blob: 184de0bae60abb1a2925e13bd91a638df4939e8d [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Python package `teaclave` is the client SDK for Python developers, providing
some essential data structures, service, and client classes to establish
trusted TLS channel and communicate with Teaclave services (e.g., the
authentication service and frontend service) through RPC protocols.
import struct
import json
import base64
import toml
import os
import time
import ssl
import socket
from typing import Tuple, Dict, List, Any
from cryptography import x509
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from OpenSSL.crypto import load_certificate, FILETYPE_PEM, FILETYPE_ASN1
from OpenSSL.crypto import X509Store, X509StoreContext
from OpenSSL import crypto
__all__ = [
'FrontendClient', 'FrontendService', 'AuthenticationClient',
'AuthenticationService', 'FunctionInput', 'FunctionOutput', 'OwnerList',
Metadata = Dict[str, str]
class FunctionInput:
"""Function input for registering.
name: Name of input data.
description: Description of the input data.
def __init__(self, name: str, description: str): = name
self.description = description
class FunctionOutput:
"""Function output for registering.
name: Name of output data.
description: Description of the output data.
def __init__(self, name: str, description: str): = name
self.description = description
class OwnerList:
"""Defines data ownership.
data_name: Name of output data.
uids: A list of user id which own this data.
def __init__(self, data_name: str, uids: List[str]):
self.data_name = data_name
self.uids = uids
class DataMap:
"""Assign data id to input or output data.
data_name: Name of output data.
data_id: Id for the data name.
def __init__(self, data_name, data_id):
self.data_name = data_name
self.data_id = data_id
class CryptoInfo:
"""Cryptographic information for the input/output data.
schema: Encryption algorithms for the input/output data.
key: Key for encryption and decryption, bytes in list.
iv: IV, bytes in list.
def __init__(self, schema: str, key: List[int], iv: List[int]):
self.schema = schema
self.key = key
self.iv = iv
class UserRegisterReqeust:
def __init__(self, user_id: str, user_password: str):
self.request = "user_register" = user_id
self.password = user_password
class UserLoginRequest:
def __init__(self, user_id: str, user_password: str):
self.request = "user_login" = user_id
self.password = user_password
class AuthenticationService:
Establish trusted channel with the authentication service and provide
clients to send request through RPC.
address: The address of the remote services in tuple.
as_root_ca_cert_path: Root CA certification of the attestation services
to verify the attestation report.
enclave_info_path: Path of enclave info to verify the remote service in
the attestation report.
_context = ssl._create_unverified_context()
_channel = None
def __init__(self, address: Tuple[str, int], as_root_ca_cert_path: str,
enclave_info_path: str):
self.address = address
self.as_root_ca_cert_path = as_root_ca_cert_path
self.enclave_info_path = enclave_info_path
def connect(self):
"""Establish trusted connection and verify remote attestation report.
AuthenticationService: The original object which can be chained
with other methods.
sock = socket.create_connection(self.address)
channel = self._context.wrap_socket(sock,
cert = channel.getpeercert(binary_form=True)
_verify_report(self.as_root_ca_cert_path, self.enclave_info_path, cert,
self._channel = channel
return self
def get_client(self):
"""Get a client of authentication service to send RPC requests.
AuthenticationClient: Used for send/receive RPC requests.
return AuthenticationClient(self._channel)
class AuthenticationClient:
"""Client to communicate with the authentication service.
channel: Trusted TLS socket (verified with remote attestation).
def __init__(self, channel: ssl.SSLSocket): = channel
def user_register(self, user_id: str, user_password: str):
"""Register a new user.
user_id: User ID.
user_password: Password.
request = UserRegisterReqeust(user_id, user_password)
_write_message(, request)
_ = _read_message(
def user_login(self, user_id: str, user_password: str) -> str:
"""Login and get a session token.
user_id: User ID.
user_password: Password.
str: User login token.
request = UserLoginRequest(user_id, user_password)
_write_message(, request)
response = _read_message(
return response["content"]["token"]
class FrontendService:
"""Establish trusted channel with the frontend service and provide
clients to send request through RPC.
address: The address of the remote services in tuple.
as_root_ca_cert_path: Root CA certification of the attestation services
to verify the attestation report.
enclave_info_path: Path of enclave info to verify the remote service in
the attestation report.
_context = ssl._create_unverified_context()
_channel = None
def __init__(self, address: Tuple[str, int], as_root_ca_cert_path: str,
enclave_info_path: str):
self.address = address
self.as_root_ca_cert_path = as_root_ca_cert_path
self.enclave_info_path = enclave_info_path
def connect(self):
"""Establish trusted connection and verify remote attestation report.
FrontendService: The original object which can be chained
with other methods.
sock = socket.create_connection(self.address)
channel = self._context.wrap_socket(sock,
cert = channel.getpeercert(binary_form=True)
_verify_report(self.as_root_ca_cert_path, self.enclave_info_path, cert,
self._channel = channel
return self
def get_client(self):
"""Get a client of frontend service to send RPC requests.
FrontendClient: Used for send/receive RPC requests.
return FrontendClient(self._channel)
class RegisterFunctionRequest:
def __init__(self, metadata: Metadata, name: str, description: str,
executor_type: str, public: bool, payload: List[int],
arguments: List[str], inputs: List[FunctionInput],
outputs: List[FunctionOutput]):
self.request = "register_function"
self.metadata = metadata = name
self.description = description
self.executor_type = executor_type
self.public = public
self.payload = payload
self.arguments = arguments
self.inputs = inputs
self.outputs = outputs
class RegisterInputFileRequest:
def __init__(self, metadata: Metadata, url: str, cmac: str,
crypto_info: CryptoInfo):
self.request = "register_input_file"
self.metadata = metadata
self.url = url
self.cmac = cmac
self.crypto_info = crypto_info
class RegisterOutputFileRequest:
def __init__(self, metadata: Metadata, url: str, crypto_info: CryptoInfo):
self.request = "register_output_file"
self.metadata = metadata
self.url = url
self.crypto_info = crypto_info
class UpdateInputFileRequest:
def __init__(self, metadata: Metadata, data_id: str, url: str):
self.request = "update_input_file"
self.metadata = metadata
self.data_id = data_id
self.url = url
class UpdateOutputFileRequest:
def __init__(self, metadata: Metadata, data_id: str, url: str):
self.request = "update_output_file"
self.metadata = metadata
self.data_id = data_id
self.url = url
class CreateTaskRequest:
def __init__(self, metadata: Metadata, function_id: str,
function_arguments: Dict[str, Any], executor: str,
inputs_ownership: List[OwnerList],
outputs_ownership: List[OwnerList]):
self.request = "create_task"
self.metadata = metadata
self.function_id = function_id
self.function_arguments = function_arguments
self.executor = executor
self.inputs_ownership = inputs_ownership
self.outputs_ownership = outputs_ownership
class AssignDataRequest:
def __init__(self, metadata: Metadata, task_id: str, inputs: List[DataMap],
outputs: List[DataMap]):
self.request = "assign_data"
self.metadata = metadata
self.task_id = task_id
self.inputs = inputs
self.outputs = outputs
class ApproveTaskRequest:
def __init__(self, metadata: Metadata, task_id: str):
self.request = "approve_task"
self.metadata = metadata
self.task_id = task_id
class InvokeTaskRequest:
def __init__(self, metadata: Metadata, task_id: str):
self.request = "invoke_task"
self.metadata = metadata
self.task_id = task_id
class GetTaskRequest:
def __init__(self, metadata: Metadata, task_id: str):
self.request = "get_task"
self.metadata = metadata
self.task_id = task_id
class FrontendClient:
def __init__(self, channel: ssl.SSLSocket, metadata: Metadata = None): = channel
self.metadata = metadata
def register_function(self,
name: str,
description: str,
executor_type: str,
public: bool = True,
payload: List[int] = [],
arguments: List[str] = [],
inputs: List[FunctionInput] = [],
outputs: List[FunctionOutput] = []):
request = RegisterFunctionRequest(self.metadata, name, description,
executor_type, public, payload,
arguments, inputs, outputs)
_write_message(, request)
response = _read_message(
return response["content"]["function_id"]
def register_input_file(self, url: str, schema: str, key: List[int],
iv: List[int], cmac: str):
request = RegisterInputFileRequest(self.metadata, url, cmac,
CryptoInfo(schema, key, iv))
_write_message(, request)
response = _read_message(
return response["content"]["data_id"]
def register_output_file(self, url: str, schema: str, key: List[int],
iv: List[int]):
request = RegisterOutputFileRequest(self.metadata, url,
CryptoInfo(schema, key, iv))
_write_message(, request)
response = _read_message(
return response["content"]["data_id"]
def create_task(self,
function_id: str,
function_arguments: Dict[str, Any],
executor: str,
inputs_ownership: List[OwnerList] = [],
outputs_ownership: List[OwnerList] = []):
function_arguments = json.dumps(function_arguments)
request = CreateTaskRequest(self.metadata, function_id,
function_arguments, executor,
inputs_ownership, outputs_ownership)
_write_message(, request)
response = _read_message(
return response["content"]["task_id"]
def assign_data_to_task(self, task_id: str, inputs: List[DataMap],
outputs: List[DataMap]):
request = AssignDataRequest(self.metadata, task_id, inputs, outputs)
_write_message(, request)
_ = _read_message(
def approve_task(self, task_id: str):
request = ApproveTaskRequest(self.metadata, task_id)
_write_message(, request)
_ = _read_message(
def invoke_task(self, task_id: str):
request = InvokeTaskRequest(self.metadata, task_id)
_write_message(, request)
response = _read_message(
assert (response["result"] == "ok")
def get_task_result(self, task_id: str):
request = GetTaskRequest(self.metadata, task_id)
while True:
_write_message(, request)
response = _read_message(
if response["content"]["status"] == 10:
return response["content"]["result"]["result"]["Ok"]["return_value"]
def get_output_cmac_by_tag(self, task_id: str, tag: str):
request = GetTaskRequest(self.metadata, task_id)
while True:
_write_message(, request)
response = _read_message(
if response["content"]["status"] == 10:
return response["content"]["result"]["result"]["Ok"]["tags_map"][tag]
def _write_message(sock: ssl.SSLSocket, message: Any):
class RequestEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
def default(self, o):
return o.__dict__
message = json.dumps(message, cls=RequestEncoder).encode()
sock.write(struct.pack(">Q", len(message)))
def _read_message(sock: ssl.SSLSocket):
response_len = struct.unpack(">Q",
response =[0])
response = json.loads(response)
return response
def _verify_report(as_root_ca_cert_path: str, enclave_info_path: str,
cert: Dict[str, Any], endpoint_name: str):
if os.environ.get('SGX_MODE') == 'SW':
cert = x509.load_der_x509_certificate(cert, default_backend())
ext = json.loads(cert.extensions[0].value.value)
report = bytes(ext["report"])
signature = bytes(ext["signature"])
signing_cert = bytes(ext["signing_cert"])
signing_cert = load_certificate(FILETYPE_ASN1, signing_cert)
# verify signing cert with AS root cert
with open(as_root_ca_cert_path) as f:
as_root_ca_cert =
as_root_ca_cert = load_certificate(FILETYPE_PEM, as_root_ca_cert)
store = X509Store()
store_ctx = X509StoreContext(store, as_root_ca_cert)
# verify report's signature
crypto.verify(signing_cert, signature, bytes(ext["report"]), 'sha256')
report = json.loads(report)
quote = report['isvEnclaveQuoteBody']
quote = base64.b64decode(quote)
# get mr_enclave and mr_signer from the quote
mr_enclave = quote[112:112 + 32].hex()
mr_signer = quote[176:176 + 32].hex()
# get enclave_info
enclave_info = toml.load(enclave_info_path)
# verify mr_enclave and mr_signer
enclave_name = "teaclave_" + endpoint_name + "_service"
if mr_enclave != enclave_info[enclave_name]["mr_enclave"]:
raise Exception("mr_enclave error")
if mr_signer != enclave_info[enclave_name]["mr_signer"]:
raise Exception("mr_signer error")