blob: 33d99831d7547b06c5432dad56c5e1c6e848e6f4 [file] [log] [blame]
#[cfg(feature = "mesalock_sgx")]
use std::prelude::v1::*;
use std::rc::Rc;
use integer_encoding::FixedInt;
/// Encapsulates a filter algorithm allowing to search for keys more efficiently.
/// Usually, policies are used as a BoxedFilterPolicy (see below), so they
/// can be easily cloned and nested.
pub trait FilterPolicy {
/// Returns a string identifying this policy.
fn name(&self) -> &'static str;
/// Create a filter matching the given keys. Keys are given as a long byte array that is
/// indexed by the offsets contained in key_offsets.
fn create_filter(&self, keys: &[u8], key_offsets: &[usize]) -> Vec<u8>;
/// Check whether the given key may match the filter.
fn key_may_match(&self, key: &[u8], filter: &[u8]) -> bool;
/// A boxed and refcounted filter policy (reference-counted because a Box with unsized content
/// couldn't be cloned otherwise)
pub type BoxedFilterPolicy = Rc<Box<dyn FilterPolicy>>;
impl FilterPolicy for BoxedFilterPolicy {
fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
fn create_filter(&self, keys: &[u8], key_offsets: &[usize]) -> Vec<u8> {
(**self).create_filter(keys, key_offsets)
fn key_may_match(&self, key: &[u8], filter: &[u8]) -> bool {
(**self).key_may_match(key, filter)
/// Used for tables that don't have filter blocks but need a type parameter.
pub struct NoFilterPolicy;
impl NoFilterPolicy {
pub fn new() -> NoFilterPolicy {
impl FilterPolicy for NoFilterPolicy {
fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
fn create_filter(&self, _: &[u8], _: &[usize]) -> Vec<u8> {
fn key_may_match(&self, _: &[u8], _: &[u8]) -> bool {
const BLOOM_SEED: u32 = 0xbc9f1d34;
/// A filter policy using a bloom filter internally.
pub struct BloomPolicy {
bits_per_key: u32,
k: u32,
/// Beware the magic numbers...
impl BloomPolicy {
/// Returns a new boxed BloomPolicy.
pub fn new(bits_per_key: u32) -> BloomPolicy {
/// Returns a new BloomPolicy with the given parameter.
fn new_unwrapped(bits_per_key: u32) -> BloomPolicy {
let mut k = (bits_per_key as f32 * 0.69) as u32;
if k < 1 {
k = 1;
} else if k > 30 {
k = 30;
BloomPolicy { bits_per_key, k }
fn bloom_hash(&self, data: &[u8]) -> u32 {
let m: u32 = 0xc6a4a793;
let r: u32 = 24;
let mut ix = 0;
let limit = data.len();
let mut h: u32 = BLOOM_SEED ^ (limit as u64 * m as u64) as u32;
while ix + 4 <= limit {
let w = u32::decode_fixed(&data[ix..ix + 4]);
ix += 4;
h = (h as u64 + w as u64) as u32;
h = (h as u64 * m as u64) as u32;
h ^= h >> 16;
// Process left-over bytes
assert!(limit - ix < 4);
if limit - ix > 0 {
let mut i = 0;
for b in data[ix..].iter() {
h = h.overflowing_add((*b as u32) << (8 * i)).0;
i += 1;
h = (h as u64 * m as u64) as u32;
h ^= h >> r;
impl FilterPolicy for BloomPolicy {
fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
fn create_filter(&self, keys: &[u8], key_offsets: &[usize]) -> Vec<u8> {
let filter_bits = key_offsets.len() * self.bits_per_key as usize;
let mut filter: Vec<u8>;
if filter_bits < 64 {
filter = Vec::with_capacity(8 + 1);
filter.resize(8, 0);
} else {
filter = Vec::with_capacity(1 + ((filter_bits + 7) / 8));
filter.resize((filter_bits + 7) / 8, 0);
let adj_filter_bits = (filter.len() * 8) as u32;
// Encode k at the end of the filter.
filter.push(self.k as u8);
// Add all keys to the filter.
offset_data_iterate(keys, key_offsets, |key| {
let mut h = self.bloom_hash(key);
let delta = (h >> 17) | (h << 15);
for _ in 0..self.k {
let bitpos = (h % adj_filter_bits) as usize;
filter[bitpos / 8] |= 1 << (bitpos % 8);
h = (h as u64 + delta as u64) as u32;
fn key_may_match(&self, key: &[u8], filter: &[u8]) -> bool {
if filter.len() == 0 {
return true;
let bits = (filter.len() - 1) as u32 * 8;
let k = filter[filter.len() - 1];
let filter_adj = &filter[0..filter.len() - 1];
if k > 30 {
return true;
let mut h = self.bloom_hash(key);
let delta = (h >> 17) | (h << 15);
for _ in 0..k {
let bitpos = (h % bits) as usize;
if (filter_adj[bitpos / 8] & (1 << (bitpos % 8))) == 0 {
return false;
h = (h as u64 + delta as u64) as u32;
/// A filter policy wrapping another policy; extracting the user key from internal keys for all
/// operations.
/// A User Key is u8*.
/// An Internal Key is u8* u8{8} (where the second part encodes a tag and a sequence number).
pub struct InternalFilterPolicy<FP: FilterPolicy> {
internal: FP,
impl<FP: FilterPolicy> InternalFilterPolicy<FP> {
pub fn new(inner: FP) -> InternalFilterPolicy<FP> {
InternalFilterPolicy { internal: inner }
impl<FP: FilterPolicy> FilterPolicy for InternalFilterPolicy<FP> {
fn name(&self) -> &'static str {
fn create_filter(&self, keys: &[u8], key_offsets: &[usize]) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut mod_keys = Vec::with_capacity(keys.len() - key_offsets.len() * 8);
let mut mod_key_offsets = Vec::with_capacity(key_offsets.len());
offset_data_iterate(keys, key_offsets, |key| {
mod_keys.extend_from_slice(&key[0..key.len() - 8]);
self.internal.create_filter(&mod_keys, &mod_key_offsets)
fn key_may_match(&self, key: &[u8], filter: &[u8]) -> bool {
self.internal.key_may_match(&key[0..key.len() - 8], filter)
/// offset_data_iterate iterates over the entries in data that are indexed by the offsets given in
/// offsets. This is e.g. the internal format of a FilterBlock.
fn offset_data_iterate<F: FnMut(&[u8])>(data: &[u8], offsets: &[usize], mut f: F) {
for offix in 0..offsets.len() {
let upper = if offix == offsets.len() - 1 {
} else {
offsets[offix + 1]
let piece = &data[offsets[offix]..upper];
#[cfg(feature = "enclave_unit_test")]
pub mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::key_types::LookupKey;
use teaclave_test_utils::*;
pub fn run_tests() -> bool {
const _BITS_PER_KEY: u32 = 12;
fn input_data() -> (Vec<u8>, Vec<usize>) {
let mut concat = vec![];
let mut offs = vec![];
for d in [
(concat, offs)
/// Creates a filter using the keys from input_data().
fn create_filter() -> Vec<u8> {
let fpol = BloomPolicy::new(_BITS_PER_KEY);
let (data, offs) = input_data();
let filter = fpol.create_filter(&data, &offs);
assert_eq!(filter, vec![194, 148, 129, 140, 192, 196, 132, 164, 8]);
/// Creates a filter using the keys from input_data() but converted to InternalKey format.
fn create_internalkey_filter() -> Vec<u8> {
let fpol = Rc::new(Box::new(InternalFilterPolicy::new(BloomPolicy::new(
let (data, offs) = input_data();
let (mut intdata, mut intoffs) = (vec![], vec![]);
offset_data_iterate(&data, &offs, |key| {
let ikey = LookupKey::new(key, 123);
let filter = fpol.create_filter(&intdata, &intoffs);
fn test_filter_bloom() {
let f = create_filter();
let fp = BloomPolicy::new(_BITS_PER_KEY);
let (data, offs) = input_data();
offset_data_iterate(&data, &offs, |key| {
assert!(fp.key_may_match(key, &f));
/// This test verifies that InternalFilterPolicy works correctly.
fn test_filter_internal_keys_identical() {
assert_eq!(create_filter(), create_internalkey_filter());
fn test_filter_bloom_hash() {
let d1 = vec![0x62];
let d2 = vec![0xc3, 0x97];
let d3 = vec![0xe2, 0x99, 0xa5];
let d4 = vec![0xe1, 0x80, 0xb9, 0x32];
let fp = BloomPolicy::new_unwrapped(_BITS_PER_KEY);
assert_eq!(fp.bloom_hash(&d1), 0xef1345c4);
assert_eq!(fp.bloom_hash(&d2), 0x5b663814);
assert_eq!(fp.bloom_hash(&d3), 0x323c078f);
assert_eq!(fp.bloom_hash(&d4), 0xed21633a);