blob: 55b1b97dd1278a094818931d329a70ae289595c6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 IBM Corp.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.UUID
import java.util.concurrent.{TimeUnit, ArrayBlockingQueue}
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
import scala.concurrent.{Future, Promise, promise}
* Represents a generic manager of Runnable tasks that will be executed in a
* separate thread (created inside the manager). Facilitates running tasks and
* provides a method to kill
class TaskManager(
taskThreadGroup: ThreadGroup = new ThreadGroup(RestrictedGroupName),
taskThreadName: String = "task-" + UUID.randomUUID().toString
) {
// Maximum time to wait (in milliseconds) before forcefully stopping this
// thread when an interrupt fails
private val InterruptTimeout = 5 * 1000
private val _queueCapacity = 200
private val _taskQueue =
new ArrayBlockingQueue[(Runnable, Promise[_])](_queueCapacity)
private var _taskThread: TaskThread = _
private val _currentPromise: AtomicReference[Promise[_]] =
new AtomicReference[Promise[_]]()
private class TaskThread extends Thread(taskThreadGroup, taskThreadName) {
private[TaskManager] var _currentTask: Runnable = _
private[TaskManager] var _running = false
override def start(): Unit = {
_running = true
* Main execution loop of the task thread.
* Pulls tasks from an internal queue to be processed sequentially.
override def run(): Unit = {
while (_running) {
val element = _taskQueue.poll(1L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
if (element != null) {
_currentTask = element._1
if (_currentTask != null)
_currentTask = null
* Marks the internal flag for running new tasks to false.
def cancel(): Unit = {
_running = false
* Represents the internal thread used to process tasks.
* @return The Thread instance wrapped in an Option, or None if not started
def thread: Option[Thread] =
if (_taskThread != null) Some(_taskThread) else None
* Adds a new task to the list to execute.
* @param taskFunction The new task as a block of code
* @return Future representing the return value (or error) from the task
def add[T <: Any](taskFunction: => T): Future[T] = {
val taskPromise = promise[T]()
// Construct runnable that completes the promise
_taskQueue.add((new Runnable {
override def run(): Unit =
try {
val result = taskFunction
} catch {
case ex: Throwable => taskPromise.tryFailure(ex)
}, taskPromise))
* Returns the count of tasks including the currently-running one.
* @return The count of tasks
def size: Int = _taskQueue.size()
* Returns whether or not there is a task in the queue to be processed.
* @return True if the internal queue is not empty, otherwise false
def hasTaskInQueue: Boolean = !_taskQueue.isEmpty
* Returns the current executing task.
* @return The current task or None if no task is running
def currentTask: Option[Runnable] =
if (_taskThread != null && _taskThread._currentTask != null)
else None
* Returns the sequence of tasks.
* @return The sequence of tasks as Runnables
def tasks: Seq[Runnable] =[(Runnable, _)]._1)
* Whether or not there is a task being executed currently.
* @return True if there is a task being executed, otherwise false
def isExecutingTask: Boolean = currentTask.nonEmpty
* Whether or not the task manager is processing new tasks.
* @return True if the manager is capable of consuming more tasks,
* otherwise false
def isRunning: Boolean = _taskThread != null && _taskThread._running
* Block execution (by sleeping) until all tasks currently queued up for
* execution are processed.
def await(): Unit =
while (hasTaskInQueue || isExecutingTask) Thread.sleep(1)
* Starts the task manager (begins processing tasks). Creates a new thread
* in the process.
def start(): Unit = startTaskProcessingThread()
* Restarts internal processing of tasks (removing current task).
def restart(): Unit = restartTaskProcessingThread()
* Stops internal processing of tasks.
* @param killThread Whether to kill the thread processing tasks if not it
* is not responding to interrupts
* @param killTimeout The period of time (in milliseconds) to wait before
* attempting to kill the thread processing tasks
def stop(
killThread: Boolean = true,
killTimeout: Int = InterruptTimeout
): Unit = killTaskProcessingThread(killThread, killTimeout)
* Creates a new task-processing thread and starts it.
private def startTaskProcessingThread(): Unit = {
_taskThread = new TaskThread
* Attempts to cancel/interrupt the task manager's internal task-processing
* thread. If unable to interrupt, will be forcefully stopped after the
* interrupt timeout threshold is reached.
* @param killThread Whether to kill the thread processing tasks if not it
* is not responding to interrupts
* @param killTimeout The period of time (in milliseconds) to wait before
* attempting to kill the thread processing tasks
private def killTaskProcessingThread(
killThread: Boolean = true,
killTimeout: Int = InterruptTimeout
): Unit = {
// NOTE: Dirty hack to suppress deprecation warnings
// See for discussion
object Thread {
@deprecated("", "") class Killer {
def stop() = try { _taskThread.stop() }
object Killer extends Killer
_taskThread.isAlive && killThread,
// Still available (JDK8 now calls stop0 directly)
// Used because of discussion on:
val currentPromise = _currentPromise.get()
if (currentPromise != null)
currentPromise.tryFailure(new ThreadDeath())
_taskThread = null
* Shuts down the current thread used to execute tasks and starts a new
* thread in its place.
private def restartTaskProcessingThread(): Unit = {
* Execute body if the millisecond timeout is reached and the condition
* still holds true.
* @param milliseconds The timeout limit in milliseconds
* @param condition The condition to test up until executing the body
* @param body The body to execute
* @return Whether or not the body was executed
private def runIfTimeout(
milliseconds: Int,
condition: => Boolean,
body: => Unit
): Boolean = {
val endTime: Long = milliseconds + java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis()
while (java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis() < endTime) {
// Exit if our condition suddenly goes south
if (!condition) return false
// Allow check to be interrupted
if (Thread.interrupted())
throw new InterruptedException()
if (condition) { body; true } else false