blob: a73b15b1498ff7347960a249e0bd73c8eb50b5ab [file] [log] [blame]
//! table_cache implements a cache providing access to the immutable SSTables on disk. It's a
//! read-through cache, meaning that non-present tables are read from disk and cached before being
//! returned.
use crate::cache::{self, Cache};
use crate::error::{err, Result, StatusCode};
use crate::key_types::InternalKey;
use crate::options::Options;
use crate::table_reader::Table;
use crate::types::FileNum;
use integer_encoding::FixedIntWriter;
use std::convert::AsRef;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::rc::Rc;
pub fn table_file_name<P: AsRef<Path>>(name: P, num: FileNum) -> PathBuf {
assert!(num > 0);
name.as_ref().join(format!("{:06}.ldb", num))
fn filenum_to_key(num: FileNum) -> cache::CacheKey {
let mut buf = [0; 16];
(&mut buf[..]).write_fixedint(num).unwrap();
pub struct TableCache {
dbname: PathBuf,
cache: Cache<Table>,
opts: Options,
impl TableCache {
/// Create a new TableCache for the database named `db`, caching up to `entries` tables.
/// opt.cmp should be the user-supplied comparator.
pub fn new<P: AsRef<Path>>(db: P, opt: Options, entries: usize) -> TableCache {
TableCache {
dbname: db.as_ref().to_owned(),
cache: Cache::new(entries),
opts: opt,
pub fn get<'a>(
&mut self,
file_num: FileNum,
key: InternalKey<'a>,
) -> Result<Option<(Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>)>> {
let tbl = self.get_table(file_num)?;
/// Return a table from cache, or open the backing file, then cache and return it.
pub fn get_table(&mut self, file_num: FileNum) -> Result<Table> {
let key = filenum_to_key(file_num);
if let Some(t) = self.cache.get(&key) {
return Ok(t.clone());
/// Open a table on the file system and read it.
fn open_table(&mut self, file_num: FileNum) -> Result<Table> {
let name = table_file_name(&self.dbname, file_num);
let path = Path::new(&name);
let file_size = self.opts.env.size_of(&path)?;
if file_size == 0 {
return err(StatusCode::InvalidData, "file is empty");
let file = Rc::new(self.opts.env.open_random_access_file(&path)?);
// No SSTable file name compatibility.
let table = Table::new(self.opts.clone(), file, file_size)?;
self.cache.insert(&filenum_to_key(file_num), table.clone());
pub fn evict(&mut self, file_num: FileNum) -> Result<()> {
if self.cache.remove(&filenum_to_key(file_num)).is_some() {
} else {
err(StatusCode::NotFound, "table not present in cache")
#[cfg(feature = "enclave_unit_test")]
pub mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::cache;
use crate::mem_env::MemEnv;
use crate::options;
use crate::table_builder::TableBuilder;
use crate::test_util::LdbIteratorIter;
use teaclave_test_utils::*;
pub fn run_tests() -> bool {
run_tests!(test_table_file_name, test_filenum_to_key, test_table_cache,)
fn test_table_file_name() {
assert_eq!(Path::new("abc/000122.ldb"), table_file_name("abc", 122));
table_file_name("abc", 1234567)
fn make_key(a: u8, b: u8, c: u8) -> cache::CacheKey {
[a, b, c, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
fn test_filenum_to_key() {
assert_eq!(make_key(16, 0, 0), filenum_to_key(0x10));
assert_eq!(make_key(16, 1, 0), filenum_to_key(0x0110));
assert_eq!(make_key(1, 2, 3), filenum_to_key(0x030201));
fn write_table_to(o: Options, p: &Path) {
let w = o.env.open_writable_file(p).unwrap();
let mut b = TableBuilder::new_raw(o, w);
let data = vec![
("abc", "def"),
("abd", "dee"),
("bcd", "asa"),
("bsr", "a00"),
for &(k, v) in data.iter() {
b.add(k.as_bytes(), v.as_bytes()).unwrap();
fn test_table_cache() {
// Tests that a table can be written to a MemFS file, read back by the table cache and
// parsed/iterated by the table reader.
let mut opt = options::for_test();
opt.env = Rc::new(Box::new(MemEnv::new()));
let dbname = Path::new("testdb1");
let tablename = table_file_name(dbname, 123);
let tblpath = Path::new(&tablename);
write_table_to(opt.clone(), tblpath);
assert!(opt.env.size_of(tblpath).unwrap() > 20);
let mut cache = TableCache::new(dbname, opt.clone(), 10);
LdbIteratorIter::wrap(&mut cache.get_table(123).unwrap().iter()).count(),
// Test cached table.
LdbIteratorIter::wrap(&mut cache.get_table(123).unwrap().iter()).count(),