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</pre><pre class="rust"><code><span class="doccomment">//! Concurrent work-stealing deques.
//! These data structures are most commonly used in work-stealing schedulers. The typical setup
//! involves a number of threads, each having its own FIFO or LIFO queue (*worker*). There is also
//! one global FIFO queue (*injector*) and a list of references to *worker* queues that are able to
//! steal tasks (*stealers*).
//! We spawn a new task onto the scheduler by pushing it into the *injector* queue. Each worker
//! thread waits in a loop until it finds the next task to run and then runs it. To find a task, it
//! first looks into its local *worker* queue, and then into the *injector* and *stealers*.
//! # Queues
//! [`Injector`] is a FIFO queue, where tasks are pushed and stolen from opposite ends. It is
//! shared among threads and is usually the entry point for new tasks.
//! [`Worker`] has two constructors:
//! * [`new_fifo()`] - Creates a FIFO queue, in which tasks are pushed and popped from opposite
//! ends.
//! * [`new_lifo()`] - Creates a LIFO queue, in which tasks are pushed and popped from the same
//! end.
//! Each [`Worker`] is owned by a single thread and supports only push and pop operations.
//! Method [`stealer()`] creates a [`Stealer`] that may be shared among threads and can only steal
//! tasks from its [`Worker`]. Tasks are stolen from the end opposite to where they get pushed.
//! # Stealing
//! Steal operations come in three flavors:
//! 1. [`steal()`] - Steals one task.
//! 2. [`steal_batch()`] - Steals a batch of tasks and moves them into another worker.
//! 3. [`steal_batch_and_pop()`] - Steals a batch of tasks, moves them into another queue, and pops
//! one task from that worker.
//! In contrast to push and pop operations, stealing can spuriously fail with [`Steal::Retry`], in
//! which case the steal operation needs to be retried.
//! # Examples
//! Suppose a thread in a work-stealing scheduler is idle and looking for the next task to run. To
//! find an available task, it might do the following:
//! 1. Try popping one task from the local worker queue.
//! 2. Try stealing a batch of tasks from the global injector queue.
//! 3. Try stealing one task from another thread using the stealer list.
//! An implementation of this work-stealing strategy:
//! ```
//! use crossbeam_deque::{Injector, Stealer, Worker};
//! use std::iter;
//! fn find_task&lt;T&gt;(
//! local: &amp;Worker&lt;T&gt;,
//! global: &amp;Injector&lt;T&gt;,
//! stealers: &amp;[Stealer&lt;T&gt;],
//! ) -&gt; Option&lt;T&gt; {
//! // Pop a task from the local queue, if not empty.
//! local.pop().or_else(|| {
//! // Otherwise, we need to look for a task elsewhere.
//! iter::repeat_with(|| {
//! // Try stealing a batch of tasks from the global queue.
//! global.steal_batch_and_pop(local)
//! // Or try stealing a task from one of the other threads.
//! .or_else(|| stealers.iter().map(|s| s.steal()).collect())
//! })
//! // Loop while no task was stolen and any steal operation needs to be retried.
//! .find(|s| !s.is_retry())
//! // Extract the stolen task, if there is one.
//! .and_then(|s| s.success())
//! })
//! }
//! ```
//! [`new_fifo()`]: Worker::new_fifo
//! [`new_lifo()`]: Worker::new_lifo
//! [`stealer()`]: Worker::stealer
//! [`steal()`]: Stealer::steal
//! [`steal_batch()`]: Stealer::steal_batch
//! [`steal_batch_and_pop()`]: Stealer::steal_batch_and_pop
</span><span class="attribute">#![doc(test(
deny(warnings, rust_2018_idioms),
allow(dead_code, unused_assignments, unused_variables)
#![cfg_attr(not(feature = <span class="string">&quot;std&quot;</span>), no_std)]
</span><span class="kw">use </span>cfg_if::cfg_if;
<span class="macro">cfg_if! </span>{
<span class="kw">if </span><span class="attribute">#[cfg(feature = <span class="string">&quot;std&quot;</span>)] </span>{
<span class="kw">use </span>crossbeam_epoch <span class="kw">as </span>epoch;
<span class="kw">use </span>crossbeam_utils <span class="kw">as </span>utils;
<span class="kw">mod </span>deque;
<span class="kw">pub use </span><span class="kw">crate</span>::deque::{Injector, Steal, Stealer, Worker};
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