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</pre><pre class="rust"><code><span class="doccomment">//! Middleware that allows balancing load among multiple services.
//! In larger systems, multiple endpoints are often available for a given service. As load
//! increases, you want to ensure that that load is spread evenly across the available services.
//! Otherwise, clients could see spikes in latency if their request goes to a particularly loaded
//! service, even when spare capacity is available to handle that request elsewhere.
//! This module provides two pieces of middleware that helps with this type of load balancing:
//! First, [`p2c`] implements the &quot;[Power of Two Random Choices]&quot; algorithm, a simple but robust
//! technique for spreading load across services with only inexact load measurements. Use this if
//! the set of available services is not within your control, and you simply want to spread load
//! among that set of services.
//! [Power of Two Random Choices]:
//! Second, [`pool`] implements a dynamically sized pool of services. It estimates the overall
//! current load by tracking successful and unsuccessful calls to [`poll_ready`], and uses an
//! exponentially weighted moving average to add (using [`MakeService`]) or remove (by dropping)
//! services in response to increases or decreases in load. Use this if you are able to
//! dynamically add more service endpoints to the system to handle added load.
//! # Examples
//! ```rust
//! # #[cfg(feature = &quot;util&quot;)]
//! # #[cfg(feature = &quot;load&quot;)]
//! # fn warnings_are_errors() {
//! use tower::balance::p2c::Balance;
//! use tower::load::Load;
//! use tower::{Service, ServiceExt};
//! use futures_util::pin_mut;
//! # use futures_core::Stream;
//! # use futures_util::StreamExt;
//! async fn spread&lt;Req, S: Service&lt;Req&gt; + Load&gt;(svc1: S, svc2: S, reqs: impl Stream&lt;Item = Req&gt;)
//! where
//! S::Error: Into&lt;tower::BoxError&gt;,
//! # // this bound is pretty unfortunate, and the compiler does _not_ help
//! S::Metric: std::fmt::Debug,
//! {
//! // Spread load evenly across the two services
//! let p2c = Balance::new(tower::discover::ServiceList::new(vec![svc1, svc2]));
//! // Issue all the requests that come in.
//! // Some will go to svc1, some will go to svc2.
//! pin_mut!(reqs);
//! let mut responses = p2c.call_all(reqs);
//! while let Some(rsp) = {
//! // ...
//! }
//! }
//! # }
//! ```
//! [`MakeService`]: crate::MakeService
//! [`poll_ready`]: crate::Service::poll_ready
</span><span class="kw">pub mod </span>error;
<span class="kw">pub mod </span>p2c;
<span class="kw">pub mod </span>pool;
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