blob: fc16703fe0525504a294d611e17658dd93eeede6 [file] [log] [blame]
General matrix multiplication for f32, f64 matrices.
Allows arbitrary row, column strided matrices.
Uses the same microkernel algorithm as BLIS_, but in a much simpler
and less featureful implementation.
See their multithreading_ page for a very good diagram over how
the algorithm partitions the matrix (*Note:* this crate does not implement
.. _BLIS:
.. _multithreading:
Please read the `API documentation here`__
Blog posts about this crate:
+ `A Gemmed Rabbit Hole`__
|build_status|_ |crates|_
.. |build_status| image::
.. _build_status:
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**NOTE: Compile this crate using** ``RUSTFLAGS="-C target-cpu=native"`` **so
that the compiler can produce the best output.**
Recent Changes
- 0.1.14
- Avoid an unused code warning
- 0.1.13
- Pick 8x8 sgemm (f32) kernel when AVX target feature is enabled
(with Rust 1.14 or later, no effect otherwise).
- Use ``rawpointer``, a µcrate with raw pointer methods taken from this
- 0.1.12
- Internal cleanup with retained performance
- 0.1.11
- Adjust sgemm (f32) kernel to optimize better on recent Rust.
- 0.1.10
- Update doc links to
- 0.1.9
- Workaround optimization regression in rust nightly (1.12-ish) (#9)
- 0.1.8
- Improved docs
- 0.1.7
- Reduce overhead slightly for small matrix multiplication problems by using
only one allocation call for both packing buffers.
- 0.1.6
- Disable manual loop unrolling in debug mode (quicker debug builds)
- 0.1.5
- Update sgemm to use a 4x8 microkernel (“still in simplistic rust”),
which improves throughput by 10%.
- 0.1.4
- Prepare support for aligned packed buffers
- Update dgemm to use a 8x4 microkernel, still in simplistic rust,
which improves throughput by 10-20% when using AVX.
- 0.1.3
- Silence some debug prints
- 0.1.2
- Major performance improvement for sgemm and dgemm (20-30% when using AVX).
Since it all depends on what the optimizer does, I'd love to get
issue reports that report good or bad performance.
- Made the kernel masking generic, which is a cleaner design
- 0.1.1
- Minor improvement in the kernel