blob: 641c07c907d7fa27af96a97d6f7ecefed988c62c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License
package org.apache.toree.comm
import org.apache.toree.annotations.Experimental
import org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5
import scala.collection.immutable
* Represents the storage structure for Comm-related data.
* @param callbackStorage The structure used to connect targets with callbacks
* @param linkStorage The structure used to connect targets to specific ids
class CommStorage(
private val callbackStorage: collection.mutable.Map[String, CommCallbacks] =
new collection.mutable.HashMap[String, CommCallbacks](),
private val linkStorage: collection.mutable.Map[String, immutable.IndexedSeq[v5.UUID]] =
new collection.mutable.HashMap[String, immutable.IndexedSeq[v5.UUID]]()
) {
* Sets the Comm callbacks for the specified target.
* @param targetName The name of the target whose callbacks to set
* @param commCallbacks The new callbacks for the target
def setTargetCallbacks(targetName: String, commCallbacks: CommCallbacks) =
callbackStorage(targetName) = commCallbacks
* Removes the Comm callbacks from the specified target.
* @param targetName The name of the target whose callbacks to remove
* @return Some CommCallbacks if removed, otherwise None
def removeTargetCallbacks(targetName: String) =
* Retrieves the current Comm callbacks for the specified target.
* @param targetName The name of the target whose callbacks to get
* @return Some CommCallbacks if found, otherwise None
def getTargetCallbacks(targetName: String): Option[CommCallbacks] =
* Determines if the specified target has any callbacks.
* @param targetName The name of the target
* @return True if a CommCallbacks instance is found, otherwise false
def hasTargetCallbacks(targetName: String) =
* Sets the Comm ids associated with the specified target.
* @param targetName The name of the target whose Comm ids to set
* @param links The sequence of Comm ids to attach to the target
def setTargetCommIds(
targetName: String, links: immutable.IndexedSeq[v5.UUID]
) = linkStorage(targetName) = links
* Removes the Comm ids associated with the specified target.
* @param targetName The name of the target whose Comm ids to remove
* @return Some sequence of Comm ids if removed, otherwise None
def removeTargetCommIds(targetName: String) = linkStorage.remove(targetName)
* Removes the specified Comm id from the first target with a match.
* @param commId The Comm id to remove
* @return Some name of target linked to Comm id if removed, otherwise None
def removeCommIdFromTarget(commId: v5.UUID): Option[v5.UUID] = {
val targetName = getTargetFromCommId(commId)
targetName match {
case Some(name) =>
val commIds = getCommIdsFromTarget(name).get.filterNot(_ == commId)
setTargetCommIds(name, commIds)
case None =>
* Retrieves the current sequence of Comm ids for the specified target.
* @param targetName The name of the target whose Comm ids to get
* @return Some sequence of Comm ids if found, otherwise None
def getCommIdsFromTarget(targetName: String) = linkStorage.get(targetName)
* Retrieves all registered target names
* @return Some set of target names
def getTargets() = linkStorage.keySet
* Retrieves the current target for the specified Comm id.
* @param commId The Comm id whose target to get
* @return Some target name if found, otherwise None
def getTargetFromCommId(commId: v5.UUID): Option[String] = linkStorage.find {
(link) => link._2.contains(commId)
} match {
case Some(link) => Some(link._1)
case None => None
* Retrieves the current Comm callbacks for the specified Comm id.
* @param commId The id of the Comm whose callbacks to retrieve
* @return Some CommCallbacks if Comm id found, otherwise None
def getCommIdCallbacks(commId: v5.UUID): Option[CommCallbacks] =
getTargetFromCommId(commId) match {
case Some(targetName) => getTargetCallbacks(targetName)
case None => None
* Determines if the specified target has any linked Comm ids.
* @param targetName The name of the target
* @return True if a sequence of Comm ids is found, otherwise false
def hasTargetCommIds(targetName: String) =