blob: 0630ef50859579bda9d7876dd5c8c24c46fcf139 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
use super::*;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use teaclave_crypto::{AesGcm128Key, AesGcm256Key};
use teaclave_test_utils::test_case;
fn setup_client() -> anyhow::Result<(TeaclaveFrontendClient, TeaclaveFrontendClient)> {
// Authenticate user before talking to frontend service
let mut api_client =
create_authentication_api_client(shared_enclave_info(), AUTH_SERVICE_ADDR)?;
let cred = login(&mut api_client, USERNAME1, TEST_PASSWORD)?;
let client1 = create_frontend_client(shared_enclave_info(), FRONTEND_SERVICE_ADDR, cred)?;
let cred = login(&mut api_client, USERNAME2, TEST_PASSWORD)?;
let client2 = create_frontend_client(shared_enclave_info(), FRONTEND_SERVICE_ADDR, cred)?;
Ok((client1, client2))
fn register_data_fusion_function(client: &mut TeaclaveFrontendClient) -> ExternalID {
let script = r#"
def readlines(fid):
lines = None
with teaclave_open(fid, "rb") as f:
lines = f.readlines()
return lines
def entrypoint(argv):
outfile = "OutFusionData"
infiles = ["InPartyA", "InPartyB"]
cnt = 0
with teaclave_open(outfile, "wb") as of:
for fid in infiles:
for line in readlines(fid):
cnt += 1
summary = "Mixed %d lines of data" % cnt
return summary
let input1 = FunctionInput::new("InPartyA", "Input from party A");
let input2 = FunctionInput::new("InPartyB", "Input from party B");
let fusion_output = FunctionOutput::new("OutFusionData", "Output fusion data");
let request = RegisterFunctionRequest::new()
.description("Mesapy Data Fusion Function")
.inputs(vec![input1, input2])
let response = client.register_function(request).unwrap();
log::info!("Resgister function: {:?}", response);
fn register_input_file(
client: &mut TeaclaveFrontendClient,
url: impl AsRef<str>,
crypto: impl Into<FileCrypto>,
auth_tag: impl AsRef<str>,
) -> ExternalID {
let url = Url::parse(url.as_ref()).unwrap();
let cmac = FileAuthTag::from_hex(auth_tag.as_ref()).unwrap();
let request = RegisterInputFileRequest::new(url, cmac, crypto);
let response = client.register_input_file(request).unwrap();
log::info!("Register input: {:?}", response);
fn register_fusion_output(
client: &mut TeaclaveFrontendClient,
file_owners: impl Into<OwnerList>,
) -> ExternalID {
let request = RegisterFusionOutputRequest::new(file_owners);
let response = client.register_fusion_output(request).unwrap();
fn create_data_fusion_task(
client: &mut TeaclaveFrontendClient,
function_id: &ExternalID,
) -> ExternalID {
let request = CreateTaskRequest::new()
"InPartyA" => vec![USERNAME1],
"InPartyB" => vec![USERNAME2]
.outputs_ownership(hashmap!("OutFusionData" => vec![USERNAME1, USERNAME2]))
let response = client.create_task(request).unwrap();
log::info!("Create task: {:?}", response);
fn assign_data_for_task(
client: &mut TeaclaveFrontendClient,
task_id: &ExternalID,
input_map: HashMap<String, ExternalID>,
output_map: HashMap<String, ExternalID>,
) {
let request = AssignDataRequest::new(task_id.clone(), input_map, output_map);
let response = client.assign_data(request).unwrap();
log::info!("Assign data: {:?}", response);
pub fn test_data_fusion_success() {
let (mut c1, mut c2) = setup_client().unwrap();
let function_id = register_data_fusion_function(&mut c1);
// Create Task
let task_id = create_data_fusion_task(&mut c1, &function_id);
// Register Data and Assign Data To Task
// input1 is owned by user1
let path = "http://localhost:6789/fixtures/fusion/input1.enc";
let key = "00000000000000000000000000000001";
let iv = "123456781234567812345678";
let cmac = "e8afd048b339fc835733e16c761a301c";
let crypto = AesGcm128Key::from_hex(key, iv).unwrap();
let input1 = register_input_file(&mut c1, path, crypto, cmac);
// fusion_output is owned by user1 and user2
let fusion_output = register_fusion_output(&mut c1, vec![USERNAME1, USERNAME2]);
&mut c1,
hashmap!("InPartyA" => input1),
hashmap!("OutFusionData" => fusion_output),
// input2 is owned by user2
let path = "http://localhost:6789/fixtures/fusion/input2.enc";
let key = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002";
let iv = "012345670123456701234567";
let cmac = "75d7cf7a7843dee709e29ba0dcb865d2";
let crypto = AesGcm256Key::from_hex(key, iv).unwrap();
let input2 = register_input_file(&mut c2, path, crypto, cmac);
&mut c2,
hashmap!("InPartyB" => input2),
// Approve Task
approve_task(&mut c1, &task_id).unwrap();
approve_task(&mut c2, &task_id).unwrap();
// Invoke Task by the creator
invoke_task(&mut c1, &task_id).unwrap();
// Get Task
let ret_val = get_task_until(&mut c1, &task_id, TaskStatus::Finished);
assert_eq!(&ret_val, "Mixed 5 lines of data");
let task = get_task(&mut c2, &task_id);
assert!(task.status == TaskStatus::Finished);
let fusion_id = task.assigned_outputs.get("OutFusionData").unwrap();
let fusion_owners = task.outputs_ownership.get("OutFusionData").unwrap();
let fusion_input = register_fusion_input_from_output(&mut c2, &fusion_id);
let function_id = register_word_count_function(&mut c2);
let task_id = create_wlc_task(&mut c2, &function_id, &fusion_owners);
&mut c2,
hashmap!("InputData" => fusion_input),
approve_task(&mut c2, &task_id).unwrap();
// Invoke Task by the creator
assert!(invoke_task(&mut c2, &task_id).is_err());
approve_task(&mut c1, &task_id).unwrap();
invoke_task(&mut c2, &task_id).unwrap();
let ret_val = get_task_until(&mut c2, &task_id, TaskStatus::Finished);
assert_eq!(&ret_val, "2");
fn register_fusion_input_from_output(
client: &mut TeaclaveFrontendClient,
fusion_id: &ExternalID,
) -> ExternalID {
let request = RegisterInputFromOutputRequest::new(fusion_id.clone());
let response = client.register_input_from_output(request).unwrap();
fn register_word_count_function(client: &mut TeaclaveFrontendClient) -> ExternalID {
let script = r#"
def readlines(fid):
lines = None
with teaclave_open(fid, "rb") as f:
lines = f.readlines()
return lines
def entrypoint(argv):
fid = "InputData"
assert len(argv) == 2
assert argv[0] == "query"
word = argv[1]
cnt = 0
for line in readlines(fid):
if word in line:
cnt += 1
return "%s" % cnt
let input_spec = FunctionInput::new("InputData", "Lines of Data");
let request = RegisterFunctionRequest::new()
.description("Mesapy Word Line Count Function")
let response = client.register_function(request).unwrap();
log::info!("Resgister function: {:?}", response);
fn create_wlc_task(
client: &mut TeaclaveFrontendClient,
function_id: &ExternalID,
owners: &OwnerList,
) -> ExternalID {
let request = CreateTaskRequest::new()
.function_arguments(hashmap!("query" => "teaclave"))
"InputData" => owners.to_owned()
let response = client.create_task(request).unwrap();
log::info!("Create task: {:?}", response);