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</pre><pre class="rust"><code><span class="comment">// These routines are meant to be optimized specifically for low latency as
// compared to the equivalent routines offered by std. (Which may invoke the
// dynamic linker and call out to libc, which introduces a bit more latency
// than we&#39;d like.)
</span><span class="doccomment">/// Returns true if and only if needle is a prefix of haystack.
</span><span class="attribute">#[inline(always)]
</span><span class="kw">pub</span>(<span class="kw">crate</span>) <span class="kw">fn </span>is_prefix(haystack: <span class="kw-2">&amp;</span>[u8], needle: <span class="kw-2">&amp;</span>[u8]) -&gt; bool {
needle.len() &lt;= haystack.len() &amp;&amp; memcmp(<span class="kw-2">&amp;</span>haystack[..needle.len()], needle)
<span class="doccomment">/// Returns true if and only if needle is a suffix of haystack.
</span><span class="attribute">#[inline(always)]
</span><span class="kw">pub</span>(<span class="kw">crate</span>) <span class="kw">fn </span>is_suffix(haystack: <span class="kw-2">&amp;</span>[u8], needle: <span class="kw-2">&amp;</span>[u8]) -&gt; bool {
needle.len() &lt;= haystack.len()
&amp;&amp; memcmp(<span class="kw-2">&amp;</span>haystack[haystack.len() - needle.len()..], needle)
<span class="doccomment">/// Return true if and only if x.len() == y.len() &amp;&amp; x[i] == y[i] for all
/// 0 &lt;= i &lt; x.len().
/// Why not just use actual memcmp for this? Well, memcmp requires calling out
/// to libc, and this routine is called in fairly hot code paths. Other than
/// just calling out to libc, it also seems to result in worse codegen. By
/// rolling our own memcmp in pure Rust, it seems to appear more friendly to
/// the optimizer.
/// We mark this as inline always, although, some callers may not want it
/// inlined for better codegen (like Rabin-Karp). In that case, callers are
/// advised to create a non-inlineable wrapper routine that calls memcmp.
</span><span class="attribute">#[inline(always)]
</span><span class="kw">pub</span>(<span class="kw">crate</span>) <span class="kw">fn </span>memcmp(x: <span class="kw-2">&amp;</span>[u8], y: <span class="kw-2">&amp;</span>[u8]) -&gt; bool {
<span class="kw">if </span>x.len() != y.len() {
<span class="kw">return </span><span class="bool-val">false</span>;
<span class="comment">// If we don&#39;t have enough bytes to do 4-byte at a time loads, then
// fall back to the naive slow version.
// TODO: We could do a copy_nonoverlapping combined with a mask instead
// of a loop. Benchmark it.
</span><span class="kw">if </span>x.len() &lt; <span class="number">4 </span>{
<span class="kw">for </span>(<span class="kw-2">&amp;</span>b1, <span class="kw-2">&amp;</span>b2) <span class="kw">in </span>x.iter().zip(y) {
<span class="kw">if </span>b1 != b2 {
<span class="kw">return </span><span class="bool-val">false</span>;
<span class="kw">return </span><span class="bool-val">true</span>;
<span class="comment">// When we have 4 or more bytes to compare, then proceed in chunks of 4 at
// a time using unaligned loads.
// Also, why do 4 byte loads instead of, say, 8 byte loads? The reason is
// that this particular version of memcmp is likely to be called with tiny
// needles. That means that if we do 8 byte loads, then a higher proportion
// of memcmp calls will use the slower variant above. With that said, this
// is a hypothesis and is only loosely supported by benchmarks. There&#39;s
// likely some improvement that could be made here. The main thing here
// though is to optimize for latency, not throughput.
// SAFETY: Via the conditional above, we know that both `px` and `py`
// have the same length, so `px &lt; pxend` implies that `py &lt; pyend`.
// Thus, derefencing both `px` and `py` in the loop below is safe.
// Moreover, we set `pxend` and `pyend` to be 4 bytes before the actual
// end of of `px` and `py`. Thus, the final dereference outside of the
// loop is guaranteed to be valid. (The final comparison will overlap with
// the last comparison done in the loop for lengths that aren&#39;t multiples
// of four.)
// Finally, we needn&#39;t worry about alignment here, since we do unaligned
// loads.
</span><span class="kw">unsafe </span>{
<span class="kw">let </span>(<span class="kw-2">mut </span>px, <span class="kw-2">mut </span>py) = (x.as_ptr(), y.as_ptr());
<span class="kw">let </span>(pxend, pyend) = (px.add(x.len() - <span class="number">4</span>), py.add(y.len() - <span class="number">4</span>));
<span class="kw">while </span>px &lt; pxend {
<span class="kw">let </span>vx = (px <span class="kw">as </span><span class="kw-2">*const </span>u32).read_unaligned();
<span class="kw">let </span>vy = (py <span class="kw">as </span><span class="kw-2">*const </span>u32).read_unaligned();
<span class="kw">if </span>vx != vy {
<span class="kw">return </span><span class="bool-val">false</span>;
px = px.add(<span class="number">4</span>);
py = py.add(<span class="number">4</span>);
<span class="kw">let </span>vx = (pxend <span class="kw">as </span><span class="kw-2">*const </span>u32).read_unaligned();
<span class="kw">let </span>vy = (pyend <span class="kw">as </span><span class="kw-2">*const </span>u32).read_unaligned();
vx == vy
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