blob: 124c7c516e163ee815fe6636cb577e7df5036aac [file] [log] [blame]
//! The Normalizing Transformer
//! This module contains the `Normalizer` transformer.
//! The `Normalizer` transformer is used to transform input data
//! so that the norm of each row is equal to 1. By default the
//! `Normalizer` uses the `Euclidean` norm.
//! If input data has a row with all 0, `Normalizer` keeps the row as it is.
//! Because transformation is performed per row independently,
//! inverse transformation is not supported.
//! # Examples
//! ```
//! use rusty_machine::data::transforms::{Transformer, Normalizer};
//! use rusty_machine::linalg::Matrix;
//! // Constructs a new `Normalizer`
//! let mut transformer = Normalizer::default();
//! let inputs = Matrix::new(2, 2, vec![-1.0, 2.0, 1.5, 3.0]);
//! // Transform the inputs
//! let transformed = transformer.transform(inputs).unwrap();
//! ```
use std::vec::*;
use learning::error::{Error, ErrorKind};
use linalg::{Matrix, MatrixSlice, BaseMatrix, BaseMatrixMut};
use rulinalg::norm::{MatrixNorm, Euclidean};
use super::Transformer;
use libnum::Float;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
/// The Normalizer
/// The Normalizer provides an implementation of `Transformer`
/// which allows us to transform the all rows to have the same norm.
/// The default `Normalizer` will use the `Euclidean` norm.
/// See the module description for more information.
pub struct Normalizer<T: Float, M>
where for<'a> M: MatrixNorm<T, MatrixSlice<'a, T>>
norm: M,
_marker: PhantomData<T>
/// Create a `Normalizer` with a Euclidean norm.
impl<T: Float> Default for Normalizer<T, Euclidean> {
fn default() -> Self {
Normalizer {
norm: Euclidean,
_marker: PhantomData,
impl<T: Float, M> Normalizer<T, M>
where for<'a> M: MatrixNorm<T, MatrixSlice<'a, T>>
/// Constructs a new `Normalizer` with given norm.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use rusty_machine::data::transforms::Normalizer;
/// use rusty_machine::linalg::norm::Euclidean;
/// // Constructs a new `Normalizer`
/// let _ = Normalizer::<f64, Euclidean>::new(Euclidean);
/// ```
pub fn new(norm: M) -> Self {
Normalizer {
norm: norm,
_marker: PhantomData
impl<T: Float, M> Transformer<Matrix<T>> for Normalizer<T, M>
where for<'a> M: MatrixNorm<T, MatrixSlice<'a, T>>
fn transform(&mut self, mut inputs: Matrix<T>) -> Result<Matrix<T>, Error> {
let dists: Vec<T> = inputs.row_iter().map(|m| self.norm.norm(&*m)).collect();
for (mut row, &d) in inputs.row_iter_mut().zip(dists.iter()) {
if !d.is_finite() {
return Err(Error::new(ErrorKind::InvalidData,
"Some data point is non-finite."));
} else if d != T::zero() {
// no change if distance is 0
*row /= d;
mod tests {
use super::*;
use super::super::Transformer;
use linalg::Matrix;
use std::f64;
fn nan_data_test() {
let inputs = Matrix::new(2, 2, vec![f64::NAN; 4]);
let mut normalizer = Normalizer::default();
let res = normalizer.transform(inputs);
fn inf_data_test() {
let inputs = Matrix::new(2, 2, vec![f64::INFINITY; 4]);
let mut normalizer = Normalizer::default();
let res = normalizer.transform(inputs);
fn single_row_test() {
let inputs = matrix![1.0, 2.0];
let mut normalizer = Normalizer::default();
let transformed = normalizer.transform(inputs).unwrap();
let exp = matrix![0.4472135954999579, 0.8944271909999159];
assert_matrix_eq!(transformed, exp);
fn basic_normalizer_test() {
let inputs = matrix![-1.0f32, 2.0;
0.0, 3.0];
let mut normalizer = Normalizer::default();
let transformed = normalizer.transform(inputs).unwrap();
let exp = matrix![-0.4472135954999579, 0.8944271909999159;
0., 1.];
assert_matrix_eq!(transformed, exp);
let inputs = matrix![1., 2.;
10., 20.;
100., 200.];
let transformed = normalizer.transform(inputs).unwrap();
let exp = matrix![0.4472135954999579, 0.8944271909999159;
0.4472135954999579, 0.8944271909999159;
0.4472135954999579, 0.8944271909999159];
assert_matrix_eq!(transformed, exp);
let inputs = matrix![1., 2., 10.;
0., 10., 20.;
100., 10., 200.;
0., 0., 0.];
let transformed = normalizer.transform(inputs).unwrap();
let exp = matrix![0.09759000729485333, 0.19518001458970666, 0.9759000729485332;
0., 0.4472135954999579, 0.8944271909999159;
0.4467670516087703, 0.04467670516087703, 0.8935341032175406;
0., 0., 0.];
assert_matrix_eq!(transformed, exp);