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</pre><pre class="rust"><code><span class="doccomment">/// Streamer describes a &quot;streaming iterator.&quot;
/// It provides a mechanism for writing code that is generic over streams
/// produced by this crate.
/// Note that this is strictly less useful than `Iterator` because the item
/// associated type is bound to a specific lifetime. However, this does permit
/// us to write *some* generic code over streams that produce values tied
/// to the lifetime of the stream.
/// Some form of stream abstraction is inherently required for this crate
/// because elements in a finite state transducer are produced *by iterating*
/// over the structure. The alternative would be to create a new allocation
/// for each element iterated over, which would be prohibitively expensive.
/// # Usage &amp; motivation
/// Streams are hard to use because they don&#39;t fit into Rust&#39;s current type
/// system very well. They are so hard to use that this author loathes having a
/// publically defined trait for it. Nevertheless, they do just barely provide
/// a means for composing multiple stream abstractions with different concrete
/// types. For example, one might want to take the union of a range query
/// stream with a stream that has been filtered by a regex. These streams have
/// different concrete types. A `Streamer` trait allows us to write code that
/// is generic over these concrete types. (All of the set operations are
/// implemented this way.)
/// A problem with streams is that the trait is itself parameterized by a
/// lifetime. In practice, this makes them very unergonomic because specifying
/// a `Streamer` bound generally requires a higher-ranked trait bound. This is
/// necessary because the lifetime can&#39;t actually be named in the enclosing
/// function; instead, the lifetime is local to iteration itself. Therefore,
/// one must assert that the bound is valid for *any particular* lifetime.
/// This is the essence of higher-rank trait bounds.
/// Because of this, you might expect to see lots of bounds that look like
/// this:
/// ```ignore
/// fn takes_stream&lt;T, S&gt;(s: S)
/// where S: for&lt;&#39;a&gt; Streamer&lt;&#39;a, Item=T&gt;
/// {
/// }
/// ```
/// There are *three* different problems with this declaration:
/// 1. `S` is not bound by any particular lifetime itself, and most streams
/// probably contain a reference to an underlying finite state transducer.
/// 2. It is often convenient to separate the notion of &quot;stream&quot; with
/// &quot;stream constructor.&quot; This represents a similar split found in the
/// standard library for `Iterator` and `IntoIterator`, respectively.
/// 3. The `Item=T` is invalid because `Streamer`&#39;s associated type is
/// parameterized by a lifetime and there is no way to parameterize an
/// arbitrary type constructor. (In this context, `T` is the type
/// constructor, because it will invariably require a lifetime to become
/// a concrete type.)
/// With that said, we must revise our possibly-workable bounds to a giant
/// scary monster:
/// ```ignore
/// fn takes_stream&lt;&#39;f, I, S&gt;(s: I)
/// where I: for&lt;&#39;a&gt; IntoStreamer&lt;&#39;a, Into=S, Item=(&amp;&#39;a [u8], Output)&gt;,
/// S: &#39;f + for&lt;&#39;a&gt; Streamer&lt;&#39;a, Item=(&amp;&#39;a [u8], Output)&gt;
/// {
/// }
/// ```
/// We addressed the above points correspondingly:
/// 1. `S` is now bound by `&#39;f`, which corresponds to the lifetime (possibly
/// `&#39;static`) of the underlying stream.
/// 2. The `I` type parameter has been added to refer to a type that knows how
/// to build a stream. Notice that neither of the bounds for `I` or `S`
/// share a lifetime parameter. This is because the higher rank trait bound
/// specifies it works for *any* particular lifetime.
/// 3. `T` has been replaced with specific concrete types. Note that these
/// concrete types are duplicated. With iterators, we could use
/// `Item=S::Item` in the bound for `I`, but one cannot access an associated
/// type through a higher-ranked trait bound. Therefore, we must duplicate
/// the item type.
/// As you can see, streams offer little flexibility, little ergonomics and a
/// lot of hard to read trait bounds. The situation is lamentable, but
/// nevertheless, without them, we would not be able to compose streams by
/// leveraging the type system.
/// A redeemable quality is that these *same exact* trait bounds (modulo some
/// tweaks in the `Item` associated type) appear in many places in this crate
/// without much variation. Therefore, once you grok it, it&#39;s mostly easy to
/// pattern match it with &quot;oh I need a stream.&quot; My hope is that clear
/// documentation and examples make these complex bounds easier to burden.
/// Stretching this abstraction further with Rust&#39;s current type system is not
/// advised.
</span><span class="kw">pub trait </span>Streamer&lt;<span class="lifetime">&#39;a</span>&gt; {
<span class="doccomment">/// The type of the item emitted by this stream.
</span><span class="kw">type </span>Item: <span class="lifetime">&#39;a</span>;
<span class="doccomment">/// Emits the next element in this stream, or `None` to indicate the stream
/// has been exhausted.
/// It is not specified what a stream does after `None` is emitted. In most
/// cases, `None` should be emitted on every subsequent call.
</span><span class="kw">fn </span>next(<span class="kw-2">&amp;</span><span class="lifetime">&#39;a </span><span class="kw-2">mut </span><span class="self">self</span>) -&gt; <span class="prelude-ty">Option</span>&lt;<span class="self">Self</span>::Item&gt;;
<span class="doccomment">/// IntoStreamer describes types that can be converted to streams.
/// This is analogous to the `IntoIterator` trait for `Iterator` in
/// `std::iter`.
</span><span class="kw">pub trait </span>IntoStreamer&lt;<span class="lifetime">&#39;a</span>&gt; {
<span class="doccomment">/// The type of the item emitted by the stream.
</span><span class="kw">type </span>Item: <span class="lifetime">&#39;a</span>;
<span class="doccomment">/// The type of the stream to be constructed.
</span><span class="kw">type </span>Into: Streamer&lt;<span class="lifetime">&#39;a</span>, Item = <span class="self">Self</span>::Item&gt;;
<span class="doccomment">/// Construct a stream from `Self`.
</span><span class="kw">fn </span>into_stream(<span class="self">self</span>) -&gt; <span class="self">Self</span>::Into;
<span class="kw">impl</span>&lt;<span class="lifetime">&#39;a</span>, S: Streamer&lt;<span class="lifetime">&#39;a</span>&gt;&gt; IntoStreamer&lt;<span class="lifetime">&#39;a</span>&gt; <span class="kw">for </span>S {
<span class="kw">type </span>Item = S::Item;
<span class="kw">type </span>Into = S;
<span class="kw">fn </span>into_stream(<span class="self">self</span>) -&gt; S {
<span class="self">self
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