blob: 0b5955430d32aa6bd9bceb95e6bd0e8d8f0fb595 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License
import java.util.UUID
import scala.collection.immutable.HashMap
object KernelSecurityManager {
val RestrictedGroupName = "restricted-" + UUID.randomUUID().toString
* ThreadLocal to indicate that an exit from a restricted group thread is permitted.
private val tlEnableRestrictedExit:ThreadLocal[Boolean] = new ThreadLocal[Boolean]
* Special case for this permission since the name changes with each status
* code.
private val SystemExitPermissionName = "exitVM." // + status
* Used to indicate which permissions to check. Only checks if the permission
* is found in the keys and the value for that permission is true.
private val permissionsToCheck: Map[String, Boolean] = HashMap()
* Checks whether the permission with the provided name is listed to be
* checked.
* @param name The name of the permission
* @return True if the permission is listed to be checked, false otherwise
private def shouldCheckPermission(name: String): Boolean =
permissionsToCheck.getOrElse(name, shouldCheckPermissionSpecialCases(name))
* Checks whether the permission with the provided name is one of the special
* cases that don't exist in the normal name conventions.
* @param name The name of the permission
* @return True if the permission is to be checked, false otherwise
private def shouldCheckPermissionSpecialCases(name: String): Boolean =
* Sets tlEnableRestrictedExit to true if caller is in the restricted group. This
* method is intended to be called exclusively from the ShutdownHandler since that's
* the only path by which we should permit System.exit to succeed within the notebook.
* Note that dual SIGINTs occur from a non-restricted thread group and are also permitted.
def enableRestrictedExit() {
val currentGroup = Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup
tlEnableRestrictedExit.set(currentGroup.getName == RestrictedGroupName)
class KernelSecurityManager extends SecurityManager {
import KernelSecurityManager._
override def checkPermission(perm: Permission, context: scala.Any): Unit = {
// TODO: Investigate why the StackOverflowError occurs in IntelliJ without
// this check for FilePermission related to this class
// NOTE: The above problem does not happen when built with sbt pack
if (perm.getActions == "read" &&
if (shouldCheckPermission(perm.getName))
super.checkPermission(perm, context)
override def checkPermission(perm: Permission): Unit = {
// TODO: Investigate why the StackOverflowError occurs in IntelliJ without
// this check for FilePermission related to this class
// NOTE: The above problem does not happen when built with sbt pack
if (perm.getActions == "read" &&
if (shouldCheckPermission(perm.getName))
def _isRestrictedGroup(): Boolean = {
// Returns true if this thread group is derived from the restricted group so as to
// prevent System.exit(0) from sub-threads running in a different group.
var isRestricted = false
var currentGroup = Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup
while ( currentGroup != null && !isRestricted ) {
if ( currentGroup.getName == RestrictedGroupName )
isRestricted = true
currentGroup = currentGroup.getParent
override def checkExit(status: Int): Unit = {
// Exit will be denied if this thread is derived from the restricted group AND the restricted
// exit thread-local has not been enabled. This will only happen when the request
// came from jupyter via a (cell) execution_request indicating the cell is attempting
// an exit call. Proper notebook shutdown requests will go through the ShutdownHandler
// where restricted exits are enabled and SIGINT (ctrl-c) requests are not performed
// via the restricted group and thus allowed.
if ( _isRestrictedGroup() ) {
val isRestrictedExitEnabled:Option[Boolean] = Some(tlEnableRestrictedExit.get())
if ( !isRestrictedExitEnabled.getOrElse(false) ) {
throw new SecurityException("Not allowed to invoke System.exit!")
// Just in case this thread remains alive - force it to pass through ShutdownHandler