blob: e7c25f50c6af432b7c9cfe14990e1f4ed2d7a1ae [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
package eraftpb;
enum EntryType {
EntryNormal = 0;
EntryConfChange = 1;
// The entry is a type of change that needs to be applied. It contains two data fields.
// While the fields are built into the model; their usage is determined by the entry_type.
// For normal entries, the data field should contain the data change that should be applied.
// The context field can be used for any contextual data that might be relevant to the
// application of the data.
// For configuration changes, the data will contain the ConfChange message and the
// context will provide anything needed to assist the configuration change. The context
// if for the user to set and use in this case.
message Entry {
EntryType entry_type = 1;
uint64 term = 2;
uint64 index = 3;
bytes data = 4;
bytes context = 6;
// Deprecated! It is kept for backward compatibility.
// TODO: remove it in the next major release.
bool sync_log = 5;
message SnapshotMetadata {
ConfState conf_state = 1;
uint64 index = 2;
uint64 term = 3;
message Snapshot {
bytes data = 1;
SnapshotMetadata metadata = 2;
enum MessageType {
MsgHup = 0;
MsgBeat = 1;
MsgPropose = 2;
MsgAppend = 3;
MsgAppendResponse = 4;
MsgRequestVote = 5;
MsgRequestVoteResponse = 6;
MsgSnapshot = 7;
MsgHeartbeat = 8;
MsgHeartbeatResponse = 9;
MsgUnreachable = 10;
MsgSnapStatus = 11;
MsgCheckQuorum = 12;
MsgTransferLeader = 13;
MsgTimeoutNow = 14;
MsgReadIndex = 15;
MsgReadIndexResp = 16;
MsgRequestPreVote = 17;
MsgRequestPreVoteResponse = 18;
message Message {
MessageType msg_type = 1;
uint64 to = 2;
uint64 from = 3;
uint64 term = 4;
uint64 log_term = 5;
uint64 index = 6;
repeated Entry entries = 7;
uint64 commit = 8;
Snapshot snapshot = 9;
bool reject = 10;
uint64 reject_hint = 11;
bytes context = 12;
message HardState {
uint64 term = 1;
uint64 vote = 2;
uint64 commit = 3;
message ConfState {
repeated uint64 nodes = 1;
repeated uint64 learners = 2;
enum ConfChangeType {
AddNode = 0;
RemoveNode = 1;
AddLearnerNode = 2;
message ConfChange {
uint64 id = 1;
ConfChangeType change_type = 2;
uint64 node_id = 3;
bytes context = 4;