blob: cc1173cbeeb6e5ca97b219156eedd7333b54f8cf [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License
package org.apache.toree.boot
import com.typesafe.config.Config
import joptsimple.OptionException
import org.scalatest.{FunSpec, Matchers}
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
class CommandLineOptionsSpec extends FunSpec with Matchers {
describe("CommandLineOptions") {
describe("when received --max-interpreter-threads=<int>") {
it("should set the configuration to the specified value") {
val expected = 999
val options = new CommandLineOptions(
s"--max-interpreter-threads=$expected" :: Nil
val actual = options.toConfig.getInt("max_interpreter_threads")
actual should be (expected)
describe("when received --help") {
it("should set the help flag to true") {
val options = new CommandLineOptions("--help" :: Nil) should be (true)
describe("when received -h") {
it("should set the help flag to true") {
val options = new CommandLineOptions("-h" :: Nil) should be (true)
describe("when not received --help or -h") {
it("should set the help flag to false") {
val options = new CommandLineOptions(Nil) should be (false)
describe("when received --version") {
it("should set the version flag to true") {
val options = new CommandLineOptions("--version" :: Nil)
options.version should be (true)
describe("when received -v") {
it("should set the version flag to true") {
val options = new CommandLineOptions("-v" :: Nil)
options.version should be (true)
describe("when not received --version or -v") {
it("should set the version flag to false") {
val options = new CommandLineOptions(Nil)
options.version should be (false)
describe("when received --profile=<path>") {
it("should error if path is not set") {
intercept[OptionException] {
new CommandLineOptions(Seq("--profile"))
describe("#toConfig") {
it("should include values specified in file") {
val pathToProfileFixture: String = new File(getClass.getResource("/fixtures/profile.json").toURI).getAbsolutePath
val options = new CommandLineOptions(Seq("--profile="+pathToProfileFixture))
val config: Config = options.toConfig
config.entrySet() should not be ('empty)
config.getInt("stdin_port") should be(12345)
config.getInt("shell_port") should be(54321)
config.getInt("iopub_port") should be(11111)
config.getInt("control_port") should be(22222)
config.getInt("hb_port") should be(33333)
describe("when received --<protocol port name>=<value>"){
it("should error if value is not set") {
intercept[OptionException] {
new CommandLineOptions(Seq("--stdin-port"))
intercept[OptionException] {
new CommandLineOptions(Seq("--shell-port"))
intercept[OptionException] {
new CommandLineOptions(Seq("--iopub-port"))
intercept[OptionException] {
new CommandLineOptions(Seq("--control-port"))
intercept[OptionException] {
new CommandLineOptions(Seq("--heartbeat-port"))
describe("#toConfig") {
it("should return config with commandline option values") {
val options = new CommandLineOptions(List(
"--stdin-port", "99999",
"--shell-port", "88888",
"--iopub-port", "77777",
"--control-port", "55555",
"--heartbeat-port", "44444"
val config: Config = options.toConfig
config.entrySet() should not be ('empty)
config.getInt("stdin_port") should be(99999)
config.getInt("shell_port") should be(88888)
config.getInt("iopub_port") should be(77777)
config.getInt("control_port") should be(55555)
config.getInt("hb_port") should be(44444)
describe("when received --profile and --<protocol port name>=<value>"){
describe("#toConfig") {
it("should return config with <protocol port> argument value") {
val pathToProfileFixture: String = (new File(getClass.getResource("/fixtures/profile.json").toURI)).getAbsolutePath
val options = new CommandLineOptions(List("--profile", pathToProfileFixture, "--stdin-port", "99999", "--shell-port", "88888"))
val config: Config = options.toConfig
config.entrySet() should not be ('empty)
config.getInt("stdin_port") should be(99999)
config.getInt("shell_port") should be(88888)
config.getInt("iopub_port") should be(11111)
config.getInt("control_port") should be(22222)
describe("when no arguments are received"){
describe("#toConfig") {
it("should read default value set in reference.conf") {
val options = new CommandLineOptions(Nil)
val config: Config = options.toConfig
config.getInt("stdin_port") should be(48691)
config.getInt("shell_port") should be(40544)
config.getInt("iopub_port") should be(43462)
config.getInt("control_port") should be(44808)
config.getInt("max_interpreter_threads") should be (4)
describe("when using -- to separate interpreter arguments"){
describe("#toConfig") {
it("should return interpreter_args config property when there are args before --") {
val options = new CommandLineOptions(List("--stdin-port", "99999", "--shell-port", "88888", "--", "someArg1", "someArg2", "someArg3"))
val config: Config = options .toConfig
config.entrySet() should not be ('empty)
config.getStringList("interpreter_args").asScala should be (List("someArg1", "someArg2", "someArg3"))
it("should return interpreter_args config property when args is at the beginning") {
val options = new CommandLineOptions(List("--", "someArg1", "someArg2", "someArg3"))
val config: Config = options .toConfig
config.entrySet() should not be ('empty)
config.getStringList("interpreter_args").asScala should be (List("someArg1", "someArg2", "someArg3"))
it("should return interpreter_args config property as empty list when there is nothing after --") {
val options = new CommandLineOptions(List("--stdin-port", "99999", "--shell-port", "88888", "--"))
val config: Config = options .toConfig
config.entrySet() should not be ('empty)
config.getStringList("interpreter_args").asScala should be ('empty)
describe("when received --ip=<value>") {
it("should error if value is not set") {
intercept[OptionException] {
new CommandLineOptions(Seq("--ip"))
describe("#toConfig") {
it("should set ip to specified value") {
val expected = ""
val options = new CommandLineOptions(s"--ip=${expected}" :: Nil)
val config: Config = options.toConfig
config.getString("ip") should be(expected)
it("should set ip to") {
val options = new CommandLineOptions(Nil)
val config: Config = options.toConfig
config.getString("ip") should be("")
describe("when received options with surrounding whitespace") {
it("should trim whitespace") {
val url1 = "url1"
val url2 = "url2"
val options = new CommandLineOptions(Seq(
" --magic-url ", s" ${url1}\t",
"--magic-url", s" \t ${url2} \t"
val config: Config = options.toConfig
config.getList("magic_urls").unwrapped.asScala should
be (Seq(url1, url2))
describe("when received --interpreter-plugin") {
it("should return the interpreter-plugin along with the defaults") {
val options = new CommandLineOptions(Seq(
val config: Config = options.toConfig
val p = config.getList("interpreter_plugins")
p should not be empty