blob: 7ddccf6dab2886682ea0ecd29e3815278f180a9a [file] [log] [blame]
use std::prelude::v1::*;
use {Buf, BufMut, IntoBuf, Bytes, BytesMut};
/// Conversion from a [`Buf`]
/// Implementing `FromBuf` for a type defines how it is created from a buffer.
/// This is common for types which represent byte storage of some kind.
/// [`FromBuf::from_buf`] is rarely called explicitly, and it is instead used
/// through [`Buf::collect`]. See [`Buf::collect`] documentation for more examples.
/// See also [`IntoBuf`].
/// # Examples
/// Basic usage:
/// ```
/// use bytes::{Bytes, IntoBuf};
/// use bytes::buf::FromBuf;
/// let buf = Bytes::from(&b"hello world"[..]).into_buf();
/// let vec = Vec::from_buf(buf);
/// assert_eq!(vec, &b"hello world"[..]);
/// ```
/// Using [`Buf::collect`] to implicitly use `FromBuf`:
/// ```
/// use bytes::{Buf, Bytes, IntoBuf};
/// let buf = Bytes::from(&b"hello world"[..]).into_buf();
/// let vec: Vec<u8> = buf.collect();
/// assert_eq!(vec, &b"hello world"[..]);
/// ```
/// Implementing `FromBuf` for your type:
/// ```
/// use bytes::{BufMut, Bytes};
/// use bytes::buf::{IntoBuf, FromBuf};
/// // A sample buffer, that's just a wrapper over Vec<u8>
/// struct MyBuffer(Vec<u8>);
/// impl FromBuf for MyBuffer {
/// fn from_buf<B>(buf: B) -> Self where B: IntoBuf {
/// let mut v = Vec::new();
/// v.put(buf.into_buf());
/// MyBuffer(v)
/// }
/// }
/// // Now we can make a new buf
/// let buf = Bytes::from(&b"hello world"[..]);
/// // And make a MyBuffer out of it
/// let my_buf = MyBuffer::from_buf(buf);
/// assert_eq!(my_buf.0, &b"hello world"[..]);
/// ```
/// [`Buf`]: trait.Buf.html
/// [`FromBuf::from_buf`]: #method.from_buf
/// [`Buf::collect`]: trait.Buf.html#method.collect
/// [`IntoBuf`]: trait.IntoBuf.html
pub trait FromBuf {
/// Creates a value from a buffer.
/// See the [type-level documentation](#) for more details.
/// # Examples
/// Basic usage:
/// ```
/// use bytes::{Bytes, IntoBuf};
/// use bytes::buf::FromBuf;
/// let buf = Bytes::from(&b"hello world"[..]).into_buf();
/// let vec = Vec::from_buf(buf);
/// assert_eq!(vec, &b"hello world"[..]);
/// ```
fn from_buf<T>(buf: T) -> Self where T: IntoBuf;
impl FromBuf for Vec<u8> {
fn from_buf<T>(buf: T) -> Self
where T: IntoBuf
let buf = buf.into_buf();
let mut ret = Vec::with_capacity(buf.remaining());
impl FromBuf for Bytes {
fn from_buf<T>(buf: T) -> Self
where T: IntoBuf
impl FromBuf for BytesMut {
fn from_buf<T>(buf: T) -> Self
where T: IntoBuf
let buf = buf.into_buf();
let mut ret = BytesMut::with_capacity(buf.remaining());