blob: 46c8531f4e62d6821734015bdf1e834065441e36 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Linear Regression module
//! Contains implemention of linear regression using
//! OLS and gradient descent optimization.
//! The regressor will automatically add the intercept term
//! so you do not need to format the input matrices yourself.
//! # Usage
//! ```
//! use rusty_machine::learning::lin_reg::LinRegressor;
//! use rusty_machine::learning::SupModel;
//! use rusty_machine::linalg::Matrix;
//! use rusty_machine::linalg::Vector;
//! let inputs = Matrix::new(4,1,vec![1.0,3.0,5.0,7.0]);
//! let targets = Vector::new(vec![1.,5.,9.,13.]);
//! let mut lin_mod = LinRegressor::default();
//! // Train the model
//! lin_mod.train(&inputs, &targets).unwrap();
//! // Now we'll predict a new point
//! let new_point = Matrix::new(1,1,vec![10.]);
//! let output = lin_mod.predict(&new_point).unwrap();
//! // Hopefully we classified our new point correctly!
//! assert!(output[0] > 17f64, "Our regressor isn't very good!");
//! ```
use std::vec::*;
use linalg::{Matrix, BaseMatrix};
use linalg::Vector;
use learning::{LearningResult, SupModel};
use learning::toolkit::cost_fn::CostFunc;
use learning::toolkit::cost_fn::MeanSqError;
use learning::optim::grad_desc::GradientDesc;
use learning::optim::{OptimAlgorithm, Optimizable};
use learning::error::Error;
/// Linear Regression Model.
/// Contains option for optimized parameter.
pub struct LinRegressor {
/// The parameters for the regression model.
parameters: Option<Vector<f64>>,
impl Default for LinRegressor {
fn default() -> LinRegressor {
LinRegressor { parameters: None }
impl LinRegressor {
/// Get the parameters from the model.
/// Returns an option that is None if the model has not been trained.
pub fn parameters(&self) -> Option<&Vector<f64>> {
impl SupModel<Matrix<f64>, Vector<f64>> for LinRegressor {
/// Train the linear regression model.
/// Takes training data and output values as input.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use rusty_machine::learning::lin_reg::LinRegressor;
/// use rusty_machine::linalg::Matrix;
/// use rusty_machine::linalg::Vector;
/// use rusty_machine::learning::SupModel;
/// let mut lin_mod = LinRegressor::default();
/// let inputs = Matrix::new(3,1, vec![2.0, 3.0, 4.0]);
/// let targets = Vector::new(vec![5.0, 6.0, 7.0]);
/// lin_mod.train(&inputs, &targets).unwrap();
/// ```
fn train(&mut self, inputs: &Matrix<f64>, targets: &Vector<f64>) -> LearningResult<()> {
let ones = Matrix::<f64>::ones(inputs.rows(), 1);
let full_inputs = ones.hcat(inputs);
let xt = full_inputs.transpose();
self.parameters = Some((&xt * full_inputs).solve(&xt * targets)?);
/// Predict output value from input data.
/// Model must be trained before prediction can be made.
fn predict(&self, inputs: &Matrix<f64>) -> LearningResult<Vector<f64>> {
if let Some(ref v) = self.parameters {
let ones = Matrix::<f64>::ones(inputs.rows(), 1);
let full_inputs = ones.hcat(inputs);
Ok(full_inputs * v)
} else {
impl Optimizable for LinRegressor {
type Inputs = Matrix<f64>;
type Targets = Vector<f64>;
fn compute_grad(&self,
params: &[f64],
inputs: &Matrix<f64>,
targets: &Vector<f64>)
-> (f64, Vec<f64>) {
let beta_vec = Vector::new(params.to_vec());
let outputs = inputs * beta_vec;
let cost = MeanSqError::cost(&outputs, targets);
let grad = (inputs.transpose() * (outputs - targets)) / (inputs.rows() as f64);
(cost, grad.into_vec())
impl LinRegressor {
/// Train the linear regressor using Gradient Descent.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use rusty_machine::learning::lin_reg::LinRegressor;
/// use rusty_machine::learning::SupModel;
/// use rusty_machine::linalg::Matrix;
/// use rusty_machine::linalg::Vector;
/// let inputs = Matrix::new(4,1,vec![1.0,3.0,5.0,7.0]);
/// let targets = Vector::new(vec![1.,5.,9.,13.]);
/// let mut lin_mod = LinRegressor::default();
/// // Train the model
/// lin_mod.train_with_optimization(&inputs, &targets);
/// // Now we'll predict a new point
/// let new_point = Matrix::new(1,1,vec![10.]);
/// let _ = lin_mod.predict(&new_point).unwrap();
/// ```
pub fn train_with_optimization(&mut self, inputs: &Matrix<f64>, targets: &Vector<f64>) {
let ones = Matrix::<f64>::ones(inputs.rows(), 1);
let full_inputs = ones.hcat(inputs);
let initial_params = vec![0.; full_inputs.cols()];
let gd = GradientDesc::default();
let optimal_w = gd.optimize(self, &initial_params[..], &full_inputs, targets);
self.parameters = Some(Vector::new(optimal_w));