blob: ba3edcbc3ea10b0a49d3130ef8685610af6da065 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
* An implementation of the Fortuna CSPRNG
* First create a `FortunaRng` object using either the `new_unseeded`
* constructor or `SeedableRng::from_seed`. Additional entropy may be
* added using the method `add_random_event`, or the underlying RNG
* maybe reseeded directly by `SeedableRng::reseed`. Note that this is
* not recommended, since the generator automatically reseeds itself
* using the data provided by `add_random_events` through an
* accumulator. The accumulator is part of Fortuna's design and using
* `SeedableRng::reseed` directly bypasses it.
* Note that the underlying block cipher is `AesSafe256Encryptor` which
* is designed to be timing-attack resistant. The speed hit from this
* is in line with a "safety first" API, but be aware of it.
* Fortuna was originally described in
* Practical Cryptography, Niels Ferguson and Bruce Schneier.
* John Wiley & Sons, 2003.
* Comments throughout this file contain references of the form
* (PC 1.2.3); these refer to sections within this text.
* # A note on forking
* Proper behaviour for a CSRNG on a process fork is to reseed itself with
* the timestamp and new process ID, to ensure that after forking the child
* process does not share the same RNG state (and therefore the same output)
* as its parent.
* However, this appears not to be possible in Rust, due to
* The reason is that Rust's process management all happens through its
* stdlib runtime, which explicitly does not support forking, so it provides
* no mechanism with which to detect forks.
* What this means is that if you are writing forking code (using `#![no_std]`
use cryptoutil::read_u32_le;
use sgx_rand::{Rng, SeedableRng, thread_rng};
//use time::precise_time_s;
//use aessafe::AesSafe256Encryptor;
//use cryptoutil::read_u32_le;
use digest::Digest;
use sha2::Sha256;
//use symmetriccipher::BlockEncryptor;
/// Length in bytes that the first pool must be before a "catastrophic
/// reseed" is allowed to happen. (A direct reseed through the
/// `SeedableRng` API is not affected by this limit.)
pub const MIN_POOL_SIZE: usize = 64;
// Maximum number of bytes to generate before rekeying
//const MAX_GEN_SIZE: usize = (1 << 20);
/// Length in bytes of the AES key
const KEY_LEN: usize = 32;
/// Length in bytes of the AES counter
const CTR_LEN: usize = 16;
// Length in bytes of the AES block
//const AES_BLOCK_SIZE: usize = 16;
/// Number of pools used to accumulate entropy
const NUM_POOLS: usize = 32;
/// The underlying PRNG (PC 9.4)
struct FortunaGenerator {
key: [u8; KEY_LEN],
ctr: [u8; CTR_LEN],
impl FortunaGenerator {
/// Creates a new generator (PC 9.4.1)
fn new() -> FortunaGenerator {
FortunaGenerator {
key: [0; KEY_LEN],
ctr: [0; CTR_LEN],
/// Increments the counter in place
fn increment_counter(&mut self) {
for i in 0..self.ctr.len() {
self.ctr[i] = self.ctr[i].wrapping_add(1);
// As soon as we don't carry, stop
if self.ctr[i] != 0 {
/// Reseeds the generator (PC 9.4.2)
fn reseed(&mut self, s: &[u8]) {
// Compute key as Sha256d( key || s )
let mut hasher = Sha256::new();
hasher.result(&mut self.key);
hasher = Sha256::new();
hasher.result(&mut self.key[..]);
// Increment the counter
// Generates some `k` 16-byte blocks of random output (PC 9.4.3)
// This should never be used directly, except by `generate_random_data`.
//fn generate_blocks(&mut self, k: usize, out: &mut [u8]) {
// assert!(self.ctr[..] != [0; CTR_LEN][..]);
// // Setup AES encryptor
// let block_encryptor = AesSafe256Encryptor::new(&self.key[..]);
// // Concatenate all the blocks
// for j in 0..k {
// block_encryptor.encrypt_block(&self.ctr[..],
// &mut out[AES_BLOCK_SIZE * j..AES_BLOCK_SIZE * (j + 1)]);
// self.increment_counter();
// }
// Generates `n` bytes of random data (9.4.4)
//fn generate_random_data(&mut self, out: &mut [u8]) {
// let (n, rem) = (out.len() / AES_BLOCK_SIZE, out.len() % AES_BLOCK_SIZE);
// assert!(n <= MAX_GEN_SIZE);
// // Generate output
// self.generate_blocks(n, &mut out[..(n * AES_BLOCK_SIZE)]);
// if rem > 0 {
// let mut buf = [0; AES_BLOCK_SIZE];
// self.generate_blocks(1, &mut buf);
// copy_memory(&buf[..rem], &mut out[(n * AES_BLOCK_SIZE)..]);
// }
// // Rekey
// let mut new_key = [0; KEY_LEN];
// self.generate_blocks(KEY_LEN / AES_BLOCK_SIZE, &mut new_key);
// self.key = new_key;
/// A single entropy pool (not public)
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct Pool {
state: Sha256,
count: usize
impl Pool {
fn new() -> Pool {
Pool { state: Sha256::new(), count: 0 }
fn input(&mut self, data: &[u8]) {
self.count += data.len();
//fn result(&mut self, output: &mut [u8]) {
// self.state.result(output);
// // Double-SHA256 it
// self.state = Sha256::new();
// self.state.input(output);
// self.state.result(output);
// // Clear the pool state
// self.state = Sha256::new();
// self.count = 0;
/// The `Fortuna` CSPRNG (PC 9.5)
pub struct Fortuna {
pool: [Pool; NUM_POOLS],
generator: FortunaGenerator,
reseed_count: u32,
//last_reseed_time: f64
impl Fortuna {
/// Creates a new unseeded `Fortuna` (PC 9.5.4)
pub fn new_unseeded() -> Fortuna {
Fortuna {
pool: [Pool::new(); NUM_POOLS],
generator: FortunaGenerator::new(),
reseed_count: 0,
//last_reseed_time: 0.0
/// Adds a random event `e` from source `s` to entropy pool `i` (PC 9.5.6)
pub fn add_random_event(&mut self, s: u8, i: usize, e: &[u8]) {
assert!(i <= NUM_POOLS);
// These restrictions (and `s` in [0, 255]) are part of the Fortuna spec.
assert!(e.len() > 0);
assert!(e.len() <= 32);
(&mut self.pool[i]).input(&[s]);
(&mut self.pool[i]).input(&[e.len() as u8]);
(&mut self.pool[i]).input(e);
impl Rng for Fortuna {
/// Generate a bunch of random data into `dest` (PC 9.5.5)
/// # Failure modes
/// If the RNG has not been seeded, and there is less than
/// `MIN_POOL_SIZE` bytes of data in the first accumulator
/// pool, this function will fail the task.
fn fill_bytes(&mut self, dest: &mut [u8]) {
// Reseed if necessary
//let now = precise_time_s();
//if self.pool[0].count >= MIN_POOL_SIZE &&
// now - self.last_reseed_time > 0.1 {
// self.reseed_count += 1;
// self.last_reseed_time = now;
// // Compute key as Sha256d( key || s )
// let mut hash = [0; (32 * NUM_POOLS)];
// let mut n_pools = 0;
// while self.reseed_count % (1 << n_pools) == 0 {
// (&mut self.pool[n_pools]).result(&mut hash[n_pools * 32..(n_pools + 1) * 32]);
// n_pools += 1;
// assert!(n_pools < NUM_POOLS);
// assert!(n_pools < 32); // width of counter
// }
// self.generator.reseed(&hash[..n_pools * 32]);
//// Fail on unseeded RNG
//if self.reseed_count == 0 {
// panic!("rust-crypto: an unseeded Fortuna was asked for random bytes!");
//// Generate return data
//for dest in dest.chunks_mut(MAX_GEN_SIZE) {
// self.generator.generate_random_data(dest);
fn next_u32(&mut self) -> u32 {
let mut ret = [0; 4];
self.fill_bytes(&mut ret);
impl<'a> SeedableRng<&'a [u8]> for Fortuna {
fn from_seed(seed: &'a [u8]) -> Fortuna {
let mut ret = Fortuna::new_unseeded();
fn reseed(&mut self, seed: &'a [u8]) {
self.reseed_count += 1;
//self.last_reseed_time = precise_time_s();
fn test_force_reseed(f: &mut Fortuna) {
f.last_reseed_time -= 0.2;
mod tests {
use rand::{SeedableRng, Rng};
use super::{Fortuna, Pool, NUM_POOLS, test_force_reseed};
fn test_create_unseeded() {
let _: Fortuna = Fortuna::new_unseeded();
fn test_use_unseeded() {
let mut f: Fortuna = Fortuna::new_unseeded();
let _ = f.next_u32();
fn test_badly_seeded() {
let mut f: Fortuna = Fortuna::new_unseeded();
f.add_random_event(0, 0, &[10; 32]);
let _ = f.next_u32();
fn test_too_big_event() {
let mut f: Fortuna = Fortuna::new_unseeded();
f.add_random_event(0, 0, &[10; 33]);
fn test_seeded() {
// NB for this test I'm just trusting the output of the RNG to be correct.
// I do check for some high-level features: changing most anything should
// change the output, there should be no tests, etc.
let mut f1: Fortuna = SeedableRng::from_seed(&[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5][..]);
assert_eq!(f1.next_u32(), 3369034117);
let mut f2: Fortuna = Fortuna::new_unseeded();
f2.reseed(&[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
assert_eq!(f2.next_u32(), 3369034117);
// Ensure reseeding doesn't totally reset the seed. That is, this output should
// be different from the above
let mut f3: Fortuna = Fortuna::new_unseeded();
f3.reseed(&[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
f3.reseed(&[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
assert_eq!(f3.next_u32(), 2689122182);
// These three should all be different
let mut f4: Fortuna = Fortuna::new_unseeded();
f4.add_random_event(0, 0, &[10; 32]);
f4.add_random_event(0, 0, &[10; 32]);
let x = f4.next_u32();
let mut f5: Fortuna = Fortuna::new_unseeded();
f5.add_random_event(0, 0, &[10; 32]);
f5.add_random_event(0, 0, &[20; 32]);
let y = f5.next_u32();
let mut f6: Fortuna = Fortuna::new_unseeded();
f6.add_random_event(0, 0, &[20; 32]);
f6.add_random_event(0, 0, &[10; 32]);
let z = f6.next_u32();
assert!(x != y);
assert!(y != z);
assert!(x != z);
fn test_generator_correctness() {
let mut output = [0; 100];
// Expected output as in
let expected = [ 82, 254, 233, 139, 254, 85, 6, 222, 222, 149,
120, 35, 173, 71, 89, 232, 51, 182, 252, 139,
153, 153, 111, 30, 16, 7, 124, 185, 159, 24,
50, 68, 236, 107, 133, 18, 217, 219, 46, 134,
169, 156, 211, 74, 163, 17, 100, 173, 26, 70,
246, 193, 57, 164, 167, 175, 233, 220, 160, 114,
2, 200, 215, 80, 207, 218, 85, 58, 235, 117,
177, 223, 87, 192, 50, 251, 61, 65, 141, 100,
59, 228, 23, 215, 58, 107, 248, 248, 103, 57,
127, 31, 241, 91, 230, 33, 0, 164, 77, 46];
let mut f: Fortuna = SeedableRng::from_seed(&[1, 2, 3, 4][..]);
f.fill_bytes(&mut output);
assert_eq!(&expected[..], &output[..]);
let mut scratch = [0; (1 << 20)];
f.generator.generate_random_data(&mut scratch);
let expected = [122, 164, 26, 67, 102, 65, 30, 217, 219, 113,
14, 86, 214, 146, 185, 17, 107, 135, 183, 7,
18, 162, 126, 206, 46, 38, 54, 172, 248, 194,
118, 84, 162, 146, 83, 156, 152, 96, 192, 15,
23, 224, 113, 76, 21, 8, 226, 41, 161, 171,
197, 180, 138, 236, 126, 137, 101, 25, 219, 225,
3, 189, 16, 242, 33, 91, 34, 27, 8, 171,
171, 115, 157, 109, 248, 198, 227, 18, 204, 211,
42, 184, 92, 42, 171, 222, 198, 117, 162, 134,
116, 109, 77, 195, 187, 139, 37, 78, 224, 63];
f.fill_bytes(&mut output);
assert_eq!(&expected[..], &output[..]);
let expected = [217, 168, 141, 167, 46, 9, 218, 188, 98, 124,
109, 128, 242, 22, 189, 120, 180, 124, 15, 192,
116, 149, 211, 136, 253, 132, 60, 3, 29, 250,
95, 66, 133, 195, 37, 78, 242, 255, 160, 209,
185, 106, 68, 105, 83, 145, 165, 72, 179, 167,
53, 254, 183, 251, 128, 69, 78, 156, 219, 26,
124, 202, 35, 9, 174, 167, 41, 128, 184, 25,
2, 1, 63, 142, 205, 162, 69, 68, 207, 251,
101, 10, 29, 33, 133, 87, 189, 36, 229, 56,
17, 100, 138, 49, 79, 239, 210, 189, 141, 46];
f.fill_bytes(&mut output);
assert_eq!(&expected[..], &output[..]);
fn test_accumulator_correctness() {
let mut output = [0; 100];
// Expected output from experiments with pycryto
// Note that this does not match the results for the Go implementation
// as described at ... I believe
// this is because the author there is reusing some Fortuna state from
// the previous test. These results agree with pycrypto on a fresh slate
let mut f = Fortuna::new_unseeded();
f.pool = [Pool::new(); NUM_POOLS];
f.add_random_event(0, 0, &[0; 32]);
f.add_random_event(0, 0, &[0; 32]);
for i in 0..32 {
f.add_random_event(1, i, &[1, 2]);
// from Crypto.Random.Fortuna import FortunaAccumulator
// x = FortunaAccumulator.FortunaAccumulator()
// x.add_random_event(0, 0, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0")
// x.add_random_event(0, 0, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0")
// x.add_random_event(1, 0, "\1\2")
// x.add_random_event(1, 1, "\1\2")
// print list(bytearray(x.random_data(100)))
let expected = [ 21, 42, 103, 180, 211, 46, 177, 231, 172, 210,
109, 198, 34, 40, 245, 199, 76, 114, 105, 185,
186, 112, 183, 213, 19, 72, 186, 26, 182, 211,
254, 88, 67, 142, 246, 102, 80, 93, 144, 152,
123, 191, 168, 26, 21, 194, 69, 214, 249, 80,
182, 165, 203, 69, 134, 140, 11, 208, 50, 175,
180, 210, 110, 119, 3, 75, 1, 8, 5, 142,
226, 168, 179, 246, 82, 42, 223, 239, 201, 23,
28, 30, 195, 195, 9, 154, 31, 172, 209, 232,
238, 111, 75, 251, 196, 43, 217, 241, 93, 237];
f.fill_bytes(&mut output);
assert_eq!(&expected[..], &output[..]);
// Immediately (less than 100ms)
f.add_random_event(0, 0, &[0; 32]);
f.add_random_event(0, 0, &[0; 32]);
// x.add_random_event(0, 0, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0")
// x.add_random_event(0, 0, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0")
// print list(bytearray(x.random_data(100)))
let expected = [101, 123, 175, 157, 142, 202, 211, 47, 149, 214,
135, 249, 148, 19, 50, 116, 169, 188, 240, 218,
91, 62, 35, 44, 142, 108, 95, 20, 37, 185,
19, 121, 128, 231, 213, 23, 94, 147, 14, 41,
199, 253, 246, 14, 230, 152, 11, 17, 118, 254,
96, 251, 171, 115, 66, 21, 196, 164, 82, 6,
139, 238, 135, 22, 179, 6, 6, 252, 115, 87,
19, 167, 56, 192, 140, 93, 132, 78, 22, 16,
114, 68, 123, 200, 37, 183, 163, 224, 201, 155,
233, 71, 111, 26, 8, 114, 232, 181, 13, 51];
f.fill_bytes(&mut output);
assert_eq!(&expected[..], &output[..]);
// Simulate more than 100 ms passing
test_force_reseed(&mut f);
// time.sleep(0.2)
// print list(bytearray(x.random_data(100)))
let expected = [ 62, 147, 205, 228, 22, 3, 225, 217, 211, 202,
49, 148, 236, 125, 132, 43, 25, 177, 172, 93,
98, 177, 112, 160, 76, 101, 60, 98, 225, 9,
223, 120, 161, 98, 173, 178, 71, 15, 90, 153,
64, 179, 143, 22, 43, 165, 87, 147, 177, 128,
21, 105, 214, 197, 224, 187, 22, 139, 16, 153,
251, 48, 244, 87, 10, 104, 119, 179, 27, 255,
67, 148, 192, 52, 147, 216, 79, 204, 106, 112,
238, 0, 239, 99, 159, 96, 184, 90, 54, 122,
184, 241, 221, 151, 169, 29, 197, 45, 80, 6];
f.fill_bytes(&mut output);
assert_eq!(&expected[..], &output[..]);
#[cfg(all(test, feature = "with-bench"))]
mod bench {
use rand::{SeedableRng, Rng};
use test::Bencher;
use super::Fortuna;
pub fn fortuna_new_32(bh: &mut Bencher) {
let mut f: Fortuna = SeedableRng::from_seed(&[100; 64][..]);
bh.iter( || {
bh.bytes = 4;
pub fn fortuna_new_64(bh: &mut Bencher) {
let mut f: Fortuna = SeedableRng::from_seed(&[100; 64][..]);
bh.iter( || {
bh.bytes = 8;
pub fn fortuna_new_1k(bh: &mut Bencher) {
let mut f: Fortuna = SeedableRng::from_seed(&[100; 64][..]);
let mut bytes = [0u8; 1024];
bh.iter( || {
f.fill_bytes(&mut bytes);
bh.bytes = bytes.len() as u64;
pub fn fortuna_new_64k(bh: &mut Bencher) {
let mut f: Fortuna = SeedableRng::from_seed(&[100; 64][..]);
let mut bytes = [0u8; 65536];
bh.iter( || {
f.fill_bytes(&mut bytes);
bh.bytes = bytes.len() as u64;