blob: 567f29da73e237270ff1016a565e0f73bafa59de [file] [log] [blame]
//! Neural Network module
//! Contains implementation of simple feed forward neural network.
//! # Usage
//! ```
//! use rusty_machine::learning::nnet::{NeuralNet, BCECriterion};
//! use rusty_machine::learning::toolkit::regularization::Regularization;
//! use rusty_machine::learning::toolkit::activ_fn::Sigmoid;
//! use rusty_machine::learning::optim::grad_desc::StochasticGD;
//! use rusty_machine::linalg::Matrix;
//! use rusty_machine::learning::SupModel;
//! let inputs = Matrix::new(5,3, vec![1.,1.,1.,2.,2.,2.,3.,3.,3.,
//! 4.,4.,4.,5.,5.,5.,]);
//! let targets = Matrix::new(5,3, vec![1.,0.,0.,0.,1.,0.,0.,0.,1.,
//! 0.,0.,1.,0.,0.,1.]);
//! // Set the layer sizes - from input to output
//! let layers = &[3,5,11,7,3];
//! // Choose the BCE criterion with L2 regularization (`lambda=0.1`).
//! let criterion = BCECriterion::new(Regularization::L2(0.1));
//! // We will create a multilayer perceptron and just use the default stochastic gradient descent.
//! let mut model = NeuralNet::mlp(layers, criterion, StochasticGD::default(), Sigmoid);
//! // Train the model!
//! model.train(&inputs, &targets).unwrap();
//! let test_inputs = Matrix::new(2,3, vec![1.5,1.5,1.5,5.1,5.1,5.1]);
//! // And predict new output from the test inputs
//! let outputs = model.predict(&test_inputs).unwrap();
//! ```
//! The neural networks are specified via a criterion - similar to
//! [Torch](
//! The criterions specify a cost function and any regularization.
//! You can define your own criterion by implementing the `Criterion`
//! trait with a concrete `CostFunc`.
pub mod net_layer;
use std::vec::*;
use std::boxed::*;
use linalg::{Matrix, MatrixSlice};
use rulinalg::utils;
use learning::{LearningResult, SupModel};
use learning::error::{Error, ErrorKind};
use learning::toolkit::activ_fn;
use learning::toolkit::activ_fn::ActivationFunc;
use learning::toolkit::cost_fn;
use learning::toolkit::cost_fn::CostFunc;
use learning::toolkit::regularization::Regularization;
use learning::optim::{Optimizable, OptimAlgorithm};
use learning::optim::grad_desc::StochasticGD;
use self::net_layer::NetLayer;
/// Neural Network Model
/// The Neural Network struct specifies a `Criterion` and
/// a gradient descent algorithm.
pub struct NeuralNet<T, A>
where T: Criterion,
A: OptimAlgorithm<BaseNeuralNet<T>>
base: BaseNeuralNet<T>,
alg: A,
/// Supervised learning for the Neural Network.
/// The model is trained using back propagation.
impl<T, A> SupModel<Matrix<f64>, Matrix<f64>> for NeuralNet<T, A>
where T: Criterion,
A: OptimAlgorithm<BaseNeuralNet<T>>
/// Predict neural network output using forward propagation.
fn predict(&self, inputs: &Matrix<f64>) -> LearningResult<Matrix<f64>> {
/// Train the model using gradient optimization and back propagation.
fn train(&mut self, inputs: &Matrix<f64>, targets: &Matrix<f64>) -> LearningResult<()> {
let optimal_w = self.alg.optimize(&self.base, &self.base.weights, inputs, targets);
self.base.weights = optimal_w;
impl NeuralNet<BCECriterion, StochasticGD> {
/// Creates a neural network with the specified layer sizes.
/// The layer sizes slice should include the input, hidden layers, and output layer sizes.
/// The type of activation function must be specified.
/// Uses the default settings (stochastic gradient descent and sigmoid activation function).
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use rusty_machine::learning::nnet::NeuralNet;
/// // Create a neural net with 4 layers, 3 neurons in each.
/// let layers = &[3; 4];
/// let mut net = NeuralNet::default(layers);
/// ```
pub fn default(layer_sizes: &[usize]) -> NeuralNet<BCECriterion, StochasticGD> {
NeuralNet {
base: BaseNeuralNet::default(layer_sizes, activ_fn::Sigmoid),
alg: StochasticGD::default(),
impl<T, A> NeuralNet<T, A>
where T: Criterion,
A: OptimAlgorithm<BaseNeuralNet<T>>
/// Create a new neural network with no layers
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use rusty_machine::learning::nnet::BCECriterion;
/// use rusty_machine::learning::nnet::NeuralNet;
/// use rusty_machine::learning::optim::grad_desc::StochasticGD;
/// // Create a an empty neural net
/// let mut net = NeuralNet::new(BCECriterion::default(), StochasticGD::default());
/// ```
pub fn new(criterion: T, alg: A) -> NeuralNet<T, A> {
NeuralNet {
base: BaseNeuralNet::new(criterion),
alg: alg,
/// Create a multilayer perceptron with the specified layer sizes.
/// The layer sizes slice should include the input, hidden layers, and output layer sizes.
/// The type of activation function must be specified.
/// Currently defaults to simple batch Gradient Descent for optimization.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use rusty_machine::learning::nnet::BCECriterion;
/// use rusty_machine::learning::nnet::NeuralNet;
/// use rusty_machine::learning::toolkit::activ_fn::Sigmoid;
/// use rusty_machine::learning::optim::grad_desc::StochasticGD;
/// // Create a neural net with 4 layers, 3 neurons in each.
/// let layers = &[3; 4];
/// let mut net = NeuralNet::mlp(layers, BCECriterion::default(), StochasticGD::default(), Sigmoid);
/// ```
pub fn mlp<U>(layer_sizes: &[usize], criterion: T, alg: A, activ_fn: U) -> NeuralNet<T, A>
where U: ActivationFunc + 'static {
NeuralNet {
base: BaseNeuralNet::mlp(layer_sizes, criterion, activ_fn),
alg: alg,
/// Adds the specified layer to the end of the network
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use rusty_machine::linalg::BaseMatrix;
/// use rusty_machine::learning::nnet::BCECriterion;
/// use rusty_machine::learning::nnet::NeuralNet;
/// use rusty_machine::learning::nnet::net_layer::Linear;
/// use rusty_machine::learning::optim::grad_desc::StochasticGD;
/// // Create a new neural net
/// let mut net = NeuralNet::new(BCECriterion::default(), StochasticGD::default());
/// // Give net an input layer of size 3, hidden layer of size 4, and output layer of size 5
/// // This net will not apply any activation function to the Linear layer outputs
/// net.add(Box::new(Linear::new(3, 4)))
/// .add(Box::new(Linear::new(4, 5)));
/// ```
pub fn add<'a>(&'a mut self, layer: Box<NetLayer>) -> &'a mut NeuralNet<T, A> {
/// Adds multiple layers to the end of the network
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use rusty_machine::linalg::BaseMatrix;
/// use rusty_machine::learning::nnet::BCECriterion;
/// use rusty_machine::learning::nnet::NeuralNet;
/// use rusty_machine::learning::nnet::net_layer::{NetLayer, Linear};
/// use rusty_machine::learning::toolkit::activ_fn::Sigmoid;
/// use rusty_machine::learning::optim::grad_desc::StochasticGD;
/// // Create a new neural net
/// let mut net = NeuralNet::new(BCECriterion::default(), StochasticGD::default());
/// let linear_sig: Vec<Box<NetLayer>> = vec![Box::new(Linear::new(5, 5)), Box::new(Sigmoid)];
/// // Give net a layer of size 5, followed by a Sigmoid activation function
/// net.add_layers(linear_sig);
/// ```
pub fn add_layers<'a, U>(&'a mut self, layers: U) -> &'a mut NeuralNet<T, A>
where U: IntoIterator<Item = Box<NetLayer>> {
/// Gets matrix of weights between specified layer and forward layer.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use rusty_machine::linalg::BaseMatrix;
/// use rusty_machine::learning::nnet::NeuralNet;
/// // Create a neural net with 4 layers, 3 neurons in each.
/// let layers = &[3; 4];
/// let mut net = NeuralNet::default(layers);
/// let w = &net.get_net_weights(2);
/// // We add a bias term to the weight matrix
/// assert_eq!(w.rows(), 4);
/// assert_eq!(w.cols(), 3);
/// ```
pub fn get_net_weights(&self, idx: usize) -> MatrixSlice<f64> {
self.base.get_layer_weights(&self.base.weights[..], idx)
/// Base Neural Network struct
/// This struct cannot be instantiated and is used internally only.
pub struct BaseNeuralNet<T: Criterion> {
layers: Vec<Box<NetLayer>>,
weights: Vec<f64>,
criterion: T,
impl BaseNeuralNet<BCECriterion> {
/// Creates a base neural network with the specified layer sizes.
fn default<U>(layer_sizes: &[usize], activ_fn: U) -> BaseNeuralNet<BCECriterion>
where U: ActivationFunc + 'static {
BaseNeuralNet::mlp(layer_sizes, BCECriterion::default(), activ_fn)
impl<T: Criterion> BaseNeuralNet<T> {
/// Create a base neural network with no layers
fn new(criterion: T) -> BaseNeuralNet<T> {
BaseNeuralNet {
layers: Vec::new(),
weights: Vec::new(),
criterion: criterion
/// Create a multilayer perceptron with the specified layer sizes.
fn mlp<U>(layer_sizes: &[usize], criterion: T, activ_fn: U) -> BaseNeuralNet<T>
where U: ActivationFunc + 'static {
let mut mlp = BaseNeuralNet {
layers: Vec::with_capacity(2*(layer_sizes.len()-1)),
weights: Vec::new(),
criterion: criterion
for shape in {
mlp.add(Box::new(net_layer::Linear::new(shape[0], shape[1])));
/// Adds the specified layer to the end of the network
fn add<'a>(&'a mut self, layer: Box<NetLayer>) -> &'a mut BaseNeuralNet<T> {
/// Adds multiple layers to the end of the network
fn add_layers<'a, U>(&'a mut self, layers: U) -> &'a mut BaseNeuralNet<T>
where U: IntoIterator<Item = Box<NetLayer>>
for layer in layers {
/// Gets matrix of weights for the specified layer for the weights.
fn get_layer_weights(&self, weights: &[f64], idx: usize) -> MatrixSlice<f64> {
debug_assert!(idx < self.layers.len());
// Check that the weights are the right size.
let full_size: usize = self.layers.iter().map(|l| l.num_params()).sum();
debug_assert_eq!(full_size, weights.len());
let start: usize = self.layers.iter().take(idx).map(|l| l.num_params()).sum();
let shape = self.layers[idx].param_shape();
unsafe {
MatrixSlice::from_raw_parts(weights.as_ptr().offset(start as isize),
/// Compute the gradient using the back propagation algorithm.
fn compute_grad(&self,
weights: &[f64],
inputs: &Matrix<f64>,
targets: &Matrix<f64>)
-> (f64, Vec<f64>) {
let mut gradients = Vec::with_capacity(weights.len());
unsafe {
// activations[i] is the output of layer[i]
let mut activations = Vec::with_capacity(self.layers.len());
// params[i] is the weights for layer[i]
let mut params = Vec::with_capacity(self.layers.len());
// Forward propagation
let mut index = 0;
for (i, layer) in self.layers.iter().enumerate() {
let shape = layer.param_shape();
let slice = unsafe {
MatrixSlice::from_raw_parts(weights.as_ptr().offset(index as isize),
let output = if i == 0 {
layer.forward(inputs, slice).unwrap()
} else {
layer.forward(activations.last().unwrap(), slice).unwrap()
index += layer.num_params();
let output = activations.last().unwrap();
// Backward propagation
// The gradient with respect to the current layer's output
let mut out_grad = self.criterion.cost_grad(output, targets);
// at this point index == weights.len()
for (i, layer) in self.layers.iter().enumerate().rev() {
let activation = if i == 0 {inputs} else {&activations[i-1]};
let result = &activations[i];
index -= layer.num_params();
let grad_params = &mut gradients[index..index+layer.num_params()];
grad_params.copy_from_slice(layer.back_params(&out_grad, activation, result, params[i]).data());
out_grad = layer.back_input(&out_grad, activation, result, params[i]);
let mut cost = self.criterion.cost(output, targets);
if self.criterion.is_regularized() {
let all_params = unsafe {
MatrixSlice::from_raw_parts(weights.as_ptr(), weights.len(), 1, 1)
utils::in_place_vec_bin_op(&mut gradients,
|x, &y| *x = *x + y);
cost += self.criterion.reg_cost(all_params);
(cost, gradients)
/// Forward propagation of the model weights to get the outputs.
fn forward_prop(&self, inputs: &Matrix<f64>) -> LearningResult<Matrix<f64>> {
if self.layers.is_empty() {
return Ok(inputs.clone());
let mut outputs = unsafe {
let shape = self.layers[0].param_shape();
let slice = MatrixSlice::from_raw_parts(self.weights.as_ptr(),
try!(self.layers[0].forward(inputs, slice))
let mut index = self.layers[0].num_params();
for layer in self.layers.iter().skip(1) {
let shape = layer.param_shape();
let slice = unsafe {
MatrixSlice::from_raw_parts(self.weights.as_ptr().offset(index as isize),
outputs = match layer.forward(&outputs, slice) {
Ok(act) => act,
Err(_) => {return Err(Error::new(ErrorKind::InvalidParameters,
"The network's layers do not line up correctly."))}
index += layer.num_params();
/// Compute the gradient of the Neural Network using the
/// back propagation algorithm.
impl<T: Criterion> Optimizable for BaseNeuralNet<T> {
type Inputs = Matrix<f64>;
type Targets = Matrix<f64>;
/// Compute the gradient of the neural network.
fn compute_grad(&self,
params: &[f64],
inputs: &Matrix<f64>,
targets: &Matrix<f64>)
-> (f64, Vec<f64>) {
self.compute_grad(params, inputs, targets)
/// Criterion for Neural Networks
/// Specifies an activation function and a cost function.
pub trait Criterion {
/// The cost function for the criterion.
type Cost: CostFunc<Matrix<f64>>;
/// The cost function.
/// Returns a scalar cost.
fn cost(&self, outputs: &Matrix<f64>, targets: &Matrix<f64>) -> f64 {
Self::Cost::cost(outputs, targets)
/// The gradient of the cost function.
/// Returns a matrix of cost gradients.
fn cost_grad(&self, outputs: &Matrix<f64>, targets: &Matrix<f64>) -> Matrix<f64> {
Self::Cost::grad_cost(outputs, targets)
/// Returns the regularization for this criterion.
/// Will return `Regularization::None` by default.
fn regularization(&self) -> Regularization<f64> {
/// Checks if the current criterion includes regularization.
/// Will return `false` by default.
fn is_regularized(&self) -> bool {
match self.regularization() {
Regularization::None => false,
_ => true,
/// Returns the regularization cost for the criterion.
/// Will return `0` by default.
/// This method will not be invoked by the neural network
/// if there is explicitly no regularization.
fn reg_cost(&self, reg_weights: MatrixSlice<f64>) -> f64 {
/// Returns the regularization gradient for the criterion.
/// Will return a matrix of zeros by default.
/// This method will not be invoked by the neural network
/// if there is explicitly no regularization.
fn reg_cost_grad(&self, reg_weights: MatrixSlice<f64>) -> Matrix<f64> {
/// The binary cross entropy criterion.
/// Uses the Sigmoid activation function and the
/// cross entropy error.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct BCECriterion {
regularization: Regularization<f64>,
impl Criterion for BCECriterion {
type Cost = cost_fn::CrossEntropyError;
fn regularization(&self) -> Regularization<f64> {
/// Creates an MSE Criterion without any regularization.
impl Default for BCECriterion {
fn default() -> Self {
BCECriterion { regularization: Regularization::None }
impl BCECriterion {
/// Constructs a new BCECriterion with the given regularization.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use rusty_machine::learning::nnet::BCECriterion;
/// use rusty_machine::learning::toolkit::regularization::Regularization;
/// // Create a new BCE criterion with L2 regularization of 0.3.
/// let criterion = BCECriterion::new(Regularization::L2(0.3f64));
/// ```
pub fn new(regularization: Regularization<f64>) -> Self {
BCECriterion { regularization: regularization }
/// The mean squared error criterion.
/// Uses the Linear activation function and the
/// mean squared error.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct MSECriterion {
regularization: Regularization<f64>,
impl Criterion for MSECriterion {
type Cost = cost_fn::MeanSqError;
fn regularization(&self) -> Regularization<f64> {
/// Creates an MSE Criterion without any regularization.
impl Default for MSECriterion {
fn default() -> Self {
MSECriterion { regularization: Regularization::None }
impl MSECriterion {
/// Constructs a new BCECriterion with the given regularization.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use rusty_machine::learning::nnet::MSECriterion;
/// use rusty_machine::learning::toolkit::regularization::Regularization;
/// // Create a new MSE criterion with L2 regularization of 0.3.
/// let criterion = MSECriterion::new(Regularization::L2(0.3f64));
/// ```
pub fn new(regularization: Regularization<f64>) -> Self {
MSECriterion { regularization: regularization }