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</pre><pre class="rust"><code><span class="doccomment">//! Facility to emit dummy implementations (or whatever) in case
//! an error happen.
//! `compile_error!` does not abort a compilation right away. This means
//! `rustc` doesn&#39;t just show you the error and abort, it carries on the
//! compilation process looking for other errors to report.
//! Let&#39;s consider an example:
//! ```rust,ignore
//! use proc_macro::TokenStream;
//! use proc_macro_error::*;
//! trait MyTrait {
//! fn do_thing();
//! }
//! // this proc macro is supposed to generate MyTrait impl
//! #[proc_macro_derive(MyTrait)]
//! #[proc_macro_error]
//! fn example(input: TokenStream) -&gt; TokenStream {
//! // somewhere deep inside
//! abort!(span, &quot;something&#39;s wrong&quot;);
//! // this implementation will be generated if no error happened
//! quote! {
//! impl MyTrait for #name {
//! fn do_thing() {/* whatever */}
//! }
//! }
//! }
//! // ================
//! // in
//! // this derive triggers an error
//! #[derive(MyTrait)] // first BOOM!
//! struct Foo;
//! fn main() {
//! Foo::do_thing(); // second BOOM!
//! }
//! ```
//! The problem is: the generated token stream contains only `compile_error!`
//! invocation, the impl was not generated. That means user will see two compilation
//! errors:
//! ```text
//! error: something&#39;s wrong
//! --&gt; $DIR/
//! |
//! 9 |#[proc_macro_derive(MyTrait)]
//! | ^^^^^^^
//! error[E0599]: no function or associated item named `do_thing` found for type `Foo` in the current scope
//! --&gt; src\
//! |
//! 1 | struct Foo;
//! | ----------- function or associated item `do_thing` not found for this
//! 2 | fn main() {
//! 3 | Foo::do_thing(); // second BOOM!
//! | ^^^^^^^^ function or associated item not found in `Foo`
//! ```
//! But the second error is meaningless! We definitely need to fix this.
//! Most used approach in cases like this is &quot;dummy implementation&quot; -
//! omit `impl MyTrait for #name` and fill functions bodies with `unimplemented!()`.
//! This is how you do it:
//! ```rust,ignore
//! use proc_macro::TokenStream;
//! use proc_macro_error::*;
//! trait MyTrait {
//! fn do_thing();
//! }
//! // this proc macro is supposed to generate MyTrait impl
//! #[proc_macro_derive(MyTrait)]
//! #[proc_macro_error]
//! fn example(input: TokenStream) -&gt; TokenStream {
//! // first of all - we set a dummy impl which will be appended to
//! // `compile_error!` invocations in case a trigger does happen
//! set_dummy(quote! {
//! impl MyTrait for #name {
//! fn do_thing() { unimplemented!() }
//! }
//! });
//! // somewhere deep inside
//! abort!(span, &quot;something&#39;s wrong&quot;);
//! // this implementation will be generated if no error happened
//! quote! {
//! impl MyTrait for #name {
//! fn do_thing() {/* whatever */}
//! }
//! }
//! }
//! // ================
//! // in
//! // this derive triggers an error
//! #[derive(MyTrait)] // first BOOM!
//! struct Foo;
//! fn main() {
//! Foo::do_thing(); // no more errors!
//! }
//! ```
</span><span class="kw">use </span>proc_macro2::TokenStream;
<span class="kw">use </span>std::cell::RefCell;
<span class="kw">use </span><span class="kw">crate</span>::check_correctness;
<span class="macro">thread_local! </span>{
<span class="kw">static </span>DUMMY_IMPL: RefCell&lt;<span class="prelude-ty">Option</span>&lt;TokenStream&gt;&gt; = RefCell::new(<span class="prelude-val">None</span>);
<span class="doccomment">/// Sets dummy token stream which will be appended to `compile_error!(msg);...`
/// invocations in case you&#39;ll emit any errors.
/// See [guide](../index.html#guide).
</span><span class="kw">pub fn </span>set_dummy(dummy: TokenStream) -&gt; <span class="prelude-ty">Option</span>&lt;TokenStream&gt; {
DUMMY_IMPL.with(|old_dummy| old_dummy.replace(<span class="prelude-val">Some</span>(dummy)))
<span class="doccomment">/// Same as [`set_dummy`] but, instead of resetting, appends tokens to the
/// existing dummy (if any). Behaves as `set_dummy` if no dummy is present.
</span><span class="kw">pub fn </span>append_dummy(dummy: TokenStream) {
DUMMY_IMPL.with(|old_dummy| {
<span class="kw">let </span><span class="kw-2">mut </span>cell = old_dummy.borrow_mut();
<span class="kw">if let </span><span class="prelude-val">Some</span>(ts) = cell.as_mut() {
} <span class="kw">else </span>{
<span class="kw-2">*</span>cell = <span class="prelude-val">Some</span>(dummy);
<span class="kw">pub</span>(<span class="kw">crate</span>) <span class="kw">fn </span>cleanup() -&gt; <span class="prelude-ty">Option</span>&lt;TokenStream&gt; {
DUMMY_IMPL.with(|old_dummy| old_dummy.replace(<span class="prelude-val">None</span>))
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