blob: 811e85bd3b48d3832ea2274b34c3cf67073e4784 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License
package org.apache.toree.dependencies
import{File, FileInputStream, PrintStream}
import{URI, URL}
import java.util.Properties
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import coursier.core.Authentication
import coursier.Cache.Logger
import coursier.Dependency
import coursier.core.Repository
import coursier.core.Resolution.ModuleVersion
import coursier.ivy.{IvyRepository, IvyXml}
import coursier.maven.MavenRepository
import scala.util.Try
import scalaz.\/
import scalaz.concurrent.Task
* Represents a dependency downloader for jars that uses Coursier underneath.
class CoursierDependencyDownloader extends DependencyDownloader {
@volatile private var repositories: Seq[Repository] = Nil
@volatile private var printStream: PrintStream = System.out
@volatile private var localDirectory: URI = null
// Initialization
addMavenRepository(DependencyDownloader.DefaultMavenRepository, None)
* Retrieves the dependency and all of its dependencies as jars.
* @param groupId The group id associated with the main dependency
* @param artifactId The id of the dependency artifact
* @param version The version of the main dependency
* @param transitive If true, downloads all dependencies of the specified
* dependency
* @param excludeBaseDependencies If true, will exclude any dependencies
* included in the build of the kernel
* @param ignoreResolutionErrors If true, ignores any errors on resolving
* dependencies and attempts to download all
* successfully-resolved dependencies
* @param extraRepositories Additional repositories to use only for this
* dependency
* @param verbose If true, prints out additional information
* @param trace If true, prints trace of download process
* @return The sequence of strings pointing to the retrieved dependency jars
override def retrieve(
groupId: String,
artifactId: String,
version: String,
transitive: Boolean,
excludeBaseDependencies: Boolean,
ignoreResolutionErrors: Boolean,
extraRepositories: Seq[(URL, Option[Credentials])] = Nil,
verbose: Boolean,
trace: Boolean,
configuration: Option[String] = None,
artifactType: Option[String] = None,
artifactClassifier: Option[String] = None,
excludes: Set[(String,String)] = Set.empty
): Seq[URI] = {
assert(localDirectory != null)
import coursier._
// Grab exclusions using base dependencies (always exclude scala lang)
val exclusions: Set[(String, String)] = (if (excludeBaseDependencies) { => (m.organization,
} else Nil).toSet ++ Set(("org.scala-lang", "*"), ("org.scala-lang.modules", "*")) ++ excludes
// Mark dependency that we want to download
val start = Resolution(Set(
module = Module(organization = groupId, name = artifactId),
version = version,
transitive = transitive,
exclusions = exclusions, // NOTE: Source/Javadoc not downloaded by default
configuration = configuration.getOrElse("default"),
attributes = Attributes(
printStream.println(s"Marking $groupId:$artifactId:$version for download")
lazy val defaultBase = new File(localDirectory).getAbsoluteFile
lazy val downloadLocations = defaultBase
val allRepositories = => urlToMavenRepository(x._1, ++ repositories
// Build list of locations to fetch dependencies
val fetchLocations = Seq(ivy2Cache(localDirectory)) ++ allRepositories
val fetch = Fetch.from(
Cache.fetch(downloadLocations, logger = Some(new DownloadLogger(verbose, trace)))
val fetchUris = localDirectory +: repositoriesToURIs(allRepositories)
printStream.println("Preparing to fetch from:")
printStream.println(s"-> ${fetchUris.mkString("\n-> ")}")
// Verify locations where we will download dependencies
val resolution =
// Report any resolution errors
val errors: Seq[(ModuleVersion, Seq[String])] = resolution.metadataErrors
errors.foreach { case (dep, e) =>
printStream.println(s"-> Failed to resolve ${dep._1.toString()}:${dep._2}")
e.foreach(s => printStream.println(s" -> $s"))
// If resolution errors, do not download
if (errors.nonEmpty && !ignoreResolutionErrors) return Nil
// Perform task of downloading dependencies
val localArtifacts: Seq[FileError \/ File] = Task.gatherUnordered( => Cache.file(
artifact = a,
cache = downloadLocations,
logger = Some(new DownloadLogger(verbose, trace))
// Print any errors in retrieving dependencies
// Print success
val uris = localArtifacts.flatMap(_.toOption).map(_.toURI) => printStream.println(s"-> New file at $p"))
* Adds the specified resolver url as an additional search option.
* @param url The string representation of the url
override def addMavenRepository(url: URL, credentials: Option[Credentials]): Unit =
repositories :+= urlToMavenRepository(url,
private def urlToMavenRepository(url: URL, credentials: Option[Authentication]) = MavenRepository(url.toString, authentication = credentials)
* Remove the specified resolver url from the search options.
* @param url The url of the repository
override def removeMavenRepository(url: URL): Unit = {
repositories = repositories.filterNot {
case maven: MavenRepository => url.toString == maven.root
case _ => false
* Sets the printstream to log to.
* @param printStream The new print stream to use for output logging
override def setPrintStream(printStream: PrintStream): Unit =
this.printStream = printStream
* Returns a list of all repositories used by the downloader.
* @return The list of repositories as URIs
def getRepositories: Seq[URI] = repositoriesToURIs(repositories)
* Returns the current directory where dependencies will be downloaded.
* @return The directory as a string
override def getDownloadDirectory: String =
new File(localDirectory).getAbsolutePath
* Sets the directory where all downloaded jars will be stored.
* @param directory The directory to use
* @return True if successfully set directory, otherwise false
override def setDownloadDirectory(directory: File): Boolean = {
val path = directory.getAbsolutePath
val cleanPath = if (path.endsWith("/")) path else path + "/"
val dir = new File(cleanPath)
if (!dir.exists() && !dir.mkdirs()) return false
if (!dir.isDirectory) return false
localDirectory = dir.toURI
private class DownloadLogger(
private val verbose: Boolean,
private val trace: Boolean
) extends Logger {
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
private val downloadId = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, String]().asScala
private val downloadFile = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, File]().asScala
private val downloadAmount = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, Long]().asScala
private val downloadTotal = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, Long]().asScala
override def foundLocally(url: String, file: File): Unit = {
val id = downloadId.getOrElse(url, url)
val f = s"(${downloadFile.get(url).map(_.getName).getOrElse("")})"
if (verbose) printStream.println(s"=> $id: Found at ${file.getAbsolutePath}")
override def downloadingArtifact(url: String, file: File): Unit = {
downloadId.put(url, nextId())
val id = downloadId.getOrElse(url, url)
val f = s"(${downloadFile.get(url).map(_.getName).getOrElse("")})"
if (verbose) printStream.println(s"=> $id $f: Downloading $url")
downloadFile.put(url, file)
override def downloadLength(url: String, length: Long): Unit = {
val id = downloadId.getOrElse(url, url)
val f = s"(${downloadFile.get(url).map(_.getName).getOrElse("")})"
if (trace) printStream.println(s"===> $id $f: Is $length total bytes")
downloadTotal.put(url, length)
override def downloadProgress(url: String, downloaded: Long): Unit = {
downloadAmount.put(url, downloaded)
val ratio = downloadAmount(url).toDouble / downloadTotal.getOrElse[Long](url, 1).toDouble
val percent = ratio * 100.0
if (trace) printStream.printf(
"===> %s %s: Downloaded %d bytes (%.2f%%)\n",
downloadId.getOrElse(url, url),
new java.lang.Long(downloaded),
new java.lang.Double(percent)
override def downloadedArtifact(url: String, success: Boolean): Unit = {
if (verbose) {
val id = downloadId.getOrElse(url, url)
val f = s"(${downloadFile.get(url).map(_.getName).getOrElse("")})"
if (success) printStream.println(s"=> $id $f: Finished downloading")
else printStream.println(s"=> $id: An error occurred while downloading")
private val nextId: () => String = (() => {
var counter: Long = 0
() => {
counter += 1
* Retrieves base dependencies used when building Toree modules.
* @return The collection of dependencies
private def getBaseDependencies: Seq[Dependency] = {
import coursier.core.compatibility.xmlParse
// Find all of the *ivy.xml files on the classpath.
val ivyFiles = new PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver().getResources(
val streams =
val contents =
val nodes = => xmlParse(c.mkString("\n")))
// Report any errors reading XML
nodes.flatMap(_.left.toOption).foreach(s => printStream.println(s"Error: $s"))
// Grab Ivy XML projects
val projects = nodes.flatMap(_.right.toOption).map(IvyXml.project)
// Report any errors parsing Ivy XML
projects.flatMap(_.swap.toOption).foreach(s => printStream.println(s"Error: $s"))
// Grab dependencies from projects
val dependencies = projects.flatMap(_.toOption).flatMap(
// Return unique dependencies
* Converts the provide repositories to their URI representations.
* @param repositories The repositories to convert
* @return The resulting URIs
private def repositoriesToURIs(repositories: Seq[Repository]) = {
case ivy: IvyRepository => ivy.pattern.string
case maven: MavenRepository => maven.root
}.map(s => Try(new URI(s))).filter(_.isSuccess).map(_.get)
/** Creates new Ivy2 local repository using base home URI. */
private def ivy2Local(ivy2HomeUri: URI) = IvyRepository.parse(
ivy2HomeUri.toString + "local/" +
"[organisation]/[module]/(scala_[scalaVersion]/)(sbt_[sbtVersion]/)" +
/** Creates new Ivy2 cache repository using base home URI. */
private def ivy2Cache(ivy2HomeUri: URI) = IvyRepository.parse(
ivy2HomeUri.toString + "cache/" +
"(scala_[scalaVersion]/)(sbt_[sbtVersion]/)[organisation]/[module]/" +
metadataPatternOpt = Some(
ivy2HomeUri + "cache/" +
"(scala_[scalaVersion]/)(sbt_[sbtVersion]/)[organisation]/[module]/" +
withChecksums = false,
withSignatures = false,
dropInfoAttributes = true
sealed abstract class Credentials extends Product with Serializable {
def user: String
def password: String
def host: String
def authentication: Authentication =
Authentication(user, password)
object Credentials {
case class FromFile(file: File) extends Credentials {
private lazy val props = {
val p = new Properties()
p.load(new FileInputStream(file))
private def findKey(keys: Seq[String]) = keys
.filter(_ != null)
.getOrElse {
throw new NoSuchElementException(s"${keys.head} key in $file")
lazy val user: String = findKey(FromFile.fileUserKeys)
lazy val password: String = findKey(FromFile.filePasswordKeys)
lazy val host: String = findKey(FromFile.fileHostKeys)
object FromFile {
// from sbt.Credentials
private val fileUserKeys = Seq("user", "", "username")
private val filePasswordKeys = Seq("password", "pwd", "pass", "passwd")
private val fileHostKeys = Seq("host", "", "hostname", "domain")
def apply(file: File): Credentials =