blob: ce0613e46551a2aeb1f9fac73cb0057daf1d0ed4 [file] [log] [blame]
//! ![](
//! # json-rust
//! Parse and serialize [JSON]( with ease.
//! **[Changelog]( -**
//! **[Complete Documentation]( -**
//! **[Cargo]( -**
//! **[Repository](**
//! ## Why?
//! JSON is a very loose format where anything goes - arrays can hold mixed
//! types, object keys can change types between API calls or not include
//! some keys under some conditions. Mapping that to idiomatic Rust structs
//! introduces friction.
//! This crate intends to avoid that friction.
//! ```rust
//! # #[macro_use] extern crate json;
//! # fn main() {
//! let parsed = json::parse(r#"
//! {
//! "code": 200,
//! "success": true,
//! "payload": {
//! "features": [
//! "awesome",
//! "easyAPI",
//! "lowLearningCurve"
//! ]
//! }
//! }
//! "#).unwrap();
//! let instantiated = object!{
//! "code" => 200,
//! "success" => true,
//! "payload" => object!{
//! "features" => array![
//! "awesome",
//! "easyAPI",
//! "lowLearningCurve"
//! ]
//! }
//! };
//! assert_eq!(parsed, instantiated);
//! # }
//! ```
//! ## First class citizen
//! Using macros and indexing, it's easy to work with the data.
//! ```rust
//! # #[macro_use] extern crate json;
//! # fn main() {
//! let mut data = object!{
//! "foo" => false,
//! "bar" => json::Null,
//! "answer" => 42,
//! "list" => array![json::Null, "world", true]
//! };
//! // Partial equality is implemented for most raw types:
//! assert!(data["foo"] == false);
//! // And it's type aware, `null` and `false` are different values:
//! assert!(data["bar"] != false);
//! // But you can use any Rust number types:
//! assert!(data["answer"] == 42);
//! assert!(data["answer"] == 42.0);
//! assert!(data["answer"] == 42isize);
//! // Access nested structures, arrays and objects:
//! assert!(data["list"][0].is_null());
//! assert!(data["list"][1] == "world");
//! assert!(data["list"][2] == true);
//! // Error resilient - accessing properties that don't exist yield null:
//! assert!(data["this"]["does"]["not"]["exist"].is_null());
//! // Mutate by assigning:
//! data["list"][0] = "Hello".into();
//! // Use the `dump` method to serialize the data:
//! assert_eq!(data.dump(), r#"{"foo":false,"bar":null,"answer":42,"list":["Hello","world",true]}"#);
//! // Or pretty print it out:
//! println!("{:#}", data);
//! # }
//! ```
//! ## Serialize with `json::stringify(value)`
//! Primitives:
//! ```
//! // str slices
//! assert_eq!(json::stringify("foobar"), "\"foobar\"");
//! // Owned strings
//! assert_eq!(json::stringify("foobar".to_string()), "\"foobar\"");
//! // Any number types
//! assert_eq!(json::stringify(42), "42");
//! // Booleans
//! assert_eq!(json::stringify(true), "true");
//! assert_eq!(json::stringify(false), "false");
//! ```
//! Explicit `null` type `json::Null`:
//! ```
//! assert_eq!(json::stringify(json::Null), "null");
//! ```
//! Optional types:
//! ```
//! let value: Option<String> = Some("foo".to_string());
//! assert_eq!(json::stringify(value), "\"foo\"");
//! let no_value: Option<String> = None;
//! assert_eq!(json::stringify(no_value), "null");
//! ```
//! Vector:
//! ```
//! let data = vec![1,2,3];
//! assert_eq!(json::stringify(data), "[1,2,3]");
//! ```
//! Vector with optional values:
//! ```
//! let data = vec![Some(1), None, Some(2), None, Some(3)];
//! assert_eq!(json::stringify(data), "[1,null,2,null,3]");
//! ```
//! Pushing to arrays:
//! ```
//! let mut data = json::JsonValue::new_array();
//! data.push(10);
//! data.push("foo");
//! data.push(false);
//! assert_eq!(data.dump(), r#"[10,"foo",false]"#);
//! ```
//! Putting fields on objects:
//! ```
//! let mut data = json::JsonValue::new_object();
//! data["answer"] = 42.into();
//! data["foo"] = "bar".into();
//! assert_eq!(data.dump(), r#"{"answer":42,"foo":"bar"}"#);
//! ```
//! `array!` macro:
//! ```
//! # #[macro_use] extern crate json;
//! # fn main() {
//! let data = array!["foo", "bar", 100, true, json::Null];
//! assert_eq!(data.dump(), r#"["foo","bar",100,true,null]"#);
//! # }
//! ```
//! `object!` macro:
//! ```
//! # #[macro_use] extern crate json;
//! # fn main() {
//! let data = object!{
//! "name" => "John Doe",
//! "age" => 30,
//! "canJSON" => true
//! };
//! assert_eq!(
//! data.dump(),
//! r#"{"name":"John Doe","age":30,"canJSON":true}"#
//! );
//! # }
//! ```
#![cfg_attr(not(target_env = "sgx"), no_std)]
#![cfg_attr(target_env = "sgx", feature(rustc_private))]
#[cfg(not(target_env = "sgx"))]
extern crate sgx_tstd as std;
use std::result;
use std::string::String;
use std::vec::Vec;
mod codegen;
mod parser;
mod value;
mod error;
mod util;
pub mod short;
pub mod object;
pub mod number;
pub use error::Error;
pub use value::JsonValue;
pub use value::JsonValue::Null;
/// Result type used by this crate.
/// *Note:* Since 0.9.0 the old `JsonResult` type is deprecated. Always use
/// `json::Result` instead.
pub type Result<T> = result::Result<T, Error>;
pub mod iterators {
/// Iterator over members of `JsonValue::Array`.
pub type Members<'a> = ::std::slice::Iter<'a, super::JsonValue>;
/// Mutable iterator over members of `JsonValue::Array`.
pub type MembersMut<'a> = ::std::slice::IterMut<'a, super::JsonValue>;
/// Iterator over key value pairs of `JsonValue::Object`.
pub type Entries<'a> = super::object::Iter<'a>;
/// Mutable iterator over key value pairs of `JsonValue::Object`.
pub type EntriesMut<'a> = super::object::IterMut<'a>;
#[deprecated(since="0.9.0", note="use `json::Error` instead")]
pub use Error as JsonError;
#[deprecated(since="0.9.0", note="use `json::Result` instead")]
pub use Result as JsonResult;
pub use parser::parse;
pub type Array = Vec<JsonValue>;
/// Convenience for `JsonValue::from(value)`
pub fn from<T>(value: T) -> JsonValue where T: Into<JsonValue> {
/// Pretty prints out the value as JSON string.
pub fn stringify<T>(root: T) -> String where T: Into<JsonValue> {
let root: JsonValue = root.into();
/// Pretty prints out the value as JSON string. Second argument is a
/// number of spaces to indent new blocks with.
pub fn stringify_pretty<T>(root: T, spaces: u16) -> String where T: Into<JsonValue> {
let root: JsonValue = root.into();
/// Helper macro for creating instances of `JsonValue::Array`.
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate json;
/// # fn main() {
/// let data = array!["foo", 42, false];
/// assert_eq!(data[0], "foo");
/// assert_eq!(data[1], 42);
/// assert_eq!(data[2], false);
/// assert_eq!(data.dump(), r#"["foo",42,false]"#);
/// # }
/// ```
macro_rules! array {
[] => ($crate::JsonValue::new_array());
[ $( $item:expr ),* ] => ({
let mut array = Vec::new();
/// Helper macro for creating instances of `JsonValue::Object`.
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate json;
/// # fn main() {
/// let data = object!{
/// "foo" => 42,
/// "bar" => false
/// };
/// assert_eq!(data["foo"], 42);
/// assert_eq!(data["bar"], false);
/// assert_eq!(data.dump(), r#"{"foo":42,"bar":false}"#);
/// # }
/// ```
macro_rules! object {
// Empty object.
{} => ($crate::JsonValue::new_object());
// Non-empty object, no trailing comma.
// In this implementation, key/value pairs separated by commas.
{ $( $key:expr => $value:expr ),* } => {
object!( $(
$key => $value,
)* )
// Non-empty object, trailing comma.
// In this implementation, the comma is part of the value.
{ $( $key:expr => $value:expr, )* } => ({
use $crate::object::Object;
let mut object = Object::new();
object.insert($key, $value.into());