blob: da3c849051f535cff19cd98bed2938a2486a6644 [file] [log] [blame]
//! A log consists of a number of blocks.
//! A block consists of a number of records and an optional trailer (filler).
//! A record is a bytestring: [checksum: uint32, length: uint16, type: uint8, data: [u8]]
//! checksum is the crc32 sum of type and data; type is one of RecordType::{Full/First/Middle/Last}
#[cfg(feature = "mesalock_sgx")]
use std::prelude::v1::*;
use crate::error::{err, Result, StatusCode};
use std::io::{Read, Write};
use crc::crc32;
use crc::Hasher32;
use integer_encoding::FixedInt;
use integer_encoding::FixedIntWriter;
const BLOCK_SIZE: usize = 32 * 1024;
const HEADER_SIZE: usize = 4 + 2 + 1;
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub enum RecordType {
Full = 1,
First = 2,
Middle = 3,
Last = 4,
pub struct LogWriter<W: Write> {
dst: W,
digest: crc32::Digest,
current_block_offset: usize,
block_size: usize,
impl<W: Write> LogWriter<W> {
pub fn new(writer: W) -> LogWriter<W> {
let digest = crc32::Digest::new(crc32::CASTAGNOLI);
LogWriter {
dst: writer,
current_block_offset: 0,
block_size: BLOCK_SIZE,
/// new_with_off opens a writer starting at some offset of an existing log file. The file must
/// have the default block size.
pub fn new_with_off(writer: W, off: usize) -> LogWriter<W> {
let mut w = LogWriter::new(writer);
w.current_block_offset = off % BLOCK_SIZE;
pub fn add_record(&mut self, r: &[u8]) -> Result<usize> {
let mut record = &r[..];
let mut first_frag = true;
let mut result = Ok(0);
while result.is_ok() && record.len() > 0 {
assert!(self.block_size > HEADER_SIZE);
let space_left = self.block_size - self.current_block_offset;
// Fill up block; go to next block.
if space_left < HEADER_SIZE {
self.dst.write(&vec![0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0][0..space_left])?;
self.current_block_offset = 0;
let avail_for_data = self.block_size - self.current_block_offset - HEADER_SIZE;
let data_frag_len = if record.len() < avail_for_data {
} else {
let recordtype;
if first_frag && data_frag_len == record.len() {
recordtype = RecordType::Full;
} else if first_frag {
recordtype = RecordType::First;
} else if data_frag_len == record.len() {
recordtype = RecordType::Last;
} else {
recordtype = RecordType::Middle;
result = self.emit_record(recordtype, record, data_frag_len);
record = &record[data_frag_len..];
first_frag = false;
fn emit_record(&mut self, t: RecordType, data: &[u8], len: usize) -> Result<usize> {
assert!(len < 256 * 256);
self.digest.write(&[t as u8]);
let chksum = mask_crc(self.digest.sum32());
let mut s = 0;
s += self.dst.write(&chksum.encode_fixed_vec())?;
s += self.dst.write_fixedint(len as u16)?;
s += self.dst.write(&[t as u8])?;
s += self.dst.write(&data[0..len])?;
self.current_block_offset += s;
pub fn flush(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
pub struct LogReader<R: Read> {
// TODO: Wrap src in a buffer to enhance read performance.
src: R,
digest: crc32::Digest,
blk_off: usize,
blocksize: usize,
head_scratch: [u8; 7],
checksums: bool,
impl<R: Read> LogReader<R> {
pub fn new(src: R, chksum: bool) -> LogReader<R> {
LogReader {
blk_off: 0,
blocksize: BLOCK_SIZE,
checksums: chksum,
head_scratch: [0; 7],
digest: crc32::Digest::new(crc32::CASTAGNOLI),
/// EOF is signalled by Ok(0)
pub fn read(&mut self, dst: &mut Vec<u8>) -> Result<usize> {
let mut checksum: u32;
let mut length: u16;
let mut typ: u8;
let mut dst_offset: usize = 0;
loop {
if self.blocksize - self.blk_off < HEADER_SIZE {
// skip to next block
.read(&mut self.head_scratch[0..self.blocksize - self.blk_off])?;
self.blk_off = 0;
let mut bytes_read = self.head_scratch)?;
// EOF
if bytes_read == 0 {
return Ok(0);
self.blk_off += bytes_read;
checksum = u32::decode_fixed(&self.head_scratch[0..4]);
length = u16::decode_fixed(&self.head_scratch[4..6]);
typ = self.head_scratch[6];
dst.resize(dst_offset + length as usize, 0);
bytes_read = self
.read(&mut dst[dst_offset..dst_offset + length as usize])?;
self.blk_off += bytes_read;
if self.checksums
&& !self.check_integrity(typ, &dst[dst_offset..dst_offset + bytes_read], checksum)
return err(StatusCode::Corruption, "Invalid Checksum");
dst_offset += length as usize;
if typ == RecordType::Full as u8 {
return Ok(dst_offset);
} else if typ == RecordType::First as u8 {
} else if typ == RecordType::Middle as u8 {
} else if typ == RecordType::Last as u8 {
return Ok(dst_offset);
fn check_integrity(&mut self, typ: u8, data: &[u8], expected: u32) -> bool {
unmask_crc(expected) == self.digest.sum32()
const MASK_DELTA: u32 = 0xa282ead8;
pub fn mask_crc(c: u32) -> u32 {
(c.wrapping_shr(15) | c.wrapping_shl(17)).wrapping_add(MASK_DELTA)
pub fn unmask_crc(mc: u32) -> u32 {
let rot = mc.wrapping_sub(MASK_DELTA);
rot.wrapping_shr(17) | rot.wrapping_shl(15)
#[cfg(feature = "enclave_unit_test")]
pub mod tests {
use super::*;
use std::io::Cursor;
use teaclave_test_utils::*;
pub fn run_tests() -> bool {
fn test_crc_mask_crc() {
let crc = crc32::checksum_castagnoli("abcde".as_bytes());
assert_eq!(crc, unmask_crc(mask_crc(crc)));
assert!(crc != mask_crc(crc));
fn test_crc_sanity() {
assert_eq!(0x8a9136aa, crc32::checksum_castagnoli(&[0 as u8; 32]));
assert_eq!(0x62a8ab43, crc32::checksum_castagnoli(&[0xff as u8; 32]));
fn test_writer() {
let data = &[
"hello world. My first log entry.",
"and my second",
"and my third",
let mut lw = LogWriter::new(Vec::new());
let total_len = data.iter().fold(0, |l, d| l + d.len());
for d in data {
let _ = lw.add_record(d.as_bytes());
assert_eq!(lw.current_block_offset, total_len + 3 * super::HEADER_SIZE);
fn test_writer_append() {
let data = &[
"hello world. My first log entry.",
"and my second",
"and my third",
let mut dst = Vec::new();
dst.resize(1024, 0 as u8);
let mut lw = LogWriter::new(Cursor::new(dst.as_mut_slice()));
for d in data {
let _ = lw.add_record(d.as_bytes());
let old = dst.clone();
// Ensure that new_with_off positions the writer correctly. Some ugly mucking about with
// cursors and stuff is required.
let offset = data[0].len() + super::HEADER_SIZE;
let mut lw =
LogWriter::new_with_off(Cursor::new(&mut dst.as_mut_slice()[offset..]), offset);
for d in &data[1..] {
let _ = lw.add_record(d.as_bytes());
assert_eq!(old, dst);
fn test_reader() {
let data = vec![
"abcdefghi".as_bytes().to_vec(), // fits one block of 17
"123456789012".as_bytes().to_vec(), // spans two blocks of 17
]; // spans three blocks of 17
let mut lw = LogWriter::new(Vec::new());
lw.block_size = super::HEADER_SIZE + 10;
for e in data.iter() {
assert_eq!(lw.dst.len(), 93);
// Corrupt first record.
lw.dst[2] += 1;
let mut lr = LogReader::new(lw.dst.as_slice(), true);
lr.blocksize = super::HEADER_SIZE + 10;
let mut dst = Vec::with_capacity(128);
// First record is corrupted.
err(StatusCode::Corruption, "Invalid Checksum"), dst)
let mut i = 1;
loop {
let r = dst);
if !r.is_ok() {
panic!("{}", r.unwrap_err());
} else if r.unwrap() == 0 {
assert_eq!(dst, data[i]);
i += 1;
assert_eq!(i, data.len());