blob: 59c04371be41ed4a82ebe4bbfbb1bdde0bedd21b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License
package org.apache.toree.boot
import{File, OutputStream}
import com.typesafe.config.{Config, ConfigFactory}
import joptsimple.{OptionParser, OptionSpec}
import joptsimple.util.RegexMatcher._
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
class CommandLineOptions(args: Seq[String]) {
private val parser = new OptionParser()
* Options supported by our kernel.
private val _help =
parser.acceptsAll(Seq("help", "h").asJava, "display help information").forHelp()
private val _version =
parser.acceptsAll(Seq("version", "v").asJava, "display version information")
private val _profile =
parser.accepts("profile", "path to IPython JSON connection file")
private val _ip =
parser.accepts("ip", "ip used to bind sockets")
private val _stdin_port = parser.accepts(
"stdin-port", "port of the stdin socket"
private val _shell_port = parser.accepts(
"shell-port", "port of the shell socket"
private val _iopub_port = parser.accepts(
"iopub-port", "port of the iopub socket"
private val _control_port = parser.accepts(
"control-port", "port of the control socket"
private val _heartbeat_port = parser.accepts(
"heartbeat-port", "port of the heartbeat socket"
private val _magic_url =
parser.accepts("magic-url", "path to a magic jar")
private val _default_repositories = parser.accepts(
"default-repositories", "comma separated list of additional repositories to resolve"
private val _default_repository_credentials = parser.accepts(
"default-repository-credentials", "comma separated list of credential files to use"
private val _max_interpreter_threads = parser.accepts(
"total number of worker threads to use to execute code"
private val _jar_dir = parser.accepts(
"directory where user added jars are stored (MUST EXIST)"
private val _default_interpreter =
parser.accepts("default-interpreter", "default interpreter for the kernel")
private val _nosparkcontext =
parser.accepts("nosparkcontext", "Deprecated (see spark-context-initialization-mode). \n Kernel should not create a spark context")
private val _spark_context_initialization_mode = parser.accepts(
"Identify how the Spark context initialization occurs. " +
"NONE will not initialize a Spark Context," +
"EAGER initialization will happen during runtime initialization, " +
"LAZY initialization will happen when the context is used for the first time."
).withRequiredArg().ofType(classOf[String]).withValuesConvertedBy( regex("(none)|(lazy)|(eager)")).defaultsTo("lazy")
private val _spark_context_initialization_timeout = parser.accepts(
"The time (in milliseconds) allowed for creation of the spark context. " +
"Failure to create a context in this time could result in duplicate initialization messages. " +
"The default value is 100 milliseconds."
private val _interpreter_plugin = parser.accepts(
private val _alternate_sigint = parser.accepts(
"Specifies the signal to use instead of SIGINT for interrupting a long-running cell. " +
"The value is a string and does not include the SIG prefix. Use of USR2 is recommended."
private val options = parser.parse( _*)
* Helpers to determine if an option is provided and the value with which it
* was provided.
private def has[T](spec: OptionSpec[T]): Boolean =
private def get[T](spec: OptionSpec[T]): Option[T] =
Some(options.valueOf(spec)).filter(_ != null)
private def getAll[T](spec: OptionSpec[T]): Option[List[T]] =
Some(options.valuesOf(spec).asScala.toList).filter(_ != null)
* Expose options in terms of their existence/value.
val help: Boolean = has(_help)
val version: Boolean = has(_version)
* Config object has 3 levels and fallback in this order
* 1. Comandline Args
* 2. --profile file
* 3. Defaults
def toConfig: Config = {
val profileConfig: Config = get(_profile) match {
case Some(x) =>
case None =>
val commandLineConfig: Config = ConfigFactory.parseMap(Map(
"stdin_port" -> get(_stdin_port),
"shell_port" -> get(_shell_port),
"iopub_port" -> get(_iopub_port),
"control_port" -> get(_control_port),
"hb_port" -> get(_heartbeat_port),
"ip" -> get(_ip),
"interpreter_args" -> interpreterArgs,
"magic_urls" -> getAll(_magic_url).map(_.asJava)
.flatMap(list => if (list.isEmpty) None else Some(list)),
"max_interpreter_threads" -> get(_max_interpreter_threads),
"alternate_sigint" -> get(_alternate_sigint),
"jar_dir" -> get(_jar_dir),
"default_interpreter" -> get(_default_interpreter),
// deprecated in favor of spark-context-initialization-mode none
// "nosparkcontext" -> (if (has(_nosparkcontext)) Some(true) else Some(false)),
"spark_context_initialization_mode" -> (if( has(_spark_context_initialization_mode)) get(_spark_context_initialization_mode)
else ( if (has(_nosparkcontext)) Some("none") else Some("lazy"))),
"spark_context_initialization_timeout" -> get(_spark_context_initialization_timeout),
"interpreter_plugins" -> interpreterPlugins,
"default_repositories" -> getAll(_default_repositories).map(_.asJava)
.flatMap(list => if (list.isEmpty) None else Some(list)),
"default_repository_credentials" -> getAll(_default_repository_credentials).map(_.asJava)
.flatMap(list => if (list.isEmpty) None else Some(list))
).flatMap(removeEmptyOptions).asInstanceOf[Map[String, AnyRef]].asJava)
private val removeEmptyOptions: ((String, Option[Any])) => Iterable[(String, Any)] = {
pair => if (pair._2.isDefined) Some((pair._1, pair._2.get)) else None
private def interpreterArgs: Option[java.util.List[String]] = {
val interpreterArgsList = args.dropWhile(_ != "--").drop(1).toList match {
case Nil => List.empty[String]
case list: List[String] => list
private def interpreterPlugins: Option[java.util.List[String]] = {
//val defaults = getAll(_default_interpreter_plugin).getOrElse(List())
//val defaults = List[String](
// "SQL:org.apache.toree.kernel.interpreter.sql.SqlInterpreter"
val userDefined = getAll(_interpreter_plugin) match {
case Some(l) => l
case _ => List[String]()
//val p = defaults ++ userDefined
* Prints the help message to the output stream provided.
* @param out The output stream to direct the help message
def printHelpOn(out: OutputStream) =