blob: 0ef23e2e90155520d0558a760dd22f29bc94f5e9 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Neural Network Layers
use std::vec::*;
use linalg::{Matrix, MatrixSlice, BaseMatrix};
use learning::LearningResult;
use learning::error::{Error, ErrorKind};
use learning::toolkit::activ_fn::ActivationFunc;
use rand::thread_rng;
use rand::distributions::Sample;
use rand::distributions::normal::Normal;
use std::fmt::Debug;
/// Trait for neural net layers
pub trait NetLayer : Debug {
/// The result of propogating data forward through this layer
fn forward(&self, input: &Matrix<f64>, params: MatrixSlice<f64>) -> LearningResult<Matrix<f64>>;
/// The gradient of the output of this layer with respect to its input
fn back_input(&self, out_grad: &Matrix<f64>, input: &Matrix<f64>, output: &Matrix<f64>, params: MatrixSlice<f64>) -> Matrix<f64>;
/// The gradient of the output of this layer with respect to its parameters
fn back_params(&self, out_grad: &Matrix<f64>, input: &Matrix<f64>, output: &Matrix<f64>, params: MatrixSlice<f64>) -> Matrix<f64>;
/// The default value of the parameters of this layer before training
fn default_params(&self) -> Vec<f64>;
/// The shape of the parameters used by this layer
fn param_shape(&self) -> (usize, usize);
/// The number of parameters used by this layer
fn num_params(&self) -> usize {
let shape = self.param_shape();
shape.0 * shape.1
/// Linear network layer
/// Represents a fully connected layer with optional bias term
/// The parameters are a matrix of weights of size I x N
/// where N is the dimensionality of the output and I the dimensionality of the input
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Linear {
/// The number of dimensions of the input
input_size: usize,
/// The number of dimensions of the output
output_size: usize,
/// Whether or not to include a bias term
has_bias: bool,
impl Linear {
/// Construct a new Linear layer
pub fn new(input_size: usize, output_size: usize) -> Linear {
Linear {
input_size: input_size + 1,
output_size: output_size,
has_bias: true
/// Construct a Linear layer without a bias term
pub fn without_bias(input_size: usize, output_size: usize) -> Linear {
Linear {
input_size: input_size,
output_size: output_size,
has_bias: false
fn remove_first_col(mat: Matrix<f64>) -> Matrix<f64>
let rows = mat.rows();
let cols = mat.cols();
let mut data = mat.into_vec();
let len = data.len();
let mut del = 0;
let v = &mut *data;
for i in 0..len {
if i % cols == 0 {
del += 1;
} else if del > 0 {
v[i - del] = v[i];
if del > 0 {
data.truncate(len - del);
Matrix::new(rows, cols - 1, data)
impl NetLayer for Linear {
/// Computes a matrix product
/// input should have dimensions N x I
/// where N is the number of samples and I is the dimensionality of the input
fn forward(&self, input: &Matrix<f64>, params: MatrixSlice<f64>) -> LearningResult<Matrix<f64>> {
if self.has_bias {
if input.cols()+1 != params.rows() {
Err(Error::new(ErrorKind::InvalidData, "The input had the wrong number of columns"))
} else {
Ok(&Matrix::ones(input.rows(), 1).hcat(input) * &params)
} else {
if input.cols() != params.rows() {
Err(Error::new(ErrorKind::InvalidData, "The input had the wrong number of columns"))
} else {
Ok(input * &params)
fn back_input(&self, out_grad: &Matrix<f64>, _: &Matrix<f64>, _: &Matrix<f64>, params: MatrixSlice<f64>) -> Matrix<f64> {
debug_assert_eq!(out_grad.cols(), params.cols());
let gradient = out_grad * &params.transpose();
if self.has_bias {
} else {
fn back_params(&self, out_grad: &Matrix<f64>, input: &Matrix<f64>, _: &Matrix<f64>, _: MatrixSlice<f64>) -> Matrix<f64> {
debug_assert_eq!(input.rows(), out_grad.rows());
if self.has_bias {
&Matrix::ones(input.rows(), 1).hcat(input).transpose() * out_grad
} else {
&input.transpose() * out_grad
/// Initializes weights using Xavier initialization
/// weights drawn from gaussian distribution with 0 mean and variance 2/(input_size+output_size)
fn default_params(&self) -> Vec<f64> {
let mut distro = Normal::new(0.0, (2.0/(self.input_size+self.output_size) as f64).sqrt());
let mut rng = thread_rng();
(0..self.input_size*self.output_size).map(|_| distro.sample(&mut rng))
fn param_shape(&self) -> (usize, usize) {
(self.input_size, self.output_size)
impl<T: ActivationFunc> NetLayer for T {
/// Applies the activation function to each element of the input
fn forward(&self, input: &Matrix<f64>, _: MatrixSlice<f64>) -> LearningResult<Matrix<f64>> {
let mut output = Vec::with_capacity(input.rows()*input.cols());
for val in {
Ok(Matrix::new(input.rows(), input.cols(), output))
fn back_input(&self, out_grad: &Matrix<f64>, _: &Matrix<f64>, output: &Matrix<f64>, _: MatrixSlice<f64>) -> Matrix<f64> {
let mut in_grad = Vec::with_capacity(output.rows()*output.cols());
for (y, g) in {
in_grad.push(T::func_grad_from_output(*y) * g);
Matrix::new(output.rows(), output.cols(), in_grad)
fn back_params(&self, _: &Matrix<f64>, _: &Matrix<f64>, _: &Matrix<f64>, _: MatrixSlice<f64>) -> Matrix<f64> {
Matrix::new(0, 0, Vec::new())
fn default_params(&self) -> Vec<f64> {
fn param_shape(&self) -> (usize, usize) {
(0, 0)