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</pre><pre class="rust"><code><span class="comment">// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// &quot;License&quot;); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License..
</span><span class="doccomment">//! Sampling from random distributions.
//! This is a generalization of `Rand` to allow parameters to control the
//! exact properties of the generated values, e.g. the mean and standard
//! deviation of a normal distribution. The `Sample` trait is the most
//! general, and allows for generating values that change some state
//! internally. The `IndependentSample` trait is for generating values
//! that do not need to record state.
</span><span class="kw">use </span>std::marker;
<span class="kw">use crate</span>::{Rand, Rng};
<span class="kw">pub use </span><span class="self">self</span>::exponential::Exp;
<span class="kw">pub use </span><span class="self">self</span>::gamma::{ChiSquared, FisherF, Gamma, StudentT};
<span class="kw">pub use </span><span class="self">self</span>::normal::{LogNormal, Normal};
<span class="kw">pub use </span><span class="self">self</span>::range::Range;
<span class="kw">pub mod </span>exponential;
<span class="kw">pub mod </span>gamma;
<span class="kw">pub mod </span>normal;
<span class="kw">pub mod </span>range;
<span class="doccomment">/// Types that can be used to create a random instance of `Support`.
</span><span class="kw">pub trait </span>Sample&lt;Support&gt; {
<span class="doccomment">/// Generate a random value of `Support`, using `rng` as the
/// source of randomness.
</span><span class="kw">fn </span>sample&lt;R: Rng&gt;(<span class="kw-2">&amp;mut </span><span class="self">self</span>, rng: <span class="kw-2">&amp;mut </span>R) -&gt; Support;
<span class="doccomment">/// `Sample`s that do not require keeping track of state.
/// Since no state is recorded, each sample is (statistically)
/// independent of all others, assuming the `Rng` used has this
/// property.
</span><span class="comment">// FIXME maybe having this separate is overkill (the only reason is to
// take &amp;self rather than &amp;mut self)? or maybe this should be the
// trait called `Sample` and the other should be `DependentSample`.
</span><span class="kw">pub trait </span>IndependentSample&lt;Support&gt;: Sample&lt;Support&gt; {
<span class="doccomment">/// Generate a random value.
</span><span class="kw">fn </span>ind_sample&lt;R: Rng&gt;(<span class="kw-2">&amp;</span><span class="self">self</span>, rng: <span class="kw-2">&amp;mut </span>R) -&gt; Support;
<span class="doccomment">/// A wrapper for generating types that implement `Rand` via the
/// `Sample` &amp; `IndependentSample` traits.
</span><span class="attribute">#[derive(Debug)]
</span><span class="kw">pub struct </span>RandSample&lt;Sup&gt; {
_marker: marker::PhantomData&lt;<span class="kw">fn</span>() -&gt; Sup&gt;,
<span class="kw">impl</span>&lt;Sup&gt; Copy <span class="kw">for </span>RandSample&lt;Sup&gt; {}
<span class="kw">impl</span>&lt;Sup&gt; Clone <span class="kw">for </span>RandSample&lt;Sup&gt; {
<span class="kw">fn </span>clone(<span class="kw-2">&amp;</span><span class="self">self</span>) -&gt; <span class="self">Self </span>{
<span class="kw-2">*</span><span class="self">self
<span class="kw">impl</span>&lt;Sup: Rand&gt; Sample&lt;Sup&gt; <span class="kw">for </span>RandSample&lt;Sup&gt; {
<span class="kw">fn </span>sample&lt;R: Rng&gt;(<span class="kw-2">&amp;mut </span><span class="self">self</span>, rng: <span class="kw-2">&amp;mut </span>R) -&gt; Sup {
<span class="self">self</span>.ind_sample(rng)
<span class="kw">impl</span>&lt;Sup: Rand&gt; IndependentSample&lt;Sup&gt; <span class="kw">for </span>RandSample&lt;Sup&gt; {
<span class="kw">fn </span>ind_sample&lt;R: Rng&gt;(<span class="kw-2">&amp;</span><span class="self">self</span>, rng: <span class="kw-2">&amp;mut </span>R) -&gt; Sup {
<span class="kw">impl</span>&lt;Sup&gt; RandSample&lt;Sup&gt; {
<span class="kw">pub fn </span>new() -&gt; RandSample&lt;Sup&gt; {
RandSample {
_marker: marker::PhantomData,
<span class="kw">impl</span>&lt;Sup&gt; Default <span class="kw">for </span>RandSample&lt;Sup&gt; {
<span class="kw">fn </span>default() -&gt; RandSample&lt;Sup&gt; {
<span class="self">Self</span>::new()
<span class="doccomment">/// A value with a particular weight for use with `WeightedChoice`.
</span><span class="attribute">#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
</span><span class="kw">pub struct </span>Weighted&lt;T&gt; {
<span class="doccomment">/// The numerical weight of this item
</span><span class="kw">pub </span>weight: u32,
<span class="doccomment">/// The actual item which is being weighted
</span><span class="kw">pub </span>item: T,
<span class="doccomment">/// A distribution that selects from a finite collection of weighted items.
/// Each item has an associated weight that influences how likely it
/// is to be chosen: higher weight is more likely.
/// The `Clone` restriction is a limitation of the `Sample` and
/// `IndependentSample` traits. Note that `&amp;T` is (cheaply) `Clone` for
/// all `T`, as is `u32`, so one can store references or indices into
/// another vector.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use sgx_rand::distributions::{Weighted, WeightedChoice, IndependentSample};
/// let mut items = vec!(Weighted { weight: 2, item: &#39;a&#39; },
/// Weighted { weight: 4, item: &#39;b&#39; },
/// Weighted { weight: 1, item: &#39;c&#39; });
/// let wc = WeightedChoice::new(&amp;mut items);
/// let mut rng = sgx_rand::thread_rng();
/// for _ in 0..16 {
/// // on average prints &#39;a&#39; 4 times, &#39;b&#39; 8 and &#39;c&#39; twice.
/// println!(&quot;{}&quot;, wc.ind_sample(&amp;mut rng));
/// }
/// ```
</span><span class="attribute">#[derive(Debug)]
</span><span class="kw">pub struct </span>WeightedChoice&lt;<span class="lifetime">&#39;a</span>, T: <span class="lifetime">&#39;a</span>&gt; {
items: <span class="kw-2">&amp;</span><span class="lifetime">&#39;a </span><span class="kw-2">mut </span>[Weighted&lt;T&gt;],
weight_range: Range&lt;u32&gt;,
<span class="kw">impl</span>&lt;<span class="lifetime">&#39;a</span>, T: Clone&gt; WeightedChoice&lt;<span class="lifetime">&#39;a</span>, T&gt; {
<span class="doccomment">/// Create a new `WeightedChoice`.
/// Panics if:
/// - `v` is empty
/// - the total weight is 0
/// - the total weight is larger than a `u32` can contain.
</span><span class="kw">pub fn </span>new(items: <span class="kw-2">&amp;</span><span class="lifetime">&#39;a </span><span class="kw-2">mut </span>[Weighted&lt;T&gt;]) -&gt; WeightedChoice&lt;<span class="lifetime">&#39;a</span>, T&gt; {
<span class="comment">// strictly speaking, this is subsumed by the total weight == 0 case
</span><span class="macro">assert!</span>(
<span class="string">&quot;WeightedChoice::new called with no items&quot;
<span class="kw">let </span><span class="kw-2">mut </span>running_total: u32 = <span class="number">0</span>;
<span class="comment">// we convert the list from individual weights to cumulative
// weights so we can binary search. This *could* drop elements
// with weight == 0 as an optimisation.
</span><span class="kw">for </span>item <span class="kw">in </span>items.iter_mut() {
running_total = <span class="kw">match </span>running_total.checked_add(item.weight) {
<span class="prelude-val">Some</span>(n) =&gt; n,
<span class="prelude-val">None </span>=&gt; <span class="macro">panic!</span>(
<span class="string">&quot;WeightedChoice::new called with a total weight \
larger than a u32 can contain&quot;
item.weight = running_total;
<span class="macro">assert!</span>(
running_total != <span class="number">0</span>,
<span class="string">&quot;WeightedChoice::new called with a total weight of 0&quot;
WeightedChoice {
<span class="comment">// we&#39;re likely to be generating numbers in this range
// relatively often, so might as well cache it
</span>weight_range: Range::new(<span class="number">0</span>, running_total),
<span class="kw">impl</span>&lt;<span class="lifetime">&#39;a</span>, T: Clone&gt; Sample&lt;T&gt; <span class="kw">for </span>WeightedChoice&lt;<span class="lifetime">&#39;a</span>, T&gt; {
<span class="kw">fn </span>sample&lt;R: Rng&gt;(<span class="kw-2">&amp;mut </span><span class="self">self</span>, rng: <span class="kw-2">&amp;mut </span>R) -&gt; T {
<span class="self">self</span>.ind_sample(rng)
<span class="kw">impl</span>&lt;<span class="lifetime">&#39;a</span>, T: Clone&gt; IndependentSample&lt;T&gt; <span class="kw">for </span>WeightedChoice&lt;<span class="lifetime">&#39;a</span>, T&gt; {
<span class="kw">fn </span>ind_sample&lt;R: Rng&gt;(<span class="kw-2">&amp;</span><span class="self">self</span>, rng: <span class="kw-2">&amp;mut </span>R) -&gt; T {
<span class="comment">// we want to find the first element that has cumulative
// weight &gt; sample_weight, which we do by binary since the
// cumulative weights of self.items are sorted.
// choose a weight in [0, total_weight)
</span><span class="kw">let </span>sample_weight = <span class="self">self</span>.weight_range.ind_sample(rng);
<span class="comment">// short circuit when it&#39;s the first item
</span><span class="kw">if </span>sample_weight &lt; <span class="self">self</span>.items[<span class="number">0</span>].weight {
<span class="kw">return </span><span class="self">self</span>.items[<span class="number">0</span>].item.clone();
<span class="kw">let </span><span class="kw-2">mut </span>idx = <span class="number">0</span>;
<span class="kw">let </span><span class="kw-2">mut </span>modifier = <span class="self">self</span>.items.len();
<span class="comment">// now we know that every possibility has an element to the
// left, so we can just search for the last element that has
// cumulative weight &lt;= sample_weight, then the next one will
// be &quot;it&quot;. (Note that this greatest element will never be the
// last element of the vector, since sample_weight is chosen
// in [0, total_weight) and the cumulative weight of the last
// one is exactly the total weight.)
</span><span class="kw">while </span>modifier &gt; <span class="number">1 </span>{
<span class="kw">let </span>i = idx + modifier / <span class="number">2</span>;
<span class="kw">if </span><span class="self">self</span>.items[i].weight &lt;= sample_weight {
<span class="comment">// we&#39;re small, so look to the right, but allow this
// exact element still.
</span>idx = i;
<span class="comment">// we need the `/ 2` to round up otherwise we&#39;ll drop
// the trailing elements when `modifier` is odd.
</span>modifier += <span class="number">1</span>;
} <span class="kw">else </span>{
<span class="comment">// otherwise we&#39;re too big, so go left. (i.e. do
// nothing)
modifier /= <span class="number">2</span>;
<span class="self">self</span>.items[idx + <span class="number">1</span>].item.clone()
<span class="kw">mod </span>ziggurat_tables;
<span class="doccomment">/// Sample a random number using the Ziggurat method (specifically the
/// ZIGNOR variant from Doornik 2005). Most of the arguments are
/// directly from the paper:
/// * `rng`: source of randomness
/// * `symmetric`: whether this is a symmetric distribution, or one-sided with P(x &lt; 0) = 0.
/// * `X`: the $x_i$ abscissae.
/// * `F`: precomputed values of the PDF at the $x_i$, (i.e. $f(x_i)$)
/// * `F_DIFF`: precomputed values of $f(x_i) - f(x_{i+1})$
/// * `pdf`: the probability density function
/// * `zero_case`: manual sampling from the tail when we chose the
/// bottom box (i.e. i == 0)
</span><span class="comment">// the perf improvement (25-50%) is definitely worth the extra code
// size from force-inlining.
</span><span class="attribute">#[inline(always)]
</span><span class="kw">fn </span>ziggurat&lt;R: Rng, P, Z&gt;(
rng: <span class="kw-2">&amp;mut </span>R,
symmetric: bool,
x_tab: ziggurat_tables::ZigTable,
f_tab: ziggurat_tables::ZigTable,
<span class="kw-2">mut </span>pdf: P,
<span class="kw-2">mut </span>zero_case: Z,
) -&gt; f64
<span class="kw">where
</span>P: FnMut(f64) -&gt; f64,
Z: FnMut(<span class="kw-2">&amp;mut </span>R, f64) -&gt; f64,
<span class="kw">const </span>SCALE: f64 = (<span class="number">1u64 </span>&lt;&lt; <span class="number">53</span>) <span class="kw">as </span>f64;
<span class="kw">loop </span>{
<span class="comment">// reimplement the f64 generation as an optimisation suggested
// by the Doornik paper: we have a lot of precision-space
// (i.e. there are 11 bits of the 64 of a u64 to use after
// creating a f64), so we might as well reuse some to save
// generating a whole extra random number. (Seems to be 15%
// faster.)
// This unfortunately misses out on the benefits of direct
// floating point generation if an RNG like dSMFT is
// used. (That is, such RNGs create floats directly, highly
// efficiently and overload next_f32/f64, so by not calling it
// this may be slower than it would be otherwise.)
// FIXME: investigate/optimise for the above.
</span><span class="kw">let </span>bits: u64 = rng.gen();
<span class="kw">let </span>i = (bits &amp; <span class="number">0xff</span>) <span class="kw">as </span>usize;
<span class="kw">let </span>f = (bits &gt;&gt; <span class="number">11</span>) <span class="kw">as </span>f64 / SCALE;
<span class="comment">// u is either U(-1, 1) or U(0, 1) depending on if this is a
// symmetric distribution or not.
</span><span class="kw">let </span>u = <span class="kw">if </span>symmetric { <span class="number">2.0 </span>* f - <span class="number">1.0 </span>} <span class="kw">else </span>{ f };
<span class="kw">let </span>x = u * x_tab[i];
<span class="kw">let </span>test_x = <span class="kw">if </span>symmetric { x.abs() } <span class="kw">else </span>{ x };
<span class="comment">// algebraically equivalent to |u| &lt; x_tab[i+1]/x_tab[i] (or u &lt; x_tab[i+1]/x_tab[i])
</span><span class="kw">if </span>test_x &lt; x_tab[i + <span class="number">1</span>] {
<span class="kw">return </span>x;
<span class="kw">if </span>i == <span class="number">0 </span>{
<span class="kw">return </span>zero_case(rng, u);
<span class="comment">// algebraically equivalent to f1 + DRanU()*(f0 - f1) &lt; 1
</span><span class="kw">if </span>f_tab[i + <span class="number">1</span>] + (f_tab[i] - f_tab[i + <span class="number">1</span>]) * rng.gen::&lt;f64&gt;() &lt; pdf(x) {
<span class="kw">return </span>x;
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