blob: 285db1f622e7fc8cfeea5d827baa103c0e3a618d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License
package org.apache.toree.kernel.api
import{InputStream, PrintStream}
import java.util.concurrent.{ConcurrentHashMap, TimeUnit, TimeoutException}
import scala.collection.mutable
import com.typesafe.config.Config
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext}
import org.apache.toree.annotations.Experimental
import org.apache.toree.boot.layer.InterpreterManager
import org.apache.toree.comm.CommManager
import org.apache.toree.interpreter.Results.Result
import org.apache.toree.interpreter._
import org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5
import org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5.kernel.ActorLoader
import org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5.magic.MagicParser
import org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5.{KMBuilder, KernelMessage, MIMEType}
import org.apache.toree.magic.MagicManager
import org.apache.toree.plugins.PluginManager
import org.apache.toree.utils.LogLike
import scala.language.dynamics
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
import scala.util.DynamicVariable
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import scala.concurrent.{Future, Await}
* Represents the main kernel API to be used for interaction.
* @param _config The configuration used when starting the kernel
* @param interpreterManager The interpreter manager to expose in this instance
* @param comm The Comm manager to expose in this instance
* @param actorLoader The actor loader to use for message relaying
class Kernel (
private val _config: Config,
private val actorLoader: ActorLoader,
val interpreterManager: InterpreterManager,
val comm: CommManager,
val pluginManager: PluginManager
) extends KernelLike with LogLike {
* Jars that have been added to the kernel
private val jars = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[URI]()
override def addJars(uris: URI*): Unit = {
uris.foreach { uri =>
if (uri.getScheme != "file") {
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot add non-local jar: " + uri)
jars ++= uris
uris.foreach(uri => sparkContext.addJar(uri.getPath))
* Represents the current input stream used by the kernel for the specific
* thread.
private val currentInputStream =
new DynamicVariable[InputStream](null)
private val currentInputKernelMessage =
new DynamicVariable[KernelMessage](null)
* Represents the current output stream used by the kernel for the specific
* thread.
private val currentOutputStream =
new DynamicVariable[PrintStream](null)
private val currentOutputKernelMessage =
new DynamicVariable[KernelMessage](null)
* Represents the current error stream used by the kernel for the specific
* thread.
private val currentErrorStream =
new DynamicVariable[PrintStream](null)
private val currentErrorKernelMessage =
new DynamicVariable[KernelMessage](null)
* Represents magics available through the kernel.
val magics = new MagicManager(pluginManager)
* Represents magic parsing functionality.
val magicParser = new MagicParser(magics)
* Represents the data that can be shared using the kernel as the middleman.
* @note Using Java structure to enable other languages to have easy access!
val data: java.util.Map[String, Any] = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, Any]()
val interpreter = interpreterManager.defaultInterpreter.get
* Handles the output of interpreting code.
* @param output the output of the interpreter
* @return (success, message) or (failure, message)
private def handleInterpreterOutput(
output: (Result, Either[ExecuteOutput, ExecuteFailure])
): (Boolean, String) = {
val (success, result) = output
success match {
case Results.Success =>
(true, result.left.getOrElse("").asInstanceOf[String])
case Results.Error =>
(false, result.right.getOrElse("").toString)
case Results.Aborted =>
(false, "Aborted!")
case Results.Incomplete =>
// If we get an incomplete it's most likely a syntax error, so
// let the user know.
(false, "Syntax Error!")
override def config:Config = {
* Executes a block of code represented as a string and returns the result.
* @param code The code as an option to execute
* @return A tuple containing the result (true/false) and the output as a
* string
def eval(code: Option[String]): (Boolean, String) = { => {
magicParser.parse(c) match {
case Left(parsedCode) =>
val output = interpreter.interpret(parsedCode)
case Right(errMsg) =>
(false, errMsg)
}).getOrElse((false, "Error!"))
* Constructs a new instance of the stream methods using the latest
* kernel message instance.
* @return The collection of stream methods
override def stream: StreamMethods = stream()
* Constructs a new instance of the stream methods using the specified
* kernel message instance.
* @param parentMessage The message to serve as the parent of outgoing
* messages sent as a result of using streaming methods
* @return The collection of streaming methods
private[toree] def stream(
parentMessage: v5.KernelMessage = lastKernelMessage()
): StreamMethods = {
new StreamMethods(actorLoader, parentMessage)
* Returns a collection of methods that can be used to display data from the
* kernel to the client.
* @return The collection of display methods
override def display: DisplayMethodsLike = display()
* Constructs a new instance of the stream methods using the specified
* kernel message instance.
* @param parentMessage The message to serve as the parent of outgoing
* messages sent as a result of using streaming methods
* @return The collection of streaming methods
private[toree] def display(
parentMessage: v5.KernelMessage = lastKernelMessage(),
kmBuilder: v5.KMBuilder = v5.KMBuilder()
): DisplayMethods = {
new DisplayMethods(actorLoader, parentMessage, kmBuilder)
* Constructs a new instance of the factory methods using the latest
* kernel message instance.
* @return The collection of factory methods
override def factory: FactoryMethods = factory()
* Constructs a new instance of the factory methods using the specified
* kernel message and kernel message builder.
* @param parentMessage The message to serve as the parent of outgoing
* messages sent as a result of using an object created
* by the factory methods
* @param kmBuilder The builder to be used by objects created by factory
* methods
* @return The collection of factory methods
private[toree] def factory(
parentMessage: v5.KernelMessage = lastKernelMessage(),
kmBuilder: v5.KMBuilder = v5.KMBuilder()
): FactoryMethods = {
new FactoryMethods(_config, actorLoader, parentMessage, kmBuilder)
* Returns a print stream to be used for communication back to clients
* via standard out.
* @return The print stream instance or an error if the stream info is
* not found
override def out: PrintStream = {
val kernelMessage = lastKernelMessage()
constructStream(currentOutputStream, currentOutputKernelMessage, kernelMessage, { kernelMessage =>
val outputStream = this.factory(parentMessage = kernelMessage)
new PrintStream(outputStream)
* Returns a print stream to be used for communication back to clients
* via standard error.
* @return The print stream instance or an error if the stream info is
* not found
override def err: PrintStream = {
val kernelMessage = lastKernelMessage()
constructStream(currentErrorStream, currentErrorKernelMessage, kernelMessage, { kernelMessage =>
val outputStream = this.factory(parentMessage = kernelMessage)
new PrintStream(outputStream)
* Returns an input stream to be used to receive information from the client.
* @return The input stream instance or an error if the stream info is
* not found
override def in: InputStream = {
val kernelMessage = lastKernelMessage()
constructStream(currentInputStream, currentInputKernelMessage, kernelMessage, { kernelMessage =>
this.factory(parentMessage = kernelMessage).newKernelInputStream()
* Constructs or uses an existing stream.
* @param dynamicStream The DynamicVariable containing the stream to modify
* or use
* @param dynamicKernelMessage The DynamicVariable containing the KernelMessage to
* check against the new KernelMessage
* @param newKernelMessage The potentially-new KernelMessage
* @param streamConstructionFunc The function used to create a new stream
* @param typeTag The type information associated with the stream
* @tparam T The stream type
* @return The new stream or existing stream
private def constructStream[T](
dynamicStream: DynamicVariable[T],
dynamicKernelMessage: DynamicVariable[KernelMessage],
newKernelMessage: KernelMessage,
streamConstructionFunc: (KernelMessage) => T
)(implicit typeTag: TypeTag[T]) = {
// Update the stream being used only if the information has changed
// or if the stream has not been initialized
if (updateKernelMessage(dynamicKernelMessage, newKernelMessage) ||
dynamicStream.value == null)
logger.trace("Creating new kernel " + typeTag.tpe.toString + "!")
dynamicStream.value = streamConstructionFunc(newKernelMessage)
* Updates the last stream info returning the status of whether or not the
* new stream info was different than the last stream info.
* @param dynamicKernelMessage The dynamic variable containing the current
* stream info
* @param kernelMessage The new stream info
* @return True if the new stream info is different from the last (therefore
* replaced), otherwise false
private def updateKernelMessage(
dynamicKernelMessage: DynamicVariable[KernelMessage],
kernelMessage: KernelMessage
): Boolean =
if (kernelMessage != null && !kernelMessage.equals(dynamicKernelMessage.value)) {
dynamicKernelMessage.value = kernelMessage
} else {
* Retrieves the last kernel message received by the kernel.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If no kernel message has been received
* @return The kernel message instance
private def lastKernelMessage() = {
val someKernelMessage = ExecuteRequestState.lastKernelMessage
require(someKernelMessage.nonEmpty, "No kernel message received!")
// TODO: Think of a better way to test without exposing this
protected[toree] def createSparkConf(conf: SparkConf) = {
if(conf.contains("spark.submit.deployMode")) {"Utilizing deploy mode: " + conf.get("spark.submit.deployMode"))
} else {"Setting deployMode to client")
conf.set("spark.submit.deployMode", "client")
// TODO: Think of a better way to test without exposing this
protected[toree] def initializeSparkContext(sparkConf: SparkConf): SparkContext = {
logger.debug("Constructing new Spark Context")
// TODO: Inject stream redirect headers in Spark dynamically
var sparkContext: SparkContext = null
val outStream = new KernelOutputStream(
actorLoader, KMBuilder(), global.ScheduledTaskManager.instance,
sendEmptyOutput = _config.getBoolean("send_empty_output")
// Update global stream state and use it to set the Console local variables
// for threads in the Spark threadpool
global.StreamState.setStreams(, outStream, outStream)
global.StreamState.withStreams {
sparkContext = new SparkContext(sparkConf)
override def interpreter(name: String): Option[Interpreter] = {
private lazy val defaultSparkConf: SparkConf = createSparkConf(new SparkConf())
override def sparkSession: SparkSession = {
defaultSparkConf.getOption("spark.master") match {
case Some(master) if !master.contains("local") =>
// when connecting to a remote cluster, the first call to getOrCreate
// may create a session and take a long time, so this starts a future
// to get the session. if it take longer than 100 ms, then print a
// message to the user that Spark is starting.
val sessionFuture = Future {
try {
Await.result(sessionFuture, Duration(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS))
} catch {
case timeout: TimeoutException =>
// getting the session is taking a long time, so assume that Spark
// is starting and print a message
MIMEType.PlainText, "Waiting for a Spark session to start...")
Await.result(sessionFuture, Duration.Inf)
case _ =>
override def sparkContext: SparkContext = sparkSession.sparkContext
override def sparkConf: SparkConf = sparkSession.sparkContext.getConf
override def javaSparkContext: JavaSparkContext = javaSparkContext(sparkSession)
private val javaContexts = new mutable.WeakHashMap[SparkSession, JavaSparkContext]
private def javaSparkContext(sparkSession: SparkSession): JavaSparkContext = {
javaContexts.synchronized {
new JavaSparkContext(sparkSession.sparkContext))