blob: 466a3ec9a2b66dd61eb9d02a034e5c0594dfb8b0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License
package org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol
import org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5.MIMEType.MIMEType
import play.api.libs.json.{JsValue, Json}
package object v5 {
// Provide a UUID type representing a string (there is no object)
type UUID = String
// Provide a ParentHeader type and object representing a Header
type ParentHeader = Header
val ParentHeader = Header
// Provide a Metadata type and object representing a map
type Metadata = Map[String, JsValue]
object Metadata {
def apply(kv:(String, String)*):Metadata = {
if(kv.isEmpty) {
} else {
// triple quotes due
kv.toMap.mapValues(v => Json.parse(s""""$v""""))
val empty = Map.empty
// Provide a Data type and object representing a map
type Data = Map[MIMEType, String]
val Data = Map
// Provide a UserExpressions type and object representing a map
type UserExpressions = Map[String, String]
val UserExpressions = Map
// Provide a Payloads type and object representing a list of maps
type Payloads = List[Map[String, String]]
val Payloads = List
// Provide a MsgData type representing an arbitrary JSON value
type MsgData = JsValue
val MsgData = new {
def apply(xs: (String, Json.JsValueWrapper)*) = Json.obj(xs: _*)
val Empty = Json.obj()
// TODO: Split this into client/server socket types and move them to their
// respective projects
object SocketType extends Enumeration {
type SocketType = Value
// Server-specific actors
val Shell = Value("shell")
val IOPub = Value("io_pub")
val StdIn = Value("std_in")
val Control = Value("control")
val Heartbeat = Value("heartbeat")
// Client-specific actors
val ShellClient = Value("shell_client")
val IOPubClient = Value("io_pub_client")
val StdInClient = Value("std_in_client")
val ControlClient = Value("control_client")
val HeartbeatClient = Value("heartbeat_client")
object MessageType extends Enumeration {
type MessageType = Value
* Represents all incoming messages.
val Incoming = new {
val CompleteRequest = Value("complete_request")
val ConnectRequest = Value("connect_request")
val ExecuteRequest = Value("execute_request")
val HistoryRequest = Value("history_request")
val InspectRequest = Value("inspect_request")
val KernelInfoRequest = Value("kernel_info_request")
val ShutdownRequest = Value("shutdown_request")
val CommInfoRequest = Value("comm_info_request")
val IsCompleteRequest = Value("is_complete_request")
// Stdin Router/Dealer Messages
val InputReply = Value("input_reply")
// NOTE: These are not consistent with the type as they would conflict
val CommOpen = Value("incoming_comm_open")
val CommMsg = Value("incoming_comm_msg")
val CommClose = Value("incoming_comm_close")
* Represents all outgoing messages.
val Outgoing = new {
// Shell Router/Dealer Messages
val CompleteReply = Value("complete_reply")
val ConnectReply = Value("connect_reply")
val ExecuteReply = Value("execute_reply")
val HistoryReply = Value("history_reply")
val InspectReply = Value("inspect_reply")
val KernelInfoReply = Value("kernel_info_reply")
val ShutdownReply = Value("shutdown_reply")
val CommInfoReply = Value("comm_info_reply")
val IsCompleteReply = Value("is_complete_reply")
// Stdin Router/Dealer Messages
val InputRequest = Value("input_request")
// Pub/Sub Messages
val ClearOutput = Value("clear_output")
val DisplayData = Value("display_data")
val Error = Value("error")
val ExecuteInput = Value("execute_input")
val ExecuteResult = Value("execute_result")
val Status = Value("status")
val Stream = Value("stream")
// NOTE: These are not consistent with the type as they would conflict
val CommOpen = Value("outgoing_comm_open")
val CommMsg = Value("outgoing_comm_msg")
val CommClose = Value("outgoing_comm_close")
object HandlerType extends Enumeration {
type HandlerType = Value
val ExecuteRequestHandler = Value("execute_request_handler")
object SystemActorType extends Enumeration {
type SystemActorType = Value
val KernelMessageRelay = Value("kernel_message_relay")
val ExecuteRequestRelay = Value("execute_request_relay")
val Interpreter = Value("interpreter")
val MagicManager = Value("magic_manager")
val StatusDispatch = Value("status_dispatch")
object KernelStatusType extends Enumeration {
type KernelStatusType = Value
val Starting = Value("starting")
val Busy = Value("busy")
val Idle = Value("idle")
object MIMEType extends Enumeration {
type MIMEType = String
val PlainText = """text/plain"""
val ImagePng = """image/png"""
val TextHtml = """text/html"""
val ApplicationJson = """application/json"""
val ApplicationJavaScript = """application/javascript"""