = "172.x.x.x/24";
web01 [address = "172.x.x.1"];
web02 [address = "172.x.x.2"];
=== Rackdiag Diagram
// Change order of rack-number as ascending
// define height of rack
// define description of rack
description = "Tokyo/1234 East";
// define rack units
1: UPS [2U]; // define height of unit
3: DB Server [5kg] // define weight of unit
4: Web Server [0.5A] // define ampere of unit
5: Web Server
6: Web Server
7: Load Balancer
8: L3 Switch
=== Packetdiag Diagram
colwidth = 32
node_height = 72
0-15: Source Port
16-31: Destination Port
32-63: Sequence Number
64-95: Acknowledgment Number
96-99: Data Offset
100-105: Reserved
106: URG [rotate = 270]
107: ACK [rotate = 270]
108: PSH [rotate = 270]
109: RST [rotate = 270]
110: SYN [rotate = 270]
111: FIN [rotate = 270]
112-127: Window
128-143: Checksum
144-159: Urgent Pointer
160-191: (Options and Padding)
192-223: data [colheight = 3]
=== Meme Diagram
meme::../resources/images/toddy.jpg[May the Source,Be With You]
=== Entity Relation Diagram
# Cardinality Syntax
# 0 or 1 ?
# exactly 1 1
# 0 or more *
# 1 or more +
Person *--1 Location
=== Mermaid: Flowchart
=== Mermaid: Sequence Diagram
participant Alice
participant Bob
Alice->John: Hello John, how are you?
loop Healthcheck
John->John: Fight against hypochondria
Note right of John: Rational thoughts <br/>prevail...
John-->Alice: Great!
John->Bob: How about you?
Bob-->John: Jolly good!
=== Mermaid: Gant Diagram
dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD
title Adding GANTT diagram functionality to mermaid
section A section
Completed task :done, des1, 2014-01-06,2014-01-08
Active task :active, des2, 2014-01-09, 3d
Future task : des3, after des2, 5d
Future task2 : des4, after des3, 5d
section Critical tasks
Completed task in the critical line :crit, done, 2014-01-06,24h
Implement parser and jison :crit, done, after des1, 2d
Create tests for parser :crit, active, 3d
Future task in critical line :crit, 5d
Create tests for renderer :2d
Add to mermaid :1d
=== SVGBob: Mindmap
.--> Alpha
.----> Initial Release
Planning *-------. / \
\ / '---> Patch 1
Initial research \ / \
* \ / '--> Patch 2
\ \ .---------> Beta
\ \ /
\ o o _______
\ .---. o--.___ / \
'------> ( ) '----*---> . Release .
`---' o \_______/
o o o \
/ \ \ \
.--' \ \ \
/ \ \ '----+-> Push backs
. \ \ \
/| \ \ '----> Setbacks
/ . \ \
V /| \ '-----> Reception
Team / . \
v /| \
Worklaod / . '-->> Career change
V /
=== SVGBob: Circuit Diagram
+10-15V ___0,047R
| | | | | | |
--- | | .+. | | |
470uF ### | | | | 2k2 | | |
| + | | | | | | .+.
*------o '--. | '+' .+. | '-'
| |6 |7 |8 1k | | | |
GND .-+----+--+--. | | | |
| | '+' | |
| |1 | |/ BC |
| +------o--+ 547 |
| | | |`> |
| | ,+. | |
| | 220R| | o----||-+ IRF9Z34
| | | | | |+->
| MC34063 | `+' | ||-+
| | | | | BYV29 -12V6
| | '----' o--|<-o----o--X OUT
| |2 | | |
| |--o C| | |
| | GND 30uH C| | --- 470
| |3 1nF C| | ### uF
| |-------||--. | | | +
'-----+----+-' | GND | GND
5| 4| | |
| '-------------o-------------o
| ___ |
| 1k0
| | 5k6 + 3k3
| | in Serie
=== Syntrax
line(opt('-'), choice('0', line('1-9', loop(None, '0-9'))),
opt('.', loop('0-9', None))),
line(opt(choice('e', 'E'), choice(None, '+', '-'), loop('0-9', None)))
=== Umlet
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><umlet_diagram><element><type>com.umlet.element.base.Relation</type><coordinates><x>739</x><y>16</y><w>232</w><h>264</h></coordinates><panel_attributes>lt=&lt;-
/block spider</panel_attributes><additional_attributes>161;244;161;34;71;34;71;74</additional_attributes></element><element><type>com.umlet.element.custom.FinalState</type><coordinates><x>890</x><y>260</y><w>20</w><h>20</h></coordinates><panel_attributes></panel_attributes><additional_attributes>transparentSelection=false</additional_attributes></element><element><type>com.umlet.element.base.Relation</type><coordinates><x>750</x><y>170</y><w>160</w><h>137</h></coordinates><panel_attributes>lt=&lt;-
after (10s)
/ block spider</panel_attributes><additional_attributes>140;100;66;100;66;20</additional_attributes></element><element><type>com.umlet.element.custom.State</type><coordinates><x>340</x><y>420</y><w>100</w><h>40</h></coordinates><panel_attributes>wait</panel_attributes><additional_attributes>transparentSelection=false</additional_attributes></element><element><type>com.umlet.element.custom.HistoryState</type><coordinates><x>230</x><y>440</y><w>20</w><h>20</h></coordinates><panel_attributes></panel_attributes><additional_attributes>transparentSelection=false</additional_attributes></element><element><type>com.umlet.element.base.Relation</type><coordinates><x>230</x><y>416</y><w>130</w><h>54</h></coordinates><panel_attributes>lt=&lt;-
after (10s)
boarding pass
entry/ release card
do/release spider</panel_attributes><additional_attributes>transparentSelection=true</additional_attributes></element><element><type>com.umlet.element.base.Relation</type><coordinates><x>540</x><y>140</y><w>205</w><h>100</h></coordinates><panel_attributes>lt=&lt;-
[passenger booked]</panel_attributes><additional_attributes>160;20;120;80;20;80</additional_attributes></element><element><type>com.umlet.element.base.Relation</type><coordinates><x>450</x><y>210</y><w>239</w><h>190</h></coordinates><panel_attributes>lt=&lt;-
[passenger not booked]</panel_attributes><additional_attributes>219;170;99;170;99;20</additional_attributes></element><element><type>com.umlet.element.custom.State</type><coordinates><x>670</x><y>350</y><w>120</w><h>50</h></coordinates><panel_attributes>reject
boarding pass</panel_attributes><additional_attributes>transparentSelection=false</additional_attributes></element><element><type>com.umlet.element.base.Relation</type><coordinates><x>480</x><y>130</y><w>142</w><h>100</h></coordinates><panel_attributes>lt=&lt;-
result of search</panel_attributes><additional_attributes>71;80;71;20</additional_attributes></element><element><type>com.umlet.element.base.Relation</type><coordinates><x>270</x><y>70</y><w>150</w><h>40</h></coordinates><panel_attributes>lt=&lt;-</panel_attributes><additional_attributes>130;20;20;20</additional_attributes></element><element><type>com.umlet.element.custom.ThreeWayRelation</type><coordinates><x>540</x><y>210</y><w>20</w><h>20</h></coordinates><panel_attributes></panel_attributes><additional_attributes>transparentSelection=false</additional_attributes></element><element><type>com.umlet.element.custom.State</type><coordinates><x>140</x><y>60</y><w>150</w><h>420</h></coordinates><panel_attributes>read boarding pass
--</panel_attributes><additional_attributes>transparentSelection=true</additional_attributes></element><element><type>com.umlet.element.custom.State</type><coordinates><x>400</x><y>60</y><w>180</w><h>90</h></coordinates><panel_attributes>check passenger
entry/start search
do/blink lamp</panel_attributes><additional_attributes>transparentSelection=true</additional_attributes></element><element><type>com.umlet.element.custom.FinalState</type><coordinates><x>170</x><y>410</y><w>20</w><h>20</h></coordinates><panel_attributes></panel_attributes><additional_attributes>transparentSelection=false</additional_attributes></element><element><type>com.umlet.element.custom.State</type><coordinates><x>150</x><y>240</y><w>100</w><h>40</h></coordinates><panel_attributes>read
passenger ID</panel_attributes><additional_attributes>transparentSelection=false</additional_attributes></element><element><type>com.umlet.element.custom.State</type><coordinates><x>150</x><y>330</y><w>100</w><h>40</h></coordinates><panel_attributes>identify
=== Vega
[vega,vega-test, svg]
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['x','Security','IT/OT Integration','Unclear ROI', 'Technical Expertise', 'Interoperability', 'Data Portability', 'Vendor Risk', 'Transition Risk', 'Legal/regulatory issues', 'Network constraints', 'Vendor lock-in'],
['%',43, 30, 28, 26, 26, 24, 22, 22, 22, 21, 18]
type: 'bar'
axis: {
rotated: true,
x: {
type: 'category',
tick: {
rotate: -90
== Going crazy (Click in the middle of the screen)
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<div class="title">
<p>Episode IV</p>
<h1>A New Hope</h1>
<h3>Industry 4.0 done our way</h3>
<p>It is a period of technological change. Rebel Industry 4.0 open-source software solutions, striking from hidden bases, have won their first victories against the evil proprietary Industrial Empire.</p>
<p>During the battle, Rebel spies managed to reverse engineer secret industrial protocols to the Empire’s ultimate weapons, the industrial Programmable Logic Controllers, almost unprotected pieces of hardware with enough power to destroy an entire planet.</p>
<p>Pursued by the Empire’s sinister agents, Christofer races to Las Vegas aboard his intercontinental shuttle, custodian of his plans to revolutionize the way we are building Industry 4.0 applications, that can free all companies and restore freedom to the industry …</p>