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<p>This makes sure there’s a signal handler for the given signal. It then adds the action to the
ones called each time the signal is delivered. If multiple actions are set for the same signal,
all are called, in the order of registration.</p>
<p>If there was a previous signal handler for the given signal, it is chained ‒ it will be called
as part of this library’s signal handler, before any actions set through this function.</p>
<p>On success, the function returns an ID that can be used to remove the action again with
<a href="fn.unregister.html" title="unregister"><code>unregister</code></a>.</p>
<h2 id="panics"><a href="#panics">Panics</a></h2>
<p>If the signal is one of (see <a href="constant.FORBIDDEN.html" title="FORBIDDEN"><code>FORBIDDEN</code></a>):</p>
<p>The first two are not possible to override (and the underlying C functions simply ignore all
requests to do so, which smells of possible bugs, or return errors). The rest can be set, but
generally needs very special handling to do so correctly (direct manipulation of the
application’s address space, <code>longjmp</code> and similar). Unless you know very well what you’re
doing, you’ll shoot yourself into the foot and this library won’t help you with that.</p>
<h2 id="errors"><a href="#errors">Errors</a></h2>
<p>Since the library manipulates signals using the low-level C functions, all these can return
errors. Generally, the errors mean something like the specified signal does not exist on the
given platform ‒ after a program is debugged and tested on a given OS, it should never return
an error.</p>
<p>However, if an error <em>is</em> returned, there are no guarantees if the given action was registered
or not.</p>
<h2 id="safety"><a href="#safety">Safety</a></h2>
<p>This function is unsafe, because the <code>action</code> is run inside a signal handler. The set of
functions allowed to be called from within is very limited (they are called async-signal-safe
functions by POSIX). These specifically do <em>not</em> contain mutexes and memory
allocation/deallocation. They <em>do</em> contain routines to terminate the program, to further
manipulate signals (by the low-level functions, not by this library) and to read and write file
descriptors. Calling program’s own functions consisting only of these is OK, as is manipulating
program’s variables ‒ however, as the action can be called on any thread that does not have the
given signal masked (by default no signal is masked on any thread), and mutexes are a no-go,
this is harder than it looks like at first.</p>
<p>As panicking from within a signal handler would be a panic across FFI boundary (which is
undefined behavior), the passed handler must not panic.</p>
<p>If you find these limitations hard to satisfy, choose from the helper functions in the
<a href="">signal-hook</a> crate ‒ these provide safe interface to use some
common signal handling patters.</p>
<h2 id="race-condition"><a href="#race-condition">Race condition</a></h2>
<p>Upon registering the first hook for a given signal into this library, there’s a short race
condition under the following circumstances:</p>
<li>The program already has a signal handler installed for this particular signal (through some
other library, possibly).</li>
<li>Concurrently, some other thread installs a different signal handler while it is being
installed by this library.</li>
<li>At the same time, the signal is delivered.</li>
<p>Under such conditions signal-hook might wrongly “chain” to the older signal handler for a short
while (until the registration is fully complete).</p>
<p>Note that the exact conditions of the race condition might change in future versions of the
library. The recommended way to avoid it is to register signals before starting any additional
threads, or at least not to register signals concurrently.</p>
<p>Alternatively, make sure all signals are handled through this library.</p>
<h2 id="performance"><a href="#performance">Performance</a></h2>
<p>Even when it is possible to repeatedly install and remove actions during the lifetime of a
program, the installation and removal is considered a slow operation and should not be done
very often. Also, there’s limited (though huge) amount of distinct IDs (they are <code>u128</code>).</p>
<h2 id="examples"><a href="#examples">Examples</a></h2>
<div class="example-wrap"><pre class="rust rust-example-rendered"><code><span class="kw">extern crate </span>signal_hook_registry;
<span class="kw">use </span>std::io::Error;
<span class="kw">use </span>std::process;
<span class="kw">fn </span>main() -&gt; <span class="prelude-ty">Result</span>&lt;(), Error&gt; {
<span class="kw">let </span>signal = <span class="kw">unsafe </span>{
signal_hook_registry::register(signal_hook::consts::SIGTERM, || process::abort())
}<span class="question-mark">?</span>;
<span class="comment">// Stuff here...
</span>signal_hook_registry::unregister(signal); <span class="comment">// Not really necessary.
</span><span class="prelude-val">Ok</span>(())
</div></details></section></div></main><div id="rustdoc-vars" data-root-path="../" data-current-crate="signal_hook_registry" data-themes="ayu,dark,light" data-resource-suffix="" data-rustdoc-version="1.66.0-nightly (5c8bff74b 2022-10-21)" ></div></body></html>