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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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//! rpc support for MesaTEE
// Insert std prelude in the top for the sgx feature
#[cfg(feature = "mesalock_sgx")]
use std::prelude::v1::*;
use crate::{Error, ErrorKind, Result};
use serde::{de::DeserializeOwned, Serialize};
use std::io::{Read, Write};
mod sendrecv;
use crate::rpc::sendrecv::*;
// RpcServer takes three generic type and provides two functions:
// `fn start` to bind the service on the given config
// `fn serve` is a blocking call contains an event loop in which the handler
// functions are invoked.
// Here U is the type of incoming request. V is the type of outgoing response.
// X is the type of the EnclaveService which is a generic type depends on U
// and V.
pub trait RpcServer<U, V, X>: Read + Write
U: DeserializeOwned + std::fmt::Debug,
V: Serialize + std::fmt::Debug,
X: EnclaveService<U, V>,
Self: Sized,
type Config;
fn start(config: &Self::Config) -> Result<Self>;
// This call would block -- contains main loop
// Returns error on socket close or any exceptions.
// The `loop` here is used for multi-round communications:
// Assuming that we have the following codes on the client side
// ```
// let _ = conn.invoke(first_req).unwrap();
// let _ = conn.invoke(second_req).unwrap();
// let _ = conn.invoke(third_req).unwrap();
// ```
// The `serve` function would loop its body for 3 times.
fn serve(&mut self, mut x: X) -> Result<()> {
loop {
// First receive a payload from client
let recv_buf: Vec<u8> = receive_vec(self)?;
// Now we received a payload in recv_buf
// recv_buf should be a serialized incoming request U
// The server needs deser it into U first
let request: U = serde_json::from_slice(&recv_buf)?;
debug!("SERVER get request: {:?}", request);
let result: Result<V> = x.handle_invoke(request).map_err(|e| e.into_simple_error());
debug!("SERVER handle_invoke result: {:?}", result);
let response = match serde_json::to_vec(&result) {
Ok(resp) => resp,
Err(_) => {
let r: Result<V> = Err(Error::from(ErrorKind::InternalRPCError));
debug!("SERVER send response {:?}", response);
// Now the result is stored in ret and we need to sent it back.
// `ret` is cleared here. Performance is not very good.
send_vec(self, response)?;
pub trait RpcClient<U, V>: Read + Write
Self: Sized,
U: Serialize,
V: DeserializeOwned,
type Config: std::marker::Sized;
fn open(config: Self::Config) -> Result<Self>;
fn invoke(&mut self, input: U) -> Result<V> {
let request_payload: Vec<u8> = serde_json::to_vec(&input)?;
debug!("CLIENT: sending req: {:?}", request_payload);
send_vec(self, request_payload)?;
let result_buf: Vec<u8> = receive_vec(self)?;
debug!("CLIENT: receiving resp: {:?}", result_buf);
let resp: Result<V> = serde_json::from_slice(&result_buf)?;
// EnclaveService takes two generic type and provides
pub trait EnclaveService<S, T>
S: DeserializeOwned,
T: Serialize,
fn handle_invoke(&mut self, input: S) -> Result<T>;
// With proper `cfg`s we can support SGX client trusted/untrusted at the same
// time. But the server supports SGX enclave only.
// TODO: update the following two cfgs if we have a full version sgx rpc
// It seems that the current sgx examples are also dependent on mod unix,
// and thus I choose enable this mode either unix and sgx setting.
// Please reivse this later if we have a dedicated rpc for mesalock_sgx.
pub mod channel;
#[cfg(feature = "mesalock_sgx")]
pub mod server;
pub mod sgx;
pub mod unix;