blob: 473d329f736710b3717f0c704ed4784ecd756418 [file] [log] [blame]
//! # The MesaTEE SDK v0.1.0
//! The MesaTEE SDK is designed for external users who wants to invoke FaaS
//! functions only. If you want to write a FaaS function enclave, please use
//! mesatee_core instead.
//! The MesaTEE SDK is designed for security and trusted computing. So it
//! enforces top-level of user authentication/authorization and encryption.
//! All the communication channels between users and services, services and
//! services are constructed in remote attesatation based mutual authenticated
//! TLS channel. To connect to a MesaTEE Service, the external user need to get
//! a valid TLS certificate signed by a pre-trusted CA. The pre-trusted CA
//! should be hard-coded in `[ra_config]` section of `{PROJECT_ROOT}/build.toml`
//! .
//! ## Code sample using MesaTEE SDK
//! Sample code is located at `{PROJECT_ROOT}/examples/quickstart`.
//! # What can be done by using MesaTEE SDK
//! ## Single Task FaaS
//! By using this MesaTEE SDK, you can run a 'single task' within the following:
//! three steps:
//! 1. Connect to a Task Management Service node (tms), and a Trusted Distributed
//! File System (tdfs)
//! 2. Create a FaaS task
//! 3. Invoke this Faas task with a payload
//! ## Multi-party Task FaaS
//! And you can run a 'multi-party task'. Suppose two participants are Alice
//! and Bob.
//! 0. Alice and Bob consent on each other's `uid`, say `uid1` and `uid2`.
//! 1. Either Alice or Bob connects to a Task Management Service node (tms), and a
//! Trusted Distributed File System (tdfs) with his/her `uid`.
//! 2. Either Alice or Bob invokes `upload_file` to upload his own secret to
//! tdfs. Both Alice and Bob know his/her remote file path.
//! 3. Either Alice or Bob create a task with the FaaS function name, e.g.
//! `psi` for private set intersection, with the remote file path of his/her
//! own data file. Then he/she gets a `task_id` back and tells the other one.
//! 4. The other one approve this task by this `task_id` and his/her own remote
//! file path of his/her own data.
//! 5. Either of Alice and Bob invokes the function.
//! 6. Both Alice and Bob check the status of this task and get the results
//! once the task is finished.
//! # The FaaS functions
//! As of v0.1.0 today, the current implementation includes a All-in-One worker
//! called Function Node Service (fns). Developers may want to work on:
//! 1. Develop new function enclaves.
//! 2. Use MesaPy to dynamically register and execute functions with inputs.
//! 3. Use WebAssembly Interpreter to register and execute functions with
//! inputs.
//! 4. Use an existing MesaTEE system.
//! For (1), one need to use mesatee_core and make the function enclave
//! working like FNS. The current FNS should be the best code sample.
//! For (2), FNS provides an interface to execute a Python script but without
//! dynamic input parameters. We will support it later.
//! For (3), FNS **ONLY** provides the `Spec` WebAssembly machine, not any
//! machine one can use in production. Using WebAssembly interpreter in
//! production requires a well-defined WebAssembly machine specification and
//! wasmi implementation. One should first implement it using Parity's wasmi
//! and then copy the code to the enclave in FNS's style. Then everything
//! should be fine. One should also consider another compiler toolchain to
//! generate such wasm codes, which act as the input of the registration
//! process.
//! For (4), read the MesaTEE SDK carefully.
//! ## Single task function
//! A single task function can take both immediate input string and file ID
//! input. For example, the gbdt function takes file input as its model, and
//! an immediate input string as the data used for inference. Its direct output
//! message stores the inference result.
//! ## Multi-party function
//! Generally speaking, a multi-party function takes at least one file from
//! each participants, and returns results in files as well. The PSI sample
//! function takes one file from each participant, and returns one file to
//! each participant. And it generates one line of immediate output saying
//! "finished".
//! # Trust Model and Management of Measurements
//! We have included a document on the detail of trust model and management
//! of measurements in the project docs. Here is just a brief.
//! Measurements (MRENCLAVE, MRSIGNER) are critical to every Intel SGX project.
//! Remote attestation should include verification of these two measurements
//! before establishing a communication channel. These two measurements are
//! generated by a tool from Intel called `sgx_sign` during compilation.
//! The current MesaTEE project generate a file containing all of the included
//! Intel SGX enclaves, and saved it at `{PROJECT_ROOT}/release/services/enclave_info.toml`.
//! In a classic multi-party computation scenario, every participant **must**
//! agree with these measurements before any collaboration. In MesaTEE, this
//! is enforced by a multi-party, asymmetric cryptography signing process.
//! We call all of these people who must reach consensus on the enclave
//! measurements "**Auditors**".
//! The auditors hold their own private keys and publish their public keys.
//! Once the auditors agree with the measurements, he/she needs to sign the
//! `enclave_info.toml` with his/her private key, and saves the SHA256 digest
//! of `enclave_info.toml`.
//! To launch a MesaTEE task for multi-party computation, the one who invokes
//! the `Mesatee::new` API needs to collect each participant's public key
//! (in DER format), as well as the SHA256 digest, to construct a struct of
//! `MesateeEnclaveInfo`. Then use it in `Mesatee::new` API. The launching
//! process would automatically triggers signature verification and digest
//! verification, and return fail if anything is tampered or incorrect.
//! We want to emphasize that: **MesaTEE cannot force the user to check all
//! those measurements**. Everybody can choose between checking nothing or
//! checking everything, but his/her choice significantly affects the security
//! guarantees of his/her enclaves and communication channel. This fact leads
//! to the following conclusion:
//! **If `MesateeEnclaveInfo` includes nothing about auditors and measurements,
//! nothing would be checked during remote attestation. Then all of the
//! security and safety guarantees are lost.**
//! Please make sure the auditors and measurements are correctly set up in any
//! production scenario.
//! # User Authentication/Authorization
//! MesaTEE framework contains two stage of user authentication and
//! authorization:
//! 1. Transportation Layer Security -- User/service need to present a valid
//! certificate to connect to the MesaTEE Services.
//! 2. Application layer -- User need to present a valid combination of
//! `(user_id, user_token)` to pass the `verify_user` check.
//! ## Transportation Layer Security
//! Stage 1 is strictly enforced for every MesaTEE connection, including
//! the built-in services and the external users. As an external user, one
//! should present his/her client certificate signed by a trusted root CA.
//! ### The Trusted Root CA
//! We generated a prebuilt CA at `{PROJECT_ROOT}/cert/ca.crt`. During the
//! compilation, MesaTEE reads `{PROJECT_ROOT}/build.toml` to get the path
//! of the CA cert and make the cert hard-coded in the MesaTEE components.
//! To generate the root CA, one can use anything equal to the following
//! commands:
//! ```bash
//! $ openssl ecparam -genkey -name prime256v1 -out ca.key
//! $ openssl req -x509 -new -SHA256 -nodes -key ca.key -days 3650 -out ca.crt
//! ```
//! ### User's TLS certificate
//! User needs to pre-generate his/her TLS certificate signed by the above CA.
//! MesaTEE reads `{PROJECT_ROOT}/build.toml` to read its location and makes
//! it hard-coded. Currently MesaTEE only supports 1 client cert. We have plan
//! to support multiple and configurable client certificate interface later.
//! Here are a reference to generate the user's TLS client certificate:
//! ```bash
//! $ openssl ecparam -genkey -name prime256v1 -out client.key
//! $ openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -in client.key -out client.pkcs8
//! $ openssl req -new -SHA256 -key client.key -nodes -out client.csr
//! $ openssl x509 -req -extfile <(printf "subjectAltName=DNS:localhost,") -days 3650 -in client.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial -out client.crt
//! ```
//! ## Application Layer User Authentication/Authorization
//! The MesaTEE depends on an external user authentication system which can
//! verify user by `user_id` + `user_token`. To implement such a user auth
//! system, one should edit
//! * mesatee_tms/sgx_trusted_lib/src/
//! * mesatee_tdfs/sgx_trusted_lib/src/
//! to implement the authentication/authorization system. The current framework
//! does not include anything real. Those functions now always return `true`.
use fns_client::FNSClient;
use mesatee_core::config::{OutboundDesc, TargetDesc};
pub use mesatee_core::{Error, ErrorKind, Result};
use std::fs;
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::str::FromStr;
use tdfs_external_client::TDFSClient;
use teaclave_utils;
use tms_external_client::TMSClient;
pub use tms_external_proto::TaskStatus;
/// `Mesatee` stands for a connection to MesaTEE Service
/// To connect to a MesaTEE Service, one should be clear about:
/// 0. User's TLS certificate. Currently we do not support a configurable TLS
/// user certificate due to the limitation of current APIs. But we have plan
/// to support it as soon as possible.
/// 1. The credential to connect. In the current design, it is a combination of
/// `(user_id, user_token)`.
/// 2. The description of Task Management Service, which is a string of "ip:port".
/// We do not support any kind of dns name here because we do not have a name
/// resolution mechanism.
/// 3. The description of Trusted Distributed File System.
pub struct Mesatee {
/// User ID used for application level authentication/authorization
user_id: String,
/// One time user token used for application level authentication/
/// authorization
user_token: String,
/// Description of a Task Management Service. One can construct it by calling
/// `TargetDesc::new`
tms_desc: TargetDesc,
/// Description of a Trusted Distributed File System. One can construct it
/// by calling `TargetDesc::new`
tdfs_desc: TargetDesc,
/// The description of Functional Service Node. We cannot use `TargetDesc`
/// for it because of the limitation of current API design. And it would
/// be automically initialized by `new`.
fns_outbound_desc: OutboundDesc,
/// `MesateeTask` stands for a task of a FaaS job.
/// To create a FaaS task, the following information is required:
/// 1. The task ID, identified by a `String`.
/// 2. The name of the desired function, identified by a `String`.
/// 3. The token of the task, which is used for function level authentication.
/// One have valid `task_id` but no `task_token` cannot work on that task.
/// 4. The description of Function Node Service.
/// 5. The information of the task.
pub struct MesateeTask {
/// The unique ID of a task
pub task_id: String,
/// The name of desired function
pub function_name: String,
/// The task token issued by Task Management Service
pub task_token: String,
/// The description of the Function Node Service, which is always generated
/// by the Task Management Service.
pub fns_desc: Option<TargetDesc>,
/// The information of the task.
pub task_info: Option<TaskInfo>,
/// `Taskinfo` holds the detailed information of a MesaTEE Task
/// Taskinfo is dynamically returned from Task Management Service
/// 1. The user ID of the task's creator.
/// 2. The status of all of the participants, including their user IDs and
/// the status of whether they approved this task.
/// 3. One of `Created`, `Ready`, `Running`, `Finished`, `Failed`
pub struct TaskInfo {
/// The user ID of the task's creator.
pub creator: String,
/// The status of all of the participants, including their user IDs and
/// the status of whether they approved this task.
pub participants: Vec<(String, bool)>,
/// One of `Created`, `Ready`, `Running`, `Finished`, `Failed`
pub status: TaskStatus,
/// `MesateeEnclaveInfo` holds the detailed information of a MesaTEE Enclave
/// Mesatee EnclaveInfo stores the MRSIGNER/MRENCLAVE of an Intel SGX enclave.
/// These measurements are generated by `sgx_sign` tool from Intel and stored
/// at
pub struct MesateeEnclaveInfo {
/// `enclave_signers` holds a list of "auditor's public key", and
/// "auditor's copy of sha256 digest of enclave_info.toml".
enclave_signers: Vec<(Vec<u8>, PathBuf)>,
/// holds the path of `enclave_info.toml`.
enclave_info_file_path: PathBuf,
impl MesateeEnclaveInfo {
/// The `load` function loads the measurement info of a enclave from a
/// local file and returns a `MesateeEnclaveInfo` struct.
/// # Arguments
/// * `auditors` - holds a `Vec` of `(&str, &str)`, representing a list of
/// "Auditors" participated in the consensus of MRENCLAVEs and MRSIGNERs.
/// The tuple `(&str, &str)` means "auditor's public key in DER format",
/// * `enclave_info_file_path` - holds the file path of `enclave_info.toml`.
/// # Return Value
/// * `Ok(MesateeEnclaveInfo)` - if load successfully.
/// * `Err(e)` - loading failed with error of `e`.
pub fn load(auditors: Vec<(&str, &str)>, enclave_info_file_path: &str) -> Result<Self> {
let mut enclave_signers: Vec<(Vec<u8>, PathBuf)> = vec![];
for (der, sha) in auditors.iter() {
let der_content = fs::read(der)?;
enclave_signers.push((der_content, PathBuf::from_str(sha).expect("infallible")));
let enclave_info_file_path = PathBuf::from_str(enclave_info_file_path).expect("infallible");
let enclave_info = MesateeEnclaveInfo {
impl Mesatee {
/// Create an instance for a MesaTEE connection
/// # Arguments
/// * `enclave_info` - An immutable reference of `MesateeEnclaveInfo` which
/// holds the value of all auditor's info and the location of `enclave_info
/// .txt`.
/// * `user_id` - An immutable reference of a `String` that holds current
/// user's ID.
/// * `user_token` - An immutable reference of a `String` that holds current
/// user's access token.
/// * `tms_addr` - An immutable reference of a `String` that holds the
/// connection information of Task Management Service in format of "ip:port".
/// * `tdfs_addr` - An immutable reference of a `String` that holds the
/// connection information of Trusted Distributed File System in format of
/// "ip:port".
/// # Return Value
/// Returns an instance of `MesaTEE` if successed.
/// # Example
/// Example of creating a single FaaS task:
/// ```
/// let tms_addr = "";
/// let tdfs_addr = "";
/// let mesaTEE = Mesatee::new("uid1", "token1", tms_addr, tdfs_addr).unwrap();
/// ```
pub fn new(
enclave_info: &MesateeEnclaveInfo,
user_id: &str,
user_token: &str,
tms_addr: SocketAddr,
tdfs_addr: SocketAddr,
) -> Result<Self> {
let mut enclave_signers: Vec<(&[u8], &Path)> = vec![];
for (der, hash) in enclave_info.enclave_signers.iter() {
enclave_signers.push((&der, hash.as_path()));
let enclave_info_content = fs::read_to_string(&enclave_info.enclave_info_file_path)
.unwrap_or_else(|_| {
"Cannot find enclave info at {:?}.",
let enclave_identities = teaclave_utils::load_enclave_info(&enclave_info_content);
let tms_outbound_desc = OutboundDesc::new(
.ok_or_else(|| Error::from(ErrorKind::MissingValue))?,
let tms_desc = TargetDesc::new(tms_addr, tms_outbound_desc);
let tdfs_outbound_desc = OutboundDesc::new(
.ok_or_else(|| Error::from(ErrorKind::MissingValue))?,
let tdfs_desc = TargetDesc::new(tdfs_addr, tdfs_outbound_desc);
let fns_outbound_desc = OutboundDesc::new(
.ok_or_else(|| Error::from(ErrorKind::MissingValue))?,
let mesatee = Self {
user_id: user_id.to_owned(),
user_token: user_token.to_owned(),
/// Create a MesaTEE Task
/// # Arguments
/// * `function_name` - An immutable reference of a `String` that holds
/// the function's name to be crated.
/// # Return Value
/// Returns a `mesatee::Result<MesateeTask>`, in which:
/// * `Ok(task)` where `task` holds the info of created task.
/// * `Err(err)` where `err` represents the failure during task creation.
/// # Example
/// Example of creating a single FaaS task:
/// ```
/// let task = mesatee.create_task("echo").unwrap();
/// ```
/// Here function `echo` honestly "echo" back. It is guaranteed by
/// the remote attestation based TLS!
pub fn create_task(&self, function_name: &str) -> Result<MesateeTask> {
self._create_task(function_name, None, None)
/// Create a MesaTEE Task with files uploaded on creation
/// It takes two arguments: the function name, and the slice of function
/// ids generated by TDFS.
/// One should upload those files before using this API.
/// # Arguments
/// * `function_name` - An immutable reference of a `String` that holds
/// the function's name to be crated.
/// * `files` - An immutable reference of a slice of file IDs returned by
/// TDFS.
/// # Return Value
/// Returns a `mesatee::Result<MesateeTask>`, in which:
/// * `Ok(task)` where `task` holds the info of created task.
/// * `Err(err)` where `err` represents the failure during task creation.
pub fn create_task_with_files(
function_name: &str,
files: &[&str],
) -> Result<MesateeTask> {
self._create_task(function_name, None, Some(files))
/// Create a MesaTEE Task with known set of collaborators, and files
/// It takes three arguments: the function name, the slice of all the
/// collaborators, and the slice of function ids generated by TDFS.
/// One should upload those files before using this API.
/// One should be clear about his/her collaborators before using this API.
/// * `function_name` - An immutable reference of a `String` that holds
/// the function's name to be crated.
/// # Arguments
/// * `collaborator_list` - An immutable reference of a slice of all
/// the collabortors' user IDs
/// * `files` - An immutable reference of a slice of file IDs returned by
/// TDFS.
/// # Return Value
/// Returns a `mesatee::Result<MesateeTask>`, in which:
/// * `Ok(task)` where `task` holds the info of created task.
/// * `Err(err)` where `err` represents the failure during task creation.
pub fn create_task_with_collaborators(
function_name: &str,
collaborator_list: &[&str],
files: &[&str],
) -> Result<MesateeTask> {
self._create_task(function_name, Some(collaborator_list), Some(files))
fn _create_task(
function_name: &str,
collaborator_list: Option<&[&str]>,
files: Option<&[&str]>,
) -> Result<MesateeTask> {
let collaborator_list = collaborator_list.unwrap_or(&[]);
let files = files.unwrap_or(&[]);
let mut tms_client = TMSClient::new(&self.tms_desc, &self.user_id, &self.user_token)?;
let response = tms_client.request_create_task(function_name, collaborator_list, files)?;
let fns_desc = TargetDesc::new(
SocketAddr::new(response.ip, response.port),
Ok(MesateeTask {
task_id: response.task_id,
function_name: function_name.to_owned(),
task_token: response.task_token,
fns_desc: Some(fns_desc),
task_info: None,
/// Get the task information identified by a task id
/// This function connects to TMS and query about task info according to
/// input task ID.
/// # Arguments
/// `task_id` - An immutable reference to a `String` which holds the ID of
/// the task.
/// # Return Value
/// Returns a `mesatee::Result<MesateeTask>`, in which:
/// * `Ok(task)` where `task` holds the info of created task.
/// * `Err(err)` where `err` represents the failure during task creation.
pub fn get_task(&self, task_id: &str) -> Result<MesateeTask> {
let mut tms_client = TMSClient::new(&self.tms_desc, &self.user_id, &self.user_token)?;
let response = tms_client.request_get_task(task_id)?;
let task_info = response.task_info;
let participants = task_info
.map(|c| (c.user_id, c.approved))
let fns_desc = TargetDesc::new(
SocketAddr::new(task_info.ip, task_info.port),
Ok(MesateeTask {
task_id: task_id.to_owned(),
function_name: task_info.function_name,
task_token: task_info.task_token,
fns_desc: Some(fns_desc),
task_info: Some(TaskInfo {
creator: task_info.user_id,
status: task_info.status,
/// Get the results of a FaaS task.
/// This function connects to the Task Management Service and fetch the results
/// of a task.
/// # Arguments
/// `task_id` - An immutable reference to a `String` which holds the ID of
/// the task
/// # Return Value
/// Returns a `mesatee::Result<Vec<String>>`, in which:
/// * `Ok(v)` where `v` holds the vector of `String`. Each of `String`
/// indicates the status of corresponding result files's status. If the
/// invoked function returns three files, this API would return a `Vec`
/// of three `String`s.
/// * `Err(err)` where `err` represents the failure during task creation.
pub fn get_task_results(&self, task_id: &str) -> Result<Vec<String>> {
let mut tms_client = TMSClient::new(&self.tms_desc, &self.user_id, &self.user_token)?;
let response = tms_client.request_get_task(task_id)?;
let task_info = response.task_info;
let mut task_result = vec![];
if let Some(id) = task_info.task_result_file_id {
/// One participant approves a task using his/her task ID and files.
/// This function connects to Task Management Service and approve a multi-party
/// computation task with his/her files.
/// # Arguments
/// `task_id` - An immutable reference to a `String` which holds the ID of
/// the task
/// `files` - An immutable reference to his/her file IDs.
/// # Return Value
/// Returns a `mesatee::Result<()>`, in which:
/// * `Ok(())` means successfully approved the input task.
/// * `Err(err)` means MesaTEE encountered `err` during approval.
pub fn approve_task_with_files(&self, task_id: &str, files: &[&str]) -> Result<()> {
let mut tms_client = TMSClient::new(&self.tms_desc, &self.user_id, &self.user_token)?;
let _ = tms_client.request_update_task(task_id, files)?;
/// This function returns the content of a result file in a `Vec<u8>`,
/// identified by its file ID.
/// # Arguments
/// `file_id` - It holds a reference to the file ID generated by TDFS.
/// # Return Value
/// One `mesatee_core::Results<Vec<u8>>` in which:
/// * `Ok(v)` holds the file content in `v`.
/// * `Err(err)` means MesaTEE encountered `err` during get file.
pub fn get_file(&self, file_id: &str) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
let mut client = TDFSClient::new(&self.tdfs_desc, &self.user_id, &self.user_token)?;
let content = client.read_file(file_id)?;
/// This function helps upload a file to TDFS and get its file ID.
/// # Arguments
/// `path` - It holds a reference to the file path. Generally it is a
/// path of local file system.
/// # Return Value
/// One `mesatee_core::Results<String>` in which:
/// * `Ok(s)` holds the file ID in s
/// * `Err(err)` means MesaTEE encountered `err` during uploading file.
pub fn upload_file(&self, path: &str) -> Result<String> {
let mut tdfs_client = TDFSClient::new(&self.tdfs_desc, &self.user_id, &self.user_token)?;
Ok(tdfs_client.save_file(path, "")?)
impl MesateeTask {
/// This function starts the computing of this task.
/// # Arguments
/// No arguments
/// # Return Value
/// One `mesatee_core::Results<String>` in which:
/// * `Ok(s)` holds the output of worker function. Generally, it holds
/// part of the computating results on design. It varies on workers.
/// * `Err(err)` means MesaTEE encountered `err` during function
/// execution.
pub fn invoke(&self) -> Result<String> {
/// This function starts the computing of this task with a given payload.
/// # Arguments
/// `payload` holds the **immediate** input arg of the invoked function.
/// It could be any thing such as a serialized structure, or just a message
/// . It varies on workers.
/// # Return Value
/// One `mesatee_core::Results<String>` in which:
/// * `Ok(s)` holds the output of worker function. Generally, it holds
/// part of the computating results on design. It varies on workers.
/// * `Err(err)` means MesaTEE encountered `err` during function
/// execution.
pub fn invoke_with_payload(&self, payload: &str) -> Result<String> {
fn _invoke(&self, payload: Option<&str>) -> Result<String> {
let desc = self
.ok_or_else(|| Error::from(ErrorKind::MissingValue))?;
let mut fns_client = FNSClient::new(desc)?;
let response = fns_client.invoke_task(