blob: 18b7ff3fce66405242ca64240dd0294b1e9fa898 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>Training: Tools: Content Master Pom</name>
Parent pom containing all the configuration for building presentations
with the training template.
<!-- Put your custom theme files in src/main/theme and reference the name (without ".css") here. -->
<!-- Reveal.JS 4.x doesn't seem to work yet -->
<!-- Just to ensure this is built first as we need this to exist in order to unpack it -->
<!-- Check if all source files have the required apache license headers -->
<!-- TODO: This is a modified version of an asciidoctor file ... nor sure we can stick an Apache Header on it -->
<!-- Exclude everything downloaded by the install-deps scripts -->
<!-- Maven related files -->
<!-- Eclipse related files -->
<!-- IntelliJ related files -->
<!-- Asciidoctor generated files -->
<!-- JSON doesn't like comments -->
<!-- Mermaid does't like comments -->
<!-- Output of the profiler maven extension -->
<!-- Download all the tools needed to generate the output -->
<!-- Get the reveal js sources -->
<!-- Download the C3 and D3 libraries -->
Make sure the filtered resources are output to the slides directory and
theme content is output to the themes directory of reveal js.
<!-- Copy the normal resources into the root of the slides directory -->
<!-- Copy our css-theme to the reveal.js theme directory -->
<!-- Get some static Apache resources shared throughout all presentations -->
<!-- Update the document.html.slim with an updated one as currently the docinfo part seems to not work -->
<!-- Configure the asciidoctor generation -->
<!-- Configure where are all the asciidoc source files located -->
<!-- Configure the target director to where will the output be generated -->
<!-- All image resources will be located in this directory -->
Use our custom theme, which is defined by src/main/theme/apache.css
and copied inside the reveal.js installation by the resources plugin a few lines
up inside this pom.
<!-- Some basic settings -->
As it's the "revealjs" output, asciidoctor will name the file with an ending "revealjs".
Here we rename that file back to "html".
<!-- Set some dynamic variables which are useful for the site generation -->
import static
println "\nRenaming output files:"
def baseDirectory = project.model.pomFile.parent
def slideOutputDirectory = new File(baseDirectory, "target/generated-slides")
if (slideOutputDirectory.exists()) {
slideOutputDirectory.eachFileRecurse(FILES) {
if ('.revealjs')) {
def oldFileName =
def newFileName = oldFileName.substring(0, oldFileName.lastIndexOf(".")) + ".html"
it.renameTo(new File(it.parent, newFileName))
println "Renaming " + oldFileName + " to " + newFileName
println ""
<!-- If the packaging is se to "war", pack the slides into a war file -->