blob: edbb11bfbab8899ee5c435ee00181b30fd0afed2 [file] [log] [blame]
use std::{ ops, fmt, f32, f64 };
use std::num::FpCategory;
use util::grisu2;
use util::print_dec;
use std::string::String;
use std::vec::Vec;
/// NaN value represented in `Number` type. NaN is equal to itself.
pub const NAN: Number = Number {
category: NAN_MASK,
mantissa: 0,
exponent: 0
const NEGATIVE: u8 = 0;
const POSITIVE: u8 = 1;
const NAN_MASK: u8 = !1;
/// Number representation used inside `JsonValue`. You can easily convert
/// the `Number` type into native Rust number types and back, or use the
/// equality operator with another number type.
/// ```
/// # use json::number::Number;
/// let foo: Number = 3.14.into();
/// let bar: f64 = foo.into();
/// assert_eq!(foo, 3.14);
/// assert_eq!(bar, 3.14);
/// ```
/// More often than not you will deal with `JsonValue::Number` variant that
/// wraps around this type, instead of using the methods here directly.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Number {
// A byte describing the sign and NaN-ness of the number.
// category == 0 (NEGATIVE constant) -> negative sign
// category == 1 (POSITIVE constant) -> positive sign
// category > 1 (matches NAN_MASK constant) -> NaN
category: u8,
// Decimal exponent, analog to `e` notation in string form.
exponent: i16,
// Integer base before sing and exponent applied.
mantissa: u64,
impl Number {
/// Construct a new `Number` from parts. This can't create a NaN value.
/// ```
/// # use json::number::Number;
/// let pi = unsafe { Number::from_parts_unchecked(true, 3141592653589793, -15) };
/// assert_eq!(pi, 3.141592653589793);
/// ```
/// While this method is marked unsafe, it doesn't actually perform any unsafe operations.
/// THe goal of the 'unsafe' is to deter from using this method in favor of its safe equivalent
/// `from_parts`, at least in context when the associated performance cost is negligible.
pub unsafe fn from_parts_unchecked(positive: bool, mantissa: u64, exponent: i16) -> Self {
Number {
category: positive as u8,
exponent: exponent,
mantissa: mantissa,
/// Construct a new `Number` from parts, stripping unnecessary trailing zeroes.
/// This can't create a NaN value.
/// ```
/// # use json::number::Number;
/// let one = Number::from_parts(true, 1000, -3);
/// let (positive, mantissa, exponent) = one.as_parts();
/// assert_eq!(true, positive);
/// assert_eq!(1, mantissa);
/// assert_eq!(0, exponent);
/// ```
pub fn from_parts(positive: bool, mut mantissa: u64, mut exponent: i16) -> Self {
while exponent < 0 && mantissa % 10 == 0 {
exponent += 1;
mantissa /= 10;
unsafe { Number::from_parts_unchecked(positive, mantissa, exponent) }
/// Reverse to `from_parts` - obtain parts from an existing `Number`.
/// ```
/// # use json::number::Number;
/// let pi = Number::from(3.141592653589793);
/// let (positive, mantissa, exponent) = pi.as_parts();
/// assert_eq!(positive, true);
/// assert_eq!(mantissa, 3141592653589793);
/// assert_eq!(exponent, -15);
/// ```
pub fn as_parts(&self) -> (bool, u64, i16) {
(self.category == POSITIVE, self.mantissa, self.exponent)
pub fn is_sign_positive(&self) -> bool {
self.category == POSITIVE
pub fn is_zero(&self) -> bool {
self.mantissa == 0 && !self.is_nan()
pub fn is_nan(&self) -> bool {
self.category & NAN_MASK != 0
/// Test if the number is NaN or has a zero value.
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
self.mantissa == 0 || self.is_nan()
/// Obtain an integer at a fixed decimal point. This is useful for
/// converting monetary values and doing arithmetic on them without
/// rounding errors introduced by floating point operations.
/// Will return `None` if `Number` is negative or a NaN.
/// ```
/// # use json::number::Number;
/// let price_a = Number::from(5.99);
/// let price_b = Number::from(7);
/// let price_c = Number::from(10.2);
/// assert_eq!(price_a.as_fixed_point_u64(2), Some(599));
/// assert_eq!(price_b.as_fixed_point_u64(2), Some(700));
/// assert_eq!(price_c.as_fixed_point_u64(2), Some(1020));
/// ```
pub fn as_fixed_point_u64(&self, point: u16) -> Option<u64> {
if self.category != POSITIVE {
return None;
let e_diff = point as i16 + self.exponent;
Some(if e_diff == 0 {
} else if e_diff < 0 {
self.mantissa.wrapping_div(decimal_power(-e_diff as u16))
} else {
self.mantissa.wrapping_mul(decimal_power(e_diff as u16))
/// Analog to `as_fixed_point_u64`, except returning a signed
/// `i64`, properly handling negative numbers.
/// ```
/// # use json::number::Number;
/// let balance_a = Number::from(-1.49);
/// let balance_b = Number::from(42);
/// assert_eq!(balance_a.as_fixed_point_i64(2), Some(-149));
/// assert_eq!(balance_b.as_fixed_point_i64(2), Some(4200));
/// ```
pub fn as_fixed_point_i64(&self, point: u16) -> Option<i64> {
if self.is_nan() {
return None;
let num = if self.is_sign_positive() {
self.mantissa as i64
} else {
-(self.mantissa as i64)
let e_diff = point as i16 + self.exponent;
Some(if e_diff == 0 {
} else if e_diff < 0 {
num.wrapping_div(decimal_power(-e_diff as u16) as i64)
} else {
num.wrapping_mul(decimal_power(e_diff as u16) as i64)
impl PartialEq for Number {
fn eq(&self, other: &Number) -> bool {
if self.is_zero() && other.is_zero()
|| self.is_nan() && other.is_nan() {
return true;
if self.category != other.category {
return false;
let e_diff = self.exponent - other.exponent;
if e_diff == 0 {
return self.mantissa == other.mantissa;
} else if e_diff > 0 {
let power = decimal_power(e_diff as u16);
self.mantissa.wrapping_mul(power) == other.mantissa
} else {
let power = decimal_power(-e_diff as u16);
self.mantissa == other.mantissa.wrapping_mul(power)
impl fmt::Display for Number {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
unsafe {
if self.is_nan() {
return f.write_str("nan")
let (positive, mantissa, exponent) = self.as_parts();
let mut buf = Vec::new();
print_dec::write(&mut buf, positive, mantissa, exponent).unwrap();
fn exponentiate_f64(n: f64, e: i16) -> f64 {
static CACHE_POWERS: [f64; 23] = [
1.0, 1e1, 1e2, 1e3, 1e4, 1e5, 1e6, 1e7,
1e8, 1e9, 1e10, 1e11, 1e12, 1e13, 1e14, 1e15,
1e16, 1e17, 1e18, 1e19, 1e20, 1e21, 1e22
if e >= 0 {
let index = e as usize;
n * if index < 23 {
} else {
10f64.powf(index as f64)
} else {
let index = -e as usize;
n / if index < 23 {
} else {
10f64.powf(index as f64)
fn exponentiate_f32(n: f32, e: i16) -> f32 {
static CACHE_POWERS: [f32; 23] = [
1.0, 1e1, 1e2, 1e3, 1e4, 1e5, 1e6, 1e7,
1e8, 1e9, 1e10, 1e11, 1e12, 1e13, 1e14, 1e15,
1e16, 1e17, 1e18, 1e19, 1e20, 1e21, 1e22
if e >= 0 {
let index = e as usize;
n * if index < 23 {
} else {
10f32.powf(index as f32)
} else {
let index = -e as usize;
n / if index < 23 {
} else {
10f32.powf(index as f32)
impl From<Number> for f64 {
fn from(num: Number) -> f64 {
if num.is_nan() { return f64::NAN; }
let mut n = num.mantissa as f64;
let mut e = num.exponent;
if e < -308 {
n = exponentiate_f64(n, e + 308);
e = -308;
let f = exponentiate_f64(n, e);
if num.is_sign_positive() { f } else { -f }
impl From<Number> for f32 {
fn from(num: Number) -> f32 {
if num.is_nan() { return f32::NAN; }
let mut n = num.mantissa as f32;
let mut e = num.exponent;
if e < -127 {
n = exponentiate_f32(n, e + 127);
e = -127;
let f = exponentiate_f32(n, e);
if num.is_sign_positive() { f } else { -f }
impl From<f64> for Number {
fn from(float: f64) -> Number {
match float.classify() {
FpCategory::Infinite | FpCategory::Nan => return NAN,
_ => {}
if !float.is_sign_positive() {
let (mantissa, exponent) = grisu2::convert(-float);
Number::from_parts(false, mantissa, exponent)
} else {
let (mantissa, exponent) = grisu2::convert(float);
Number::from_parts(true, mantissa, exponent)
impl From<f32> for Number {
fn from(float: f32) -> Number {
match float.classify() {
FpCategory::Infinite | FpCategory::Nan => return NAN,
_ => {}
if !float.is_sign_positive() {
let (mantissa, exponent) = grisu2::convert(-float as f64);
Number::from_parts(false, mantissa, exponent)
} else {
let (mantissa, exponent) = grisu2::convert(float as f64);
Number::from_parts(true, mantissa, exponent)
impl PartialEq<f64> for Number {
fn eq(&self, other: &f64) -> bool {
f64::from(*self) == *other
impl PartialEq<f32> for Number {
fn eq(&self, other: &f32) -> bool {
f32::from(*self) == *other
impl PartialEq<Number> for f64 {
fn eq(&self, other: &Number) -> bool {
f64::from(*other) == *self
impl PartialEq<Number> for f32 {
fn eq(&self, other: &Number) -> bool {
f32::from(*other) == *self
macro_rules! impl_unsigned {
($( $t:ty ),*) => ($(
impl From<$t> for Number {
fn from(num: $t) -> Number {
Number {
category: POSITIVE,
exponent: 0,
mantissa: num as u64,
macro_rules! impl_signed {
($( $t:ty ),*) => ($(
impl From<$t> for Number {
fn from(num: $t) -> Number {
if num < 0 {
Number {
category: NEGATIVE,
exponent: 0,
mantissa: -num as u64,
} else {
Number {
category: POSITIVE,
exponent: 0,
mantissa: num as u64,
macro_rules! impl_integer {
($t:ty) => {
impl From<Number> for $t {
fn from(num: Number) -> $t {
let (positive, mantissa, exponent) = num.as_parts();
if exponent <= 0 {
if positive {
mantissa as $t
} else {
-(mantissa as i64) as $t
} else {
// This may overflow, which is fine
if positive {
(mantissa * 10u64.pow(exponent as u32)) as $t
} else {
(-(mantissa as i64) * 10i64.pow(exponent as u32)) as $t
impl PartialEq<$t> for Number {
fn eq(&self, other: &$t) -> bool {
*self == Number::from(*other)
impl PartialEq<Number> for $t {
fn eq(&self, other: &Number) -> bool {
Number::from(*self) == *other
impl_signed!(isize, i8, i16, i32, i64);
impl_unsigned!(usize, u8, u16, u32, u64);
impl ops::Neg for Number {
type Output = Number;
fn neg(self) -> Number {
Number {
category: self.category ^ POSITIVE,
exponent: self.exponent,
mantissa: self.mantissa,
// Commented out for now - not doing math ops for 0.10.0
// -----------------------------------------------------
// impl ops::Mul for Number {
// type Output = Number;
// #[inline]
// fn mul(self, other: Number) -> Number {
// // If either is a NaN, return a NaN
// if (self.category | other.category) & NAN_MASK != 0 {
// NAN
// } else {
// Number {
// // If both signs are the same, xoring will produce 0.
// // If they are different, xoring will produce 1.
// // Xor again with 1 to get a proper proper sign!
// // Xor all the things! ^ _ ^
// category: self.category ^ other.category ^ POSITIVE,
// exponent: self.exponent + other.exponent,
// mantissa: self.mantissa * other.mantissa,
// }
// }
// }
// }
// impl ops::MulAssign for Number {
// #[inline]
// fn mul_assign(&mut self, other: Number) {
// *self = *self * other;
// }
// }
fn decimal_power(mut e: u16) -> u64 {
static CACHED: [u64; 20] = [
if e < 20 {
CACHED[e as usize]
} else {
let mut pow = 1u64;
while e >= 20 {
pow = pow.saturating_mul(CACHED[(e % 20) as usize]);
e /= 20;