blob: e08b3cd6122983c04658174c8fcf2437f3e01dcc [file] [log] [blame]
//! # The rusty-machine crate.
//! A crate built for machine learning that works out-of-the-box.
//! ---
//! ## Structure
//! The crate is made up of two primary modules: learning and linalg.
//! ### learning
//! The learning module contains all of the machine learning modules.
//! This means the algorithms, models and related tools.
//! The currently supported techniques are:
//! - Linear Regression
//! - Logistic Regression
//! - Generalized Linear Models
//! - K-Means Clustering
//! - Neural Networks
//! - Gaussian Process Regression
//! - Support Vector Machines
//! - Gaussian Mixture Models
//! - Naive Bayes Classifiers
//! - DBSCAN
//! - k-Nearest Neighbor Classifiers
//! ### linalg
//! The linalg module reexports some structs and traits from the
//! [rulinalg]( crate. This is to provide
//! easy access to common linear algebra tools within this library.
//! ---
//! ## Usage
//! Specific usage of modules is described within the modules themselves. This section
//! will focus on the general workflow for this library.
//! The models contained within the learning module should implement either
//! `SupModel` or `UnSupModel`. These both provide a `train` and a `predict`
//! function which provide an interface to the model.
//! You should instantiate the model, with your chosen options and then train using
//! the training data. Followed by predicting with your test data. *For now*
//! cross-validation, data handling, and many other things are left explicitly
//! to the user.
//! Here is an example usage for Gaussian Process Regression:
//! ```
//! use rusty_machine::linalg::Matrix;
//! use rusty_machine::linalg::Vector;
//! use rusty_machine::learning::gp::GaussianProcess;
//! use rusty_machine::learning::gp::ConstMean;
//! use rusty_machine::learning::toolkit::kernel;
//! use rusty_machine::learning::SupModel;
//! // First we'll get some data.
//! // Some example training data.
//! let inputs = Matrix::new(3,3,vec![1.,1.,1.,2.,2.,2.,3.,3.,3.]);
//! let targets = Vector::new(vec![0.,1.,0.]);
//! // Some example test data.
//! let test_inputs = Matrix::new(2,3, vec![1.5,1.5,1.5,2.5,2.5,2.5]);
//! // Now we'll set up our model.
//! // This is close to the most complicated a model in rusty-machine gets!
//! // A squared exponential kernel with lengthscale 2, and amplitude 1.
//! let ker = kernel::SquaredExp::new(2., 1.);
//! // The zero function
//! let zero_mean = ConstMean::default();
//! // Construct a GP with the specified kernel, mean, and a noise of 0.5.
//! let mut gp = GaussianProcess::new(ker, zero_mean, 0.5);
//! // Now we can train and predict from the model.
//! // Train the model!
//! gp.train(&inputs, &targets).unwrap();
//! // Predict the output from test data.
//! let outputs = gp.predict(&test_inputs).unwrap();
//! ```
//! This code could have been a lot simpler if we had simply adopted
//! `let mut gp = GaussianProcess::default();`. Conversely, you could also implement
//! your own kernels and mean functions by using the appropriate traits.
//! Additionally you'll notice there's quite a few `use` statements at the top of this code.
//! We can remove some of these by utilizing the `prelude`:
//! ```
//! use rusty_machine::prelude::*;
//! let _ = Matrix::new(2,2,vec![2.0;4]);
//! ```
extern crate sgx_tstd as std;
extern crate rulinalg;
extern crate num as libnum;
extern crate sgx_rand as rand;
pub mod prelude;
/// The linear algebra module
/// This module contains reexports of common tools from the rulinalg crate.
pub mod linalg {
pub use rulinalg::matrix::{Axes, Matrix, MatrixSlice, MatrixSliceMut, BaseMatrix, BaseMatrixMut};
pub use rulinalg::vector::Vector;
pub use rulinalg::norm;
/// Module for data handling
pub mod data {
pub mod transforms;
/// Module for machine learning.
pub mod learning {
pub mod dbscan;
pub mod glm;
pub mod gmm;
pub mod lin_reg;
pub mod logistic_reg;
pub mod k_means;
pub mod nnet;
pub mod gp;
pub mod svm;
pub mod naive_bayes;
pub mod knn;
pub mod error;
/// A new type which provides clean access to the learning errors
pub type LearningResult<T> = Result<T, error::Error>;
/// Trait for supervised model.
pub trait SupModel<T, U> {
/// Predict output from inputs.
fn predict(&self, inputs: &T) -> LearningResult<U>;
/// Train the model using inputs and targets.
fn train(&mut self, inputs: &T, targets: &U) -> LearningResult<()>;
/// Trait for unsupervised model.
pub trait UnSupModel<T, U> {
/// Predict output from inputs.
fn predict(&self, inputs: &T) -> LearningResult<U>;
/// Train the model using inputs.
fn train(&mut self, inputs: &T) -> LearningResult<()>;
/// Module for optimization in machine learning setting.
pub mod optim {
use std::vec::*;
/// Trait for models which can be gradient-optimized.
pub trait Optimizable {
/// The input data type to the model.
type Inputs;
/// The target data type to the model.
type Targets;
/// Compute the gradient for the model.
fn compute_grad(&self,
params: &[f64],
inputs: &Self::Inputs,
targets: &Self::Targets)
-> (f64, Vec<f64>);
/// Trait for optimization algorithms.
pub trait OptimAlgorithm<M: Optimizable> {
/// Return the optimized parameter using gradient optimization.
/// Takes in a set of starting parameters and related model data.
fn optimize(&self,
model: &M,
start: &[f64],
inputs: &M::Inputs,
targets: &M::Targets)
-> Vec<f64>;
pub mod grad_desc;
pub mod fmincg;
/// Module for learning tools.
pub mod toolkit {
pub mod activ_fn;
pub mod cost_fn;
pub mod kernel;
pub mod rand_utils;
pub mod regularization;
#[cfg(feature = "stats")]
/// Module for computational statistics
pub mod stats {
/// Module for statistical distributions.
pub mod dist;
/// Module for evaluating models.
pub mod analysis {
pub mod confusion_matrix;
pub mod cross_validation;
pub mod score;
#[cfg(feature = "datasets")]
/// Module for datasets.
pub mod datasets;